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KHL last won the day on February 27

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  1. Golden age of gaming has come and gone- never to return. I remember so many great titles released in the 2000s right through the 2010s that I literally lost jobs and relationships over. It was just that fucking good. Didn't know it at the time and thought things would only get better. How wrong I was. 2020 was the beginning of the end. And like the BOS of a certain franchise, I feel I am searching the ruins for those increasingly rare glowing embers of a lost age.
  2. The 'woke' left shitting their pants right about now since the whole fucking sick circus they've been running for the last four years is about to be demolished. Between Diddy snitching and the orange man's Avengers, they've got no where to run.
  3. Well there's always TESVI to look forward to.... *BwaaaaHAHAHAHAHAHA....!* These dumbfucks are so dead. Oh, and thanks again @Kendo 2 for some of your FNV mods. Jerked off to one my faves this morning.
  4. Raise the already stupidly high (thus meaningless from an RPG perspective) level cap? Fuck no. And bring back the skill points and checks ffs. level 200, can do everything, is super OP is not fucking challenging or fun. Keep the same ugly fucking art style that literally made the world boring and uninteresting to look at? Nope. And make it procedurally generated which is what literally everyone hates about Starshit? Goddam Idiot. Make every area respawn literally right after you leave it (because of buggy design) giving the player no sense of accomplishment/completion? Fuck no. No in game world/settlement building? Fuck, that's one aspect of FO4 that I halfway enjoyed. Better A.I./interactions from/with companions/enemies? With literally no back story to support their existence and them being basically one dimensional cardboard dummies to shoot at.... it won't fucking matter. Especially if the combat and weapons aren't completely overhauled and made fun again. Just no, no, no. They need to tear this fucking IP back down to it's original conceptual structure and rebuild the whole fucking franchise from scratch for modern times. Bring back the dismal, gloomy, dead serious atmosphere. And for the love of fucking gaming, hire competent writers to breathe life into it.
  5. Woman I was talking to recently was recounting a thoroughly horrible childhood and all the religious dogma that surrounded it. Made me think of this old song by R.E.M. And this one.
  6. That's what worries me. Skyrim got that kind of hype at release because of the world building and freedom of character creation/dev I think. And... look what happened to the studio. It went straight to their heads and all the sudden it's just about milking a successful IP for as long as fucking possible! CDPR? Almost the same, though they did try to make a decent game with CP2077. But so many of the team that made TW3 a success are gone because they let their success go straight to their heads. That, imo, is why we shouldn't overhype any good game ever and be much more critical. Keep those fuckers hungry and they'll keep releasing their best effort and not be resting on their laurels/jumping ship to go work somewhere else because the "woke" BS politics.
  7. Kris Takahashi's photo for Beth when hired in 2020 looks like he's in a fucking police booking station, lol. Future's so bright....
  8. It's actually a little painful to see a studio fall so fucking far so quick. Did Bid Daddy MS fuck them too hard or what? Sadder still is the answer is they fucked themselves.
  9. Yeah, that clearly worked out for them I guess. Starfield has over 7 years of development time (longer actually) and is being shit on everywhere on the net. Mods literally cannot fix this piece of shit. I dare the community to even try, lol.
  10. Honestly, it's wayyy overhyped. Don't get me wrong.... it's a good game with a lot of content. Reminds me of old Bioware titles and a few others. But because it's so fucking story driven it doesn't have that much replay value- even with mods I think. Also think the hate being leveled at Beth's "Spaceballs" is hilarious. Fuck them. Fuck them hard.
  11. Started modding about the time FO$ came out. Liked it well enough for awhile until I played TTW and noticed the difference. Long story short is I still play TTW and haven't really played FO$ in years. Said it was crap on other sites and got attacked by rabid fan bois. Franchise is pretty much dead. Dev studio isn't far behind.
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