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LadySmoks presents... Not so "Little Red Riding Hood"!!!

Well, I've been taking a break from my ITF garments revamp and new FemmeBots, and while looking around DeviantArt.com, came across a cute Red Riding Hood model, pulled from DOA5, by Sticklove. So... I decided to do an XPS to TS3 conversion. A bit of hair pulling, and a couple bottles of vodka later, her she is! I thought things came out well enough, so I am sharing this one. Not all work out.


I made the hood as a hair/ hat for a number of reasons. Because of positioning and length, there are quite a few bones. Making it as an accessory and hat sliders would have led to a lot of clipping. That, and having it fit multiple hairs would have made the hood so big, it would have looked silly!

The hair part is Newsea's J147 Ferris Wheel, and available below. There are also several recolors out there. This is one of the hairs I use for "Lady". The hair was adjusted and "trimmed" a bit, to tuck inside the hood.

The XPS model had boots, but during testing, I used the ones I uploaded here as part of Yennefer lack and White outfit, and never bothered with the ones from the original model.

Morphs and most sliders work well, but if you go to extremes, I can't help you.

I hope you like her!!!


Newsea J147 Ferris Wheel http://www.newseasims.com/list-page.php?page=5&cid=1&sid=8&model=FEMALE

Sticklove on DeviantArt https://www.deviantart.com/sticklove/art/DOA5-Ultimate-Tina-Armstrong-halloween-410559579

Edited by LadySmoks

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