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Everything posted by ezg

  1. The mod works great, I love it and it's must have for my game. Any chance of bringing back the option you had to tell a slave they did a good job? If you're still working on this mod, I would love to have to fight and win to enslave them, have the friendship and romance levels go from whatever they were before the enslavement to about 3/4 red as in hate. Then over time the friendship and romance levels return to positive. Having them run away a couple of times in early levels would be nice. What about taking longer to get the obediance levels to 10? Last thing, sometimes when I tell a slave to do something, it takes a while. Is it possible to set it so orders are carried out almost immediately? Those are just my thoughts, if I were able to mod, that's what I would try to do. But I cannot mod so I very much appreciate this mod as is. it works great as it. I have found no problems with it. Thank you.
  2. I am doing that. I will start mentioning S4CL as well.
  3. it might help if we knew what that said.
  4. @ColonolNutty I see you are still having harassment issues with people saying your mods are bad and harmful. They are not. There are many of us who really appreciate your mods. How can we help? For anyone who reads this, I have been using his mods for a very long time and can tell you from 1st hand experience his mods are safe to use so if you like the content, give it a try. I'm not saying there are no bugs or issues but all mods have that. I'm simply saying it's safe to put in your game. I hope you don't mind me putting this here but I don't know any other way to reach out to you as I cannot afford Patreon at the moment.
  5. I want to thank both of you for answering my question. I am trying to help a friend out and will tell him what you said. It isn't a scam, no music is copyrighted (I know that for a fact) and I think his game qualifies based on the answers above. I will let him know and he can go from there.
  6. Thanks for replying. It's kind of confusing to me. I guess I will just have to play with it more. But it is causing conflict regarding the removal of clothing with "that other mod." I tried it by itself and no issues. I also tried DD by itself. I have to ask, is there a conflict issue between DD and WW? There wasn't before. Am I going to have to choose 1 or the other? If it's on their end, I already know they won't help...lol
  7. If someone is creating their own game, can they post about it here? Share info about and links to the game? The game I am referring to is at the testing stage where people can play it and give feedback. It's by no means finished but it's playable. If it's not against the rules, I would like to tell my friend he can post about his game here. Thanks in advance for any positive feedback.
  8. Ok. First off, all mods and the sims 4 are up to date. And big thanks to anyone that has positive feedback. I have a stripping issue. With wicked whims and devious desires both installed, I can select a female in or out of sex. Instant undress, remove top and the top is gone. That's great. But when I select remove bra, nothing happens. Same goes for the bottom half. I can select wicked whims, instant undress, undress bottom and the skirt or whatever goes away as it should. I repeat the process to remove panties and nothing happens. I have to select the option to take everything off to get a sim completely nude. I removed every mod from the game. Tried wicked whims by itself and it works fine. I removed wicked whims and put devious desires back in the game. It does seem to have a stripping issue. When I remove the shirt, there is never a bra and there should be. So as much as I hate to say this, I know the issue is DD related. Maybe something in settings I missed or did wrong? My goal is to get stripping back to what it was before I updated. I could remove any item (clothing, accessories and so on) 1 at a time or remove everything at once. Using ww instant undress. The above issues happen wether a sim is having sex just hanging out. Thanks in advance for any help. And for the record, outside of the stripping issue, DD seems to be working fine.
    The only reason I gave it 4 out of 5 stars is because nothing is perfect and 5 represents perfect. The mod works great, as advertized and is 1 of 3 must have mods for my Sims 4 game, @ColonolNutty being the mod author of 2 of those 3 mods (Simsnatcher and Devious Desires). The enslaving part works well and the features have no issues, at least for me. For example, we all know how sims just love to cook even though the fridge is well stocked with food. you can select a slave and forbid them to cook. That sim slave will never cook. At first, sims will refuse orders and you have to train them. As you train them, they do become more obedient, as it should be. You can order them to do just about anything. I recently had 2 slave sims and my 3 story home stayed very clean. For whatever it's worth, I highly recommend this mod. May I offer a few suggestions? If this is the wrong place for this, I apologize. 01:I wish the resistance was a little different. I think they capitulate too easily. Example: Level 1 should be they say no to everything of course. Level 2 they occasionally say yes. Level 3 they say yes a little more and it doesn't get to the point they always say yes until level 10 (or the max level). 02: Can you bring back the praise option? When they do as they are told, they should be praised with a "good job." 03: What about having to fight them and win to enslave them instead of the current way? 04: When a sim is enslaved, the friendship and romance bars automatically go 100% red as in the enslaved sim hates the one who enslaved them? 05: The only household sim that can order them around is the one that enslaved them,? Please don't think of the above as complaints or criticism, they are not. The above is merely suggestions on making it more realistic in my opinion. Thank you for this awesome mod.
  9. Hi, The only sex mod I currently have installed is Devious Desires 3.9. I also have the current version of all required mods to go with it. And I have the current version of The Sims 4. When I click on a sim outside of sex to remove the shirt, the female sim goes straight topless and it should go to bra, then remove bra to go topless. The same with pants, skirt or shorts. I click remove whatever the case may be and it should remove to panties and then if I choose, remove panties to completely nude. Previous versions didn't have this issue. In fact, until DD 3.9, I can't recall ever having any real issues to report other than maybe settings questions. In sex, I can start with a teasing animation such as simple kissing which doesn't require any clothing to be removed. It removes clothing anyway. I have been trying to work this out for a week or 2. Am I missing something in settings? Outside of sex and during sex I am trying to be able to choose what is removed. At the start of sex, no clothing should be removed regardless of the animation category. For example click a sim in or out of sex and for nudity select top and the shirt goes away leaving the female wearing a bra. Not go from shirt to straight topless. is it just me having these issues? Is there somewhere to get detailed information on what each option does? As I have said before, I very much appreciate the mod and all @ColonolNutty hard work and support. Thank you.
  10. Hi, DD and SN are my 2 favorite mods so I want to say right off the bat, if I had to choose between DD/Sn and the other, both mods working properly, I would choose DD. That being said, I hate to report that I had to uninstall DD as it is impacting nudity options. I know ColonolNutty has nothing to do with ww but DD is impacting instant nudity. I can instant undress shirt and skirt and accessories, but not bra/panties. I have to select undress everything to get a sim completely nude. Without DD, instant undress works fine. I moved every mod out of the mod folder, Got ww again, tried it and instant nudity works fine. Once I re downloaded DD, it went back to not being able to undress bra/panties individually. I have all required mods. I am aware they are 2 seperate and independent mods and this is the 1st time i've ever had this issue (since my recent updates). There is also an undress issue with DD itself. If I click undress shirt, it undresses shirt and bra, not just the shirt. Hopefully I am just missing something in settings? I placed all my mods back the the mods folder except dd,sn and their requirements. Everything seems to work as it should. I would really love to get DD and SN back in my game. I have used DD(kw?) and SN for a long time and I love them. Thank you for all the work and I look forward to being able to put them back in soon.
  11. Hi, First off big thanks to ColonolNutty for Devious Desires. I have the current version as of today (12.18.21) and it seems to be working fine so far, no issues with the mod working properly that I can find so far. But I am wondering if somehow it is conflicting with ww. I know they are separate and I have never had any issues running both in ts4. And I am aware of controversial issues I won't get into here. But I am having an issue with ww instant undress and mccc throws an error upon game start every time. Below is part of the error: Last Module Called: definition_manager.py Last Function Called: _load_definition_and_tuning Error message: [manus] Exception while finalizing tuning for <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.DeviousDesires_Leash_Walk_Human_Leash_Left_Hand'>. (UnavailablePackSafeResourceError), CategoryID: definition_manager:317 I have contacted ww and they said they had no issues. At this point, I don't know what else to do. When I click instant undress I can click top and or bottom and undress them to their underwear/bra. But in order to get them nude, I have to then click undress everything. ColonolNutty, I do not expect and would not ask you to fix a ww issues itself. I am only asking if for some reason, something in DD is causing my undress issues in WW, an unintentional conflict? Thanks again for the awesome mod and thanks for any helpful feedback WW, DD,Sn,TS4 all up to date.
  12. Hi and thanks for the awesome mod. If there is 1, can you tell me where the setting is to disable auto stripping. When I click dd and start, I would prefer nothing auto removed until I wanted it to. I know it's only supposed to strip for the appropriate animation but a no auto strip would be awesome. For example a female sim giving oral to a male sim, the female needs nothing auto stripped. That does happen. Thanks again for the awesome mod. It works great and I can't wait for you to finish the sleep part.
  13. I updated everything like @colonelnutty suggested. For now I have to always shift + click to start DD? Also, when I select climax the animation doesn't end. Am I missing something in settings? I have to manually click the DD stop for it to end. Lastly, when my game loads it shows 6691 out of 6800 animations loaded. Anyone have an idea why it isn't loading all my animations? And thank you for this and your helpful responses.
  14. Thanks. I guess I didn't read the version right for some reason. I am updating now. Or trying to anyway. My internet stinks
  15. Ok. I think I may have 2 issues hopefully someone can help with. I have the following versions: The Sims 4 Wicked Whims v162f Devious Desires I can't find the version info but I have had the current version around 3 weeks. Simsnatcher I can't find the version but have had it for around 3 weeks. S4cl I can't find the version but I think I updated it when I installed kw and sn a few weeks ago (around 3 weeks). Basemental Drugs 7.13.135 public I didn't start having the below issues until I installed devious desires and simsnatcher. That's why I think DD or SN may be the issue. I have all requirements for the above mods and I am playing on windows 10. Issue 1: There is serious lag when I tell a sim to do something. For example a dialogue option. I select something to say from the menu and there is a delayed response. They just stand there and then finally say it after several moments. Same with an order such as take shower. Issue 2: The ww strip club. I click an interaction such as ask for a private dance and nothing happens. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any positive responses.
  16. Ok. Any idea when the sleep setting will be working? I assume there is no way to disable individual layers? For example I would like to disable milk and tears layers but keep the cum layer if possible.
  17. Is there a way to select which layers to use or disable? By layers I am referring to tears, cum and milk. And by the way, a few real world weeks into DD & Simsnatcher and I am happy to report I have found no game play issues so far. I just gotta figure out how to fine tune the options to my liking. Also, is the sleep function not working yet? When I click on a sleeping sim I only get the option to wake up and more. When I select more, no sex option appears? Thanks again for the great mods and for the help responses @ColonolNutty
  18. Thanks for the info. I do have everything and the game is up to the required update. Is there a way to turn layers on or off? I am looking for that.
    I see this mod as just about equal to our alternative choice mod and has the potential to surpass it. The mod author seems to be trying to give us what we are looking for, and doing a great job of it. It's not perfect but it is awesome. Thank you for the mod Edit: I do currently use it and WW
  19. I recently upgraded to Devious Desires from an older version (KW) and so far I love it. I have noticed some things and I don't know if I have incorrect settings or there are some minor issues. My game version is TS4 (last updated for Snowy Escapes) and I got it through EA, not steam. My pc is windows 10, Alienware Aurora if any of that helps. when engaged in sex at a bathroom sink (male and female), the female had a strap on automatically equipped in a scene where she was in the female, not male role. I was able to unequip it through nudity settings but it appeared again in the next animation. also, using the nudity option to unequip clothing, when I unequipped her everyday outfit, it went to dd bra and panties (with strap on). I unequipped her panties and strap on and then unequipped the dd bra. Under the dd black bra was the bra I had chosen for her, which I could not find a way to unequip. And last but not least. When my sim is engaged with another sim in sex, is there a setting to avoid sims stripping? I prefer to choose what clothing is removed and when. Again, I don't know if I have incorrect settings or it's something else. I'm just mentioning the stuff in case. Thanks to @ColonolNutty for all the hard work. I have loved SN and KW and so far am really liking DD other than what I mentioned above. I recommend this mod to anyone of legal age who likes this kind of stuff.
  20. @ColonolNuttythank you. I would never have thought of that. I am going through settings now. Just before I found your mods here, I found your....crap I forgot the name. Where you pay (donate) monthly to help fund your stuff. As soon as I go back to work I plan on doing that. Again, thank you.
  21. If you're asking how to get to the next scene you can wait and it will automatically change. If you don't want to wait, select the sim(s) engaged in coitus. Then select devious desires. From there you can select which category as well as what animation within that category. If that's not what you're asking, my bad.
  22. Hi. I am new here and still trying to figure some things out. @ColonolNuttyis why I am here as I am a huge fan. Thank you for all your hard work. I previously had Kinky Whims and was happy with it but when I updated to Snowy Escapes it malfunctioned unfortunately. Anyway, I downloaded Devious Desires a couple of hours ago and have been playing with it. It works great as expected but I do have some questions. Is there no options menu? For example to enable or disable autonomy actions by npc's such as masterbation or assault? No option to enable/disable overlays (all or specific ones)? I have a high relationship with a sim. Around 90% friendly and 75% romantic according to the bar. If I ask for sex in WW she happily says yes. If I ask in DD, she is not interested in me? Is there a way to adjust success/failure rate in interactions such as asking for sex, assault and so on? I do not want to always succeed, but I do want to succeed more than I am so far haha. I have read everything on the DD page multiple times. Am I missing something? Thanks again to @ColonolNuttyfor the awesome work. And thanks in advance to any helpful responses.
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