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Everything posted by ColonolNutty

  1. DD doesn't come with its own parts, you should install ones like Noirs You should try v3.10 that is available in my discord. Please ensure you install all of the requirements listed in the description (My mods do not break on patches, so the patch is unlikely to be the cause)
  2. Remove custom rigs outside of DD
  3. Under the directory are a few pages, each has links to animations: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/Devious_Desires_Home
  4. That is a strange error, it doesn't appear to be caused by DD, but it also doesn't indicate the actual cause either. Make sure your game is up to date is really all I can say.
  5. This mod does not conflict with any other mods. If there is a "conflict", you should assume it to be the other mods. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "original name", Devious Desires has always been Devious Desires. If you're getting exceptions, please share your exception files here, 99% of the time it is due to the user missing a requirement of Devious Desires or one of its requirements not being updated.
  6. If you read the dialog (Not sure if you understand english), it tells you that you are missing Mod Settings Menu and Sims 4 Community Library. Links to them can be found in the description under requirements.
  7. What missing files does it say are missing? Upload the exception file here.
  8. That is a good idea. I could probably use the mud bath as a reference and somehow change the colors lol
  9. 1. To have sex with Animal Sims, your Sim first needs to be romantic with them. 2. Sims only rape other Sims when they reach a certain arousal threshold. The entirety of autonomy depends on Arousal. Arousal can be seen by clicking on other Sims (or your own) -> Info -> Arousal - The rate at which Sims gain arousal may be changed in the settings.
  10. 1. Update S4CL 2. Remove Old versions of S4CL 3. Remove duplicate versions of S4CL 4. Remove S4CL, then put a fresh copy back in. 5. Remove sims4communitylib.config The only possibilities.
  11. Self impregnation does not work correctly right now because vanilla Sims 4 doesn't allow for only a single parent, I will need to look into ways of assigning a random other Sim as the "parent" or maybe even create a clone Sim as the "parent".
  12. Don't believe anything from MCCC, it is made by my enemies and enjoys pointing fingers at Devious Desires. The screenshot you showed me tells me that you did not read and install the Requirements listed in the description. You should try out the Brothels in the test build that is available in my discord
  13. You probably need to install Sims 4 Community Library, which is a requirement of all of my mods.
  14. Here are the criteria for Rough Sex: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Kinky_for_DeviousDesires#Rough_Sex
  15. There is a list of animations available in the wiki: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_Pets_for_DeviousDesires
  16. Depends on which mods it is saying are missing.
  17. Try doing this command `dd.force_body_initialize` while having them selected.
  18. Update Custom Slider Framework. A link can be found in the description of DD. Try the MissMe animations. Links to various animations may be found on the Wiki: https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/Devious_Desires_Home
  19. Integrating the "Likes Being Raped" fetish into the system is on the list of things to do.
  20. Cuckold hasn't been implemented fully yet.
  21. Update Sims 4 Community Library (S4CL) https://colonolnuttymodswiki.com/index.php/DD_General_for_DeviousDesires#Sex Can't help you if you don't say what the dialog says is missing. Check the Requirements list to ensure you did not miss any, because it sounds like you have. Depends on where the jealousy is happening. DD does not modify vanilla jealousy, but during DD Sex only. If you'd like to disable jealousy for Sims, you can make them a Player or you can enact the neighborhood action plan of Free Love.
  22. They actually just fail to be added when you are done in CAS, it is a known bug.
  23. Which mods does it say are missing?
  24. I haven't looked at them and am only guessing that you need to update Custom Slider Framework. Victim Sims always get a sad moodlet after being raped. Try going to a different lot and then coming back.
  25. Have you tried doing it with only DD and its requirements installed? If they still do not work, then you may add Fetishes from within the game by SHIFT+CLICK on Sim -> DD -> Modify Fetishes.
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