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Everything posted by LadySmoks

  1. "Hope in one hand, and crap in the other... See which fills up first..." Wokism, and most far left garbage is as much a "religious cult" as anything else. There is no logic behind it, only a perverse ideology. Their self righteous "belief" that they are right, you are wrong, and there is no room to debate their brilliance will never end. It may be pushed, or retreat underground, but as they will surely indoctrinate their own children to their ways, it won't just go away completely. Of course, the puppet masters will continue to organize the "true believers", and profit from the stupidity and ignorance.
  2. Still working on that tf nude top prebnant morph. Just not sure why it does what it does. Opened the morphs in Blender 10 times, and adjusted mesh bones several. Another test now... gotta knock up some random teen girl. OY!!! Better news... I am in what I hope is final testing of several open bottom skirts... a few are of the "VERY" mini type. ))) I also think that I have had another major break thru of an old project... I already uploaded the MedBod-a-Go-Go as outfit, because I simple couldn't get the waist seams fixed on seaparate top and bottom. Well, always learning and trying new things, and I may have solved THAT particular issue! Currently have a few MedBod pieces in test. Wish me luck!!!
  3. Well, the delay in my nude set is that the pregnant morph for teen female looked like crap on a stick! To get things to work with Cmar's sliders, I reused her morphs (among other things). Made my own morphs and adjusted them, then Cmar's nipple sliders stopped working. Took a LONG break from that headache. Did manage to final a couple of packages and upload those. A few more that are in that test in game, adjust bone weights because of clipping, look at, adjust mesh, look at, adjust morphs... rinse and repeat... vodka Martini... rinse and repeat... I have gone back to trying to get my morphs to work, but during small breaks have also been giving Bridgeport an updated makeover. The Cook family... Looks like a bit of tension there!!! And after Lady Cook got another face lift, tummy tuck, botox lips and a boob job!!! I guess butt implants are on the horizon???
  4. Not a problem! We have fun here!!! I just wish more people said "hello". )))
  5. Don't think JK Rowling is bothered by it... 2018 about gay Dumbledore drama...
  6. View File LS_FemmeBot GantzSuit Body LadySmoks and the lunatics at Landgraab Industries "Super Secret Mad Science Division" continue to blur the lines between Sim and Plumbot... The FemmeBot Gantz Suit is a one piece chassis and requires the "No Bottom" option. It comes in 4 presets, with 4 re-colorable channels. No thumbnails, as the ones generated by the game work well enough. All "standard" FemmeBot heads will work. Model pictured with M5 head. This is a PLUMBOT! EP11 Into The Future is required. She is assembled in the bot station, as any other Plumbot. Other models and maintenance instruction here... I hope you like her!!! Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 01/13/2023 Category Clothing
  7. Version 1.0.0


    LadySmoks and the lunatics at Landgraab Industries "Super Secret Mad Science Division" continue to blur the lines between Sim and Plumbot... The FemmeBot Gantz Suit is a one piece chassis and requires the "No Bottom" option. It comes in 4 presets, with 4 re-colorable channels. No thumbnails, as the ones generated by the game work well enough. All "standard" FemmeBot heads will work. Model pictured with M5 head. This is a PLUMBOT! EP11 Into The Future is required. She is assembled in the bot station, as any other Plumbot. Other models and maintenance instruction here... I hope you like her!!!
  8. View File LS_af GantzSuit, LS_af GantzSuit V2 and LS_af GantzBoots LadySmoks presents... LS_af GantzSuit and LS_af GantzSuit V2!!! Finally, Laura has returned from an extended vacation, and is working hard to model some new outfits. These are 2 variations of a gantz suit model I saw on DeviantArt... one with bodysuit and one with a bit of skin showing. Both come in 4 presets with thumbnails, and 4 re-colorable channels. All LODs and morphs (including preggers morph) work well. NOTE: You may see odd shadows in CAS. This is because of how the UV map is laid out. It looks fine in game! There are boots made to go with the gantz suits. They are 1 preset, with 4 recolorable channels. I hope you like them!!! Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 01/13/2023 Category Clothing  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    LadySmoks presents... LS_af GantzSuit and LS_af GantzSuit V2!!! Finally, Laura has returned from an extended vacation, and is working hard to model some new outfits. These are 2 variations of a gantz suit model I saw on DeviantArt... one with bodysuit and one with a bit of skin showing. Both come in 4 presets with thumbnails, and 4 re-colorable channels. All LODs and morphs (including preggers morph) work well. NOTE: You may see odd shadows in CAS. This is because of how the UV map is laid out. It looks fine in game! There are boots made to go with the gantz suits. They are 1 preset, with 4 recolorable channels. I hope you like them!!!
  10. Sounds like AOC and Fetterman. Grew up rich, still rich, pretend to be one of the regulars, claim to fight for them, and gain control. Or, in this case, just be a Nazi terrorist. Can't wait!
  11. Just STOP!!! My husband is American Native (he says use what is common first, to bring together). He often asks where his reparations are? His, is small, lesser known tribe in Delaware... Nantikoke (I use native spelling for him). Joe Biden's houses are on my husband's ancestral land!!!! Reparations????? Census says national population of all tribes has grown from less than 600,000 in 1960 to almost 10 million today? A LOT of Elizabeth Warrens out there!!!! Native census puts it closer to 3 or 4 million. Much is because of the true history. Blacks were free and made citizens by 14th Amendment ratified in 1868. It ententionally left natives out of the language!!! In 1924, Calvin Coolidge signs the Indian Citizenship Act! Both of my husband's grandfathers were not US citizens when born? Really??? Part of the low population of natives in 1960 was because many claimed to be black, if darker skintone, and others mulatto, if a bit lighter, which still was better than being native. Some always held to their heritage, others reclaimed it over time, but an increase of more than 1,500 % from 1960 to now is BS! DNA testing is available!!! Fact is, you can't find enough REAL American Natives to elect a dog catcher, if blacks in just one city voted for the other person... so no reparations for the ones who were a blink away from genocide. Biden is not about to give up his beach house to native fishing rights.
  12. Same, with my husband and I... and he with his mother. Trump would have gotten everyone for Bout. Could only watch 2 mins of that. Anyone who can abuse their own mother is not human.
  13. Cannot find it... probably washed from internet... but I recall JBK (WH press girl) saying that the word "inflation" is a word, made up by Republicans, as a political weapon! PRAVDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Never underestimate Pravda. Tell me when the DEMOCRAT Party became the "Democratic" Party? Was this announced somewhere? Or did they simply poll test it, and begin calling their party an adjective (which does NOT describe them... or any person, place or thing), and the media simply picked up the ball and ran with it. They call themselves "the party of Jefferson". Yet, he was a Democratic REPUBLICAN. An adjective, describing a noun. In some "public" libraries, The Bible is either banned, placed in the fiction section, or comes with a woke warning label. This crap came in the last 10 to 20 years. Never under esitmate greed and power, and the willingness of sheep to walk off a cliff and drag others with them when made to fear sufficiently.
  15. My husband said a while ago that they would eventually rewrite this part of history to eventually make Lincoln a Democrat(ic). And so it begins.
  16. Isn't the new Black Panther a woman? I have not seen it, and probably will not even buy on dvd. Wokers will starve. They could have done as the movie Creed, and his long lost son returns to tke the mantle, and if written well, could have been a good story. BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Rebuild the Polish Empire? Possibly, as the west won't do much if they did, but might not be a good economic move. Already, many migrant workers in Poland from western Ukraine. Cheap labor for Poland, but better wages for Ukrainians. It would be like US actually annexing Mexico or half of Central America. If done, ALL in the territory would be eligible to suck the socialist benefits teat, which gets pretty expensive. US already suffers from socialists giving tax money to support illegals. Imagine the burden of taking in a whole country of poor. Similar with Poland and Ukraine. Ukraine Nazis simply want weapons, but more for NATO to enter the fight. This is why they fired missles into Belarus, hoping they would enter the war, and so NATO... FAILED! Then, they fired missiles into Poland and blamed Russia. Notice nothing done about it? Because missiles were traced back to Ukraine, not Russia, so the story was dropped. Just as Russia DID fire on Zaporizhye nuclear plant, and took control quickly. Not good, but since then, it is Ukrainians firing on the plant, trying to take it back, but Russia is still blamed. Then, talk from IAEA about Russia messing with reactors will cause meltdown? How many know of near meltdown in 2014 or perhaps 15??? When stupid Nazis installed fuel rods from US into Soviet reactor! No... 1/2" is not the same as 13mm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. View File LS_FemmeBot Mi-A9 LadySmoks in collaboration with the Mad Science Division of Landgraab Industries presents... FemmeBot Mi-A9! She is a new mesh, featuring my soft nipple top, thicker legs and calves, an enhanced butt, and... other parts in that general region of her anatomy. Model shown uses the AX "skinjob" head, but all standard FemmeBot head versions will work. She is one piece design, so "No Bottom" is required to fill Plumbot bottom slot. Guidelines found in original FemmeBot text apply to this model. Links to sliders and other items are also found there. As always, FemmeBots are Plumbots! So, EP11, Into The Future, is required, and they must be assembled in the bot station for them to appear in game, just as any other Plumbot. I hope you like her!!! Submitter LadySmoks Submitted 12/04/2022 Category Clothing  
  19. Version 1.0.0


    LadySmoks in collaboration with the Mad Science Division of Landgraab Industries presents... FemmeBot Mi-A9! She is a new mesh, featuring my soft nipple top, thicker legs and calves, an enhanced butt, and... other parts in that general region of her anatomy. Model shown uses the AX "skinjob" head, but all standard FemmeBot head versions will work. She is one piece design, so "No Bottom" is required to fill Plumbot bottom slot. Guidelines found in original FemmeBot text apply to this model. Links to sliders and other items are also found there. As always, FemmeBots are Plumbots! So, EP11, Into The Future, is required, and they must be assembled in the bot station for them to appear in game, just as any other Plumbot. I hope you like her!!!
  20. So, a bit more from my Sims 3 Neko world... Apparently, cat girls play billiards... OY!!! For the love of the immortal Kitty God... Stacy, do you ever wear panties?!? I... I don't need to see this!
  21. Thank you. Motoko Kusanagi is posted in the main downloads section. I asked about moving that file here, but no response. I don't want to double post, so not sure what will come next. Still more to do with 2B. Trying something different. FemmeBots are made with Kinky World sexbot chip in mind... BUT... bots do not seem to be recognised by the mod for left garter garments to come off for woohoo. There is also A2, which both will be a set. Currently concentrating on finishing female nude defaults.
  22. So, research says that cat girls (Neko) is somewhat popular fantasy stuff. So, decided to give it a go...
  23. Problem always being the crazy radicals, who despite being a tiny minority, scream loudly. How many times did Biden say he wanted an "all of the above" approach? LIE!!! Again, my husband studied this stuff. Nat gas is the transitional answer, but being "fosil", the crazies don't want to admit it. My numbers may be off, but gasoline is perhaps 4 ppm carbon, diesel 8 ppm, and nat gas 2 ppm. He briefly worked installing LP refueling stations. His then boss had a dual fuel truck that ran on LP, and either gas or diesel (forget which). OK, not 0 ppm, as greeners want, but 2 ppm is better than 8! But, nope!!! What Biden is doing, is not to make green energy efficient and affordable, rather to drive up oil prices so the gree can compete. Bass-akwards thinking if you ask me!
  24. Saw a TV ad... Looks as they hired Tim Allen for another Santa Claus(e) movie after cancelling his #1 show for him being conservative. My husband said, when we saw it, that Disney must be hurting! Not TD Bank? Back when travel to Ukraine was possible, and we had TD Bank, we gave them our itinerary, and they still blocked our card! Something like 3rd time they did that. So much fun on a prepaid cell phone calling a bank from Eastern Europe. Biden lies about the Russian economy and their oil. Not sure if they are completed, or how far along, but they were building 2 more pipelines directly to China. I think it began under Obama? Some problem with South Stream bypassing Ukraine and being routed thru Black Sea to Turkey. Deal was done, then Obama did some arm twisting... or made a deal to let Turkey kill off the Kurds in northern Syria? Then, tried to get Mongolia to not allow transit. They laughed... transit fees are big money. But, Joe can always chat with his master Xi, and Hunter has dealings in Russia. Will be interesting what gets exposed with a Repub House in 2023. Biden talks that the world has inflation and high gas/ fuel/ oil prices. All he needs to do is turn the oil spigots back on. The world runs on oil. It's why God made so many and killed them off to decompose, way back when.
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