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LadySmoks last won the day on July 10 2024
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LadySmoks started following LS_RedRidingHood
LadySmoks started following LS_RedRidingHood
View File LS_RedRidingHood LadySmoks presents... Not so "Little Red Riding Hood"!!! Well, I've been taking a break from my ITF garments revamp and new FemmeBots, and while looking around DeviantArt.com, came across a cute Red Riding Hood model, pulled from DOA5, by Sticklove. So... I decided to do an XPS to TS3 conversion. A bit of hair pulling, and a couple bottles of vodka later, her she is! I thought things came out well enough, so I am sharing this one. Not all work out. I made the hood as a hair/ hat for a number of reasons. Because of positioning and length, there are quite a few bones. Making it as an accessory and hat sliders would have led to a lot of clipping. That, and having it fit multiple hairs would have made the hood so big, it would have looked silly! The hair part is Newsea's J147 Ferris Wheel, and available below. There are also several recolors out there. This is one of the hairs I use for "Lady". The hair was adjusted and "trimmed" a bit, to tuck inside the hood. The XPS model had boots, but during testing, I used the ones I uploaded here as part of Yennefer lack and White outfit, and never bothered with the ones from the original model. Morphs and most sliders work well, but if you go to extremes, I can't help you. I hope you like her!!! Credits: Newsea J147 Ferris Wheel http://www.newseasims.com/list-page.php?page=5&cid=1&sid=8&model=FEMALE Sticklove on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/sticklove/art/DOA5-Ultimate-Tina-Armstrong-halloween-410559579 Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 12/10/2024 Category Clothing
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... Not so "Little Red Riding Hood"!!! Well, I've been taking a break from my ITF garments revamp and new FemmeBots, and while looking around DeviantArt.com, came across a cute Red Riding Hood model, pulled from DOA5, by Sticklove. So... I decided to do an XPS to TS3 conversion. A bit of hair pulling, and a couple bottles of vodka later, her she is! I thought things came out well enough, so I am sharing this one. Not all work out. I made the hood as a hair/ hat for a number of reasons. Because of positioning and length, there are quite a few bones. Making it as an accessory and hat sliders would have led to a lot of clipping. That, and having it fit multiple hairs would have made the hood so big, it would have looked silly! The hair part is Newsea's J147 Ferris Wheel, and available below. There are also several recolors out there. This is one of the hairs I use for "Lady". The hair was adjusted and "trimmed" a bit, to tuck inside the hood. The XPS model had boots, but during testing, I used the ones I uploaded here as part of Yennefer lack and White outfit, and never bothered with the ones from the original model. Morphs and most sliders work well, but if you go to extremes, I can't help you. I hope you like her!!! Credits: Newsea J147 Ferris Wheel http://www.newseasims.com/list-page.php?page=5&cid=1&sid=8&model=FEMALE Sticklove on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/sticklove/art/DOA5-Ultimate-Tina-Armstrong-halloween-410559579 -
GlaceonRats started following LadySmoks
LadySmoks started following LS_Batmobiles
LadySmoks started following LS_Batmobiles
View File LS_Batmobiles LadySmoks presents... 2 Batmobiles!!! Well, I'm makiing some cars and motorcycles. They may not be the best, but they are different from what's out there for TS3. BATMAN!!! First is the Batmobile from Batman Vs Superman. It's converted from a model by sab64 on DeviantArt. I learned a lot while making these. I knew vehicles was nothing like garments, but it's really another world! The second Batmobile is the original one from 1966 TV show and movie. The model was converted from MMD model by caplagrobin on DeviantArt. BVS has 2 presets, battle worn and one that's more black. 1966 is strictly overlay. Neither are much for recolor, but who ever heard of a pink Batmobile anyway? So, these are my first, and getting things to work was... fun ......... Anyway, I did manage to get the wheels to spin, and the lights sorta work ok, so there's that. Understand that I had absolutely no clue what I was doing when I started these projects, and kinda just picked an EA car as donor, and ran with it. So both Batmobiles require EP4 Generations EP. I hope you like them! Batpod, my version of Batgirl Cycle and some hover bikes are coming soon... soonish... Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 08/10/2024 Category Clothing
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... 2 Batmobiles!!! Well, I'm makiing some cars and motorcycles. They may not be the best, but they are different from what's out there for TS3. BATMAN!!! First is the Batmobile from Batman Vs Superman. It's converted from a model by sab64 on DeviantArt. I learned a lot while making these. I knew vehicles was nothing like garments, but it's really another world! The second Batmobile is the original one from 1966 TV show and movie. The model was converted from MMD model by caplagrobin on DeviantArt. BVS has 2 presets, battle worn and one that's more black. 1966 is strictly overlay. Neither are much for recolor, but who ever heard of a pink Batmobile anyway? So, these are my first, and getting things to work was... fun ......... Anyway, I did manage to get the wheels to spin, and the lights sorta work ok, so there's that. Understand that I had absolutely no clue what I was doing when I started these projects, and kinda just picked an EA car as donor, and ran with it. So both Batmobiles require EP4 Generations EP. I hope you like them! Batpod, my version of Batgirl Cycle and some hover bikes are coming soon... soonish... -
sims 3 The LadySmoks Fashion Boutique
LadySmoks commented on LadySmoks's blog entry in The LadySmoks Boutique
Thank you for your compliments. If you refer to her outfits in my avatar and my members page, I'm not sure. There are still a few things with the red and black outfit that I should fix, but just haven't gone back to those files.- 4 comments
- open bottom dress
- open bottom mini dress
(and 1 more)
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Sorry I had not seen this until now. The FemmeBot "manual" says that accys can be used. The issue with accy garments for bots is almost the same as for regular Sims. There are limits to vertices counts, and issues aligning bones to avoid clipping. Also, KW doesn't see bots as Sims, and garments don't come off during woohoo. The project got shelved a while ago, but with Denton 47 picking up KW, we'll see what comes of it. Send me a PM for this. You need to know Blender, MTK, TSRW, s3pe and GIMP. Those are the tools I use, so I can't help with Milkshape or other imaging programs.
LadySmoks started following LS_FemmeBot 5 Pack Plus
View File LS_FemmeBot 5 Pack Plus The LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project Part 3 FemmeBots!!! I will return to ITF clothing soon, but took a detour to Landgraab Industries "Mad Science Division" on newly named, FemmeBot lane. It was fun!!! So, 5 new FemmeBot chassis, converted from MMD models by Kuroyu on Deviant Art. Well, 4 new, and one remake of the Yukari bot. I have learned that for whatever reason (I really think the lack of morphs), the poly count limit for bots is considerably more than for Sim's garrments. And... I went with that! Some of the new bots may be as high as 60K, which would look like a Picasso if these were regular CAS outfits. The models are the ones in the cover photo. They are designed to use almost any head, but only tested using the "skin job" head, and a brand new, very special MMD style head. What's so special, you ask? BONES! At least some. The MikuX head has a working mouth! I was also able to paint limited eye bones, so the eyes move, but don't blink. I will continue to work on the MMD head, but wanted to share this early model. Also in this set are 3 new MMD style hairs. They are also designed to work with most heads, although only game tested on the "skin job" and Miku heads. NOTE: These are PLUMBOTS, and require EP11 Into The Future. Like any Plumbot, they are assembled at the bot station. Other FemmeBots, as well as the accy headgear for Yukari can be found at The LadySmoks Bot Shop. I hope you like them!!! Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 03/10/2024 Category Clothing
LadySmoks started following LS_FemmeBot 5 Pack Plus
Version 1.0.0
The LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project Part 3 FemmeBots!!! I will return to ITF clothing soon, but took a detour to Landgraab Industries "Mad Science Division" on newly named, FemmeBot lane. It was fun!!! So, 5 new FemmeBot chassis, converted from MMD models by Kuroyu on Deviant Art. Well, 4 new, and one remake of the Yukari bot. I have learned that for whatever reason (I really think the lack of morphs), the poly count limit for bots is considerably more than for Sim's garrments. And... I went with that! Some of the new bots may be as high as 60K, which would look like a Picasso if these were regular CAS outfits. The models are the ones in the cover photo. They are designed to use almost any head, but only tested using the "skin job" head, and a brand new, very special MMD style head. What's so special, you ask? BONES! At least some. The MikuX head has a working mouth! I was also able to paint limited eye bones, so the eyes move, but don't blink. I will continue to work on the MMD head, but wanted to share this early model. Also in this set are 3 new MMD style hairs. They are also designed to work with most heads, although only game tested on the "skin job" and Miku heads. NOTE: These are PLUMBOTS, and require EP11 Into The Future. Like any Plumbot, they are assembled at the bot station. Other FemmeBots, as well as the accy headgear for Yukari can be found at The LadySmoks Bot Shop. I hope you like them!!! -
I want to take time to say thank you to CmarNYC, for all the wonderful mods and tools over the many years. I heard rumors, but just avoided confirming for myself that Cmar had passed, but saw today, and can't deny it any longer. I'm very sad now.
sims 3 The LadySmoks Fashion Boutique
LadySmoks commented on LadySmoks's blog entry in The LadySmoks Boutique
The closest to latex that I have in the works right now is a remake of the ITF diamonds dress. Taking a break from that for the moment, and doing some bots, but will get back to it soon.- 4 comments
- open bottom dress
- open bottom mini dress
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
The LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project Part 2 Oasis Landing has been a fashion faux pas for more than a decade. We have all seen it, and cringed. The time has come to fix what EA did. I mean, they made Star Trek fashion look good by comparison, right? So, part 2 of my beautication project is here. These are 4 Into The Future YA/ A female DEFAULT replacement dresses. EP11, Into The Future is REQUIRED. Yes, I made a non-default version of the Day Dress a while ago, but I think this one is better... Meaning a bit less fabric was used! All are open bottom mini versions of the EA dresses. All feature my priyatna bottom mesh and soft nipples. All retain characteristics of the EA dresses, including color presets. These dresses do not have teen or elder versions. I will include teen and elder versions with garments that do also have them. Bones and morphs work well, except the pregnant morphs. They are there, but I unchecked them because they did not move well. You can reselect the option in S3PE, but I wouldn't! There may be some clipping during woohoo, if you are using Kinky World or Passion, and the mod fails to undress the Sim. I am not done yet! There are still more ITF garments to come. I am also working on default replacements for base game and other EP's. I hope you like them!!! ATTENTION!!! It has been brought to my attention that CASP Editor tool may cause issues with morphs. I don't use that program, but if you do, and are seeing morph issues, check there.- 1 review
- 7
- default replacement
- into the future
- (and 4 more)
View File LS_Future Beautification Project Part 2 The LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project Part 2 Oasis Landing has been a fashion faux pas for more than a decade. We have all seen it, and cringed. The time has come to fix what EA did. I mean, they made Star Trek fashion look good by comparison, right? So, part 2 of my beautication project is here. These are 4 Into The Future YA/ A female DEFAULT replacement dresses. EP11, Into The Future is REQUIRED. Yes, I made a non-default version of the Day Dress a while ago, but I think this one is better... Meaning a bit less fabric was used! All are open bottom mini versions of the EA dresses. All feature my priyatna bottom mesh and soft nipples. All retain characteristics of the EA dresses, including color presets. These dresses do not have teen or elder versions. I will include teen and elder versions with garments that do also have them. Bones and morphs work well, except the pregnant morphs. They are there, but I unchecked them because they did not move well. You can reselect the option in S3PE, but I wouldn't! There may be some clipping during woohoo, if you are using Kinky World or Passion, and the mod fails to undress the Sim. I am not done yet! There are still more ITF garments to come. I am also working on default replacements for base game and other EP's. I hope you like them!!! Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 01/08/2024 Category Clothing
- default replacement
- open bottom dress
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project... Part 1 I like playing in Oasis Landing, but cringe on arrival, once I see what EA thinks is "future fashion"! So, I decided to do something about it!!! For some time, I have been working on ITF default replacements for female Sims, and am sharing the first two that I think are ready. NOTE: These are default replacements, and EP11, Into The Future, is required. First up is the af Metal Dress. It features an open bottom (DUH!) and a bit of "peek-a-boo(b)" action, and is a bit higher hemline than EA. Aside from that, it retains the basics of the EA dress, including preset color scheme. Next, is one reason this is taking some time. EA uses the same texture images for teen thru elder. Change one, you must change them all. This is af Suit Ruffles. I know I did a non-default a while ago, but this is a default version, and I think, a little better. Like the Metal Dress, this one is open bottom, shorter hemline but has "soft nips", because they went too far with that "global warming" crap, and now it's a bit "nippy" in the future! OY! TheSuit Ruffles has an elder version. My apologies, but I saw Madonna rolling across Kimmel's desk, and for that reason, did not make this a short, open bottom. In fact, it looks pretty much like EA's dress. WARNING: If you install the af version, you will need to install the elder version as well, because I replaced the default textures and the old EA elder dress won't work with my new textures. If anyone wants to convert these to base game, go ahead! If anyone wants to make the elder dress, open bottom, again... I have no problem with that! I can give you some help with doing either one. I have been working on pretty much all female ITF garments, including shoes and some hairs, as well as default replacements for a few other things. Work goes slow, but I hope to get more ready soon. I hope you like them!!!- 1 review
- 5
- open bottom mini dress
- ladysmoks
- (and 4 more)
View File LS_Future Beautification Project Part 1 LadySmoks presents... The Future Beautification Project... Part 1 I like playing in Oasis Landing, but cringe on arrival, once I see what EA thinks is "future fashion"! So, I decided to do something about it!!! For some time, I have been working on ITF default replacements for female Sims, and am sharing the first two that I think are ready. NOTE: These are default replacements, and EP11, Into The Future, is required. First up is the af Metal Dress. It features an open bottom (DUH!) and a bit of "peek-a-boo(b)" action, and is a bit higher hemline than EA. Aside from that, it retains the basics of the EA dress, including preset color scheme. Next, is one reason this is taking some time. EA uses the same texture images for teen thru elder. Change one, you must change them all. This is af Suit Ruffles. I know I did a non-default a while ago, but this is a default version, and I think, a little better. Like the Metal Dress, this one is open bottom, shorter hemline but has "soft nips", because they went too far with that "global warming" crap, and now it's a bit "nippy" in the future! OY! TheSuit Ruffles has an elder version. My apologies, but I saw Madonna rolling across Kimmel's desk, and for that reason, did not make this a short, open bottom. In fact, it looks pretty much like EA's dress. WARNING: If you install the af version, you will need to install the elder version as well, because I replaced the default textures and the old EA elder dress won't work with my new textures. If anyone wants to convert these to base game, go ahead! If anyone wants to make the elder dress, open bottom, again... I have no problem with that! I can give you some help with doing either one. I have been working on pretty much all female ITF garments, including shoes and some hairs, as well as default replacements for a few other things. Work goes slow, but I hope to get more ready soon. I hope you like them!!! Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 01/03/2024 Category Clothing
- into the future
- ep11
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.0.0
LadySmoks presents... The Glowing Hearts Set!!! Well, Happy New Year! Here is something for your Sims to enjoy while ringing in 2024. Glowing hearts come sizes for teen and YA/ A female Sims. These are separate tops and bottoms. Tops are glowing heart shaped pasties. Bottoms are glowing heart shaped C-Strings. OY! Each has just 1 color channel, with 3 color coordinated presets. Both are made using the Plumbot shine shader, with glow additive, and my Priyatna female meshes, and are enabled for Everyday, Sleepwear, Swimwear, Athletic, Singed, MartialArts, Career, and ValidForMaternity. Disclaimer: By downloading the teen version, you agree that your teens are at least 18 years, or whatever legal is in your country... except West Virginia, where I think it's like 13 or something. I hope you like them!!!-
- 3
- sims 3
- adult female
(and 4 more)
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