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Everything posted by ColonolNutty

  1. Knotting occurs when a Sim with a Knot has an orgasm.
  2. Try selecting one in the body part selection dialog 1. There are very few animations properly tagged for watersports. Use the Animation Customization feature of Devious Desires to remedy this. 2. I am currently in the process of redoing how animation initiation functions.
  3. Check the pregnancy criteria on the Wiki https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Pregnancy and if you are using DD Milk Farm, there are extra criteria: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Milk_Farm_for_DeviousDesires#Sex_.26_Pregnancy_Changes
  4. No locations are found because no animations are available because very few animations are tagged for it.
  5. Welcome to version 3.0! There are a ton of changes that were made, too many to list here, check the included changelog for all the details! Most of the changes were around Nudity itself - If you have S4CM installed, the Select Equipment and Select Body Part dialogs will appear under Click on Sim -> Outfits -> Nudity -> Select Dialog - Otherwise they appear under Click on Sim -> Devious Desires -> Nudity -> Select Dialog - When selecting a custom part for any part location, make sure you select only a single part! (Unless you are selecting the entirety of underwear, then select as many parts as you wish) - If a body part uses one of the normal body locations, such as the Head part (HAT), any CAS Part chosen when choosing a custom part that takes the matching body location, DD will take that part over any others you select, so be sure to remove parts that take the body location before trying to select custom parts that don't take the location. For example, remove any Hats you may be wearing if you wish to choose a Head part that does not take the Hat slot. - Some things you likely won't find in the changelog, so I'll list em here: - Don't be surprised if after installing 3.0 your Sims immediately go to masturbate! (If you have the autonomy setting enabled, of course) - I upped how much the Sex Motive increases when Sims have sex, hopefully this will result in less "Low Sex Motive" buffs sticking around seemingly forever. - Masturbation Autonomy is completely based on whether a Sim has less than -75 in their sex motive. There is not currently any privacy implemented, since it was quite performance heavy when I did implement it, but I still want to figure out better ways to introduce it so you don't end up with Sims doing it in front of their Child/Toddler Sims. - I figured out how to get Sims to put things down, so if a Sim were to masturbate, they will make sure to put whatever they are holding down, if they happen to be holding a Sim, such as a Small Dog or Toddler, they won't try to masturbate at all, at least until they put the Sim down. (You can't even initiate it manually while they hold the Sim) - Many new tags have been added to the list of animation and animation actor tags as well.
  6. The majority, but not Devious Desires Define "Don't Work"
  7. View File Devious Desires Devious Desires Overview: A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come! Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish. This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a replacement to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes. If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds! Teen Sims are between the ages of 18 and 19. All involved Sims Teen and Above both Human and Animal are considered to be consenting adults ages 18 and up. Regardless of what anyone else tells you, this is how DD treats these Sims. Devious Desires does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the acts seen or performed by its users. Devious Desires is a Hentai mod above all, if you cannot handle Hentai, then Devious Desires is not the mod for you. Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord Language: English Game Version: (Businesses and Hobbies) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Animations: Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this! Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility. Additions: Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires: Translations: Special Thanks: Jiji JustMe Nicholas Kreuz Pariah3J Disclaimer: All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof! All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod. All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon. Submitter ColonolNutty Submitted 04/28/2021 Category Adult
  8. Looks like a problem many many people are seeing, I recommend removing "Secretcrush:Realpussy_v01", it is the one causing the error.
  9. Mod Authors need to add support for bindings in their mods. I added support for bstyles bindings in SS itself.
  10. I need your exception file before I can tell you a solution. Take a look at these steps for locating it. https://github.com/ColonolNutty/Sims4CommunityLibrary/wiki/Troubleshooting-Mods%2C-Both-Using-Or-Not-Using-S4CL#problem-reporting
  11. Version v3.9


    Sim Snatcher Overview: A mod with a focus on enslaving Sims and selling them to other Sims (With more "stealing" focuses planned for the future). These Slaves can be trained and will do various chores around the house as well or sold to a Slave Broker and provided to the Sims community! Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Discord Language: English Game Version: (Life&Death) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Translations: Usage (For Mod Authors):
  12. View File Sim Snatcher Sim Snatcher Overview: A mod with a focus on enslaving Sims and selling them to other Sims (With more "stealing" focuses planned for the future). These Slaves can be trained and will do various chores around the house as well or sold to a Slave Broker and provided to the Sims community! Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord Language: English Game Version: (Life&Death) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Translations: Usage (For Mod Authors): Submitter ColonolNutty Submitted 06/11/2021 Category Sims Mods
  13. I would prefer you ask for DD support in the discord via the link at the top of the description, but feel free to ask for support here in the comments and I'll do my best to help you out.
  14. Version 5.25.2


    Devious Desires Overview: A standalone mod that is all inclusive for The Sims 4 by adding the ability for Sims to engage in a variety of sexual and non-sexual acts, such as Basic Sex, Rough Sex, Zoophilia, Rape, Lactation Play, Incest, and Milking with more fetishes to come! Disclaimer: All fetishes are optional installs. If you aren't into a fetish, don't install the package file containing that fetish. This mod does not require Wicked Whims. It is made as a replacement to it. At its most basic function (without any extra features) Devious Desires is a plain old vanilla sex mod, no kinky, no pets, no outlandish fetishes. If you enjoy the mod leave a review and/or comment and spread the word about how much you like it! Check out my discord for my other mods as well as available test builds! Teen Sims are between the ages of 18 and 19. All involved Sims Teen and Above both Human and Animal are considered to be consenting adults ages 18 and up. Regardless of what anyone else tells you, this is how DD treats these Sims. Devious Desires does not endorse and is not responsible for any of the acts seen or performed by its users. Devious Desires is a Hentai mod above all, if you cannot handle Hentai, then Devious Desires is not the mod for you. Game/Creator: The Sims 4 [EA] Modder: ColonolNutty - Wiki - Discord Language: English Game Version: (Businesses and Hobbies) and above Features: Requirements: Installation: Animations: Modder Note: Devious Desires provides its own tuning framework, that allows extensive customization of animations and is very flexible, if you want to provide animations for Devious Desires and want the best support for your animation tunings use the DD tunings! Check the Wiki for more details as well as tutorials on how you may do this! Devious Desires is compatible with all animations made for Wicked Whims, though Wicked Whims is not required for this compatibility. Additions: Some other mods you may check out that utilize Devious Desires: Translations: Special Thanks: Jiji JustMe Nicholas Kreuz Pariah3J Disclaimer: All Sims under the age of Teen or anything involving Age Play will NOT and will NEVER be supported by or added to this mod now nor in the future. If you think it does contain this or you are told it contains this it is slander and should be ignored, simply look at the mod yourself for the proof! All Sims involved in Devious Desires actions are considered to have given their consent for sex, this includes both Animal Sims and Human Sims. The reason Animal Sims are considered to have given consent is because they have Want Levels (Just like the Human Sims) which must meet a certain threshold in order for an Animal Sim to accept sex or want sex with another Sim. No Animals or Humans were abused in the making or usage of this mod. All of the Devious Desires code is given freely with no strings attached. I do this as a hobby and enjoy working on it. This means that Devious Desires is supported solely of my own funds and not by my Patreon.
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