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JoshQ last won the day on August 23 2024

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  1. JoshQ

    Buy my game, or else!

    If they were an indie studio living in shoestring budget that would be understandable, but resources are the last thing they lack also they could have integrated the ‘unofficial patches’ with the official releases a long time ago instead of reselling the old buggy game again and again, and again. Yeah I know, beating dead horse...
  2. JoshQ

    Buy my game, or else!

    Fix the bugs first, Todd.
  3. HI, I downloaded a bunch of your Impossible Heels and tights. I put them in the mods folder. They manage to be listed at start up, but they dont show up in CAS at all. What am im doing wrong? Also, are there limited slots for clothing or can i add all the CC clothing i want. Was thinking maybe that was the issue if that is a thing.

    1. JoshQ


      Hi miguelzun,

      Let's start with the basics; shoes and garments are for The Sims 3 it won't work on 2 or 4. If you're on sims 3 you can follow this guide to be sure your game is ready for mods.

      Also is important to clear the game cache every-single-time you add or remove a package.

      Hope that helps.

    2. miguelzun


      Damn, thought it was for 4. thank you.

    3. JoshQ


      No problem. I did a couple of things for s4 a looooong time ago, I don't know if they still work.

  4. Uploaded a couple of shoe meshes to smutbase, they are intended for the models distributed there but if you now your way around ‘non-destructive modeling’ adapting them to another game/engine should be “easier” than their TS3 equivalent (sans textures).

    I’m not leaving the sims modding scene but I had to confess that watching my creations in “high-res” is very refreshing and I will look into uploading some more.




  5. View File Impossible Heels ‘Ariel’ Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, swimwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10128; LOD2=2210 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: These were made when Blender was still new to me so there might be some rough edges here and there Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam Submitter JoshQ Submitted 03/21/2024 Category Shoes  
  6. 126 downloads

    Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, swimwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10128; LOD2=2210 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: These were made when Blender was still new to me so there might be some rough edges here and there Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam
  7. View File Sequenced Swimsuit, MedBod EDIT Details: Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, swimwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=4022; LOD2=1510 2 color channels Only available as .package Defects: Looks “weird” in CAS, in-game looks fine Textures might look “blurry” from up close Potential clipping on animations, poses and interactions between sims Notes: Original swimsuit outfit from ‘Island Paradise’ you can take a guess what was edited Not 100% happy with this one but after so long away and several epic failures I was starting to think I forgot how to make CC, thankfully is not the case but I’m still away from 100% This one should be compatible with the original EA legs but that’s it. Pants, skirts and whatnot will clip (maybe yoga pants are safe), the same happens with bottoms made for MedBod 1.9 because there’s little distance between garment and body (the original wasn’t compatible either, just saying) Credits: Original mesh and textures are a property of Electronic Arts Submitter JoshQ Submitted 03/15/2024 Category Clothing  
  8. 191 downloads

    Details: Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, swimwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=4022; LOD2=1510 2 color channels Only available as .package Defects: Looks “weird” in CAS, in-game looks fine Textures might look “blurry” from up close Potential clipping on animations, poses and interactions between sims Notes: Original swimsuit outfit from ‘Island Paradise’ you can take a guess what was edited Not 100% happy with this one but after so long away and several epic failures I was starting to think I forgot how to make CC, thankfully is not the case but I’m still away from 100% This one should be compatible with the original EA legs but that’s it. Pants, skirts and whatnot will clip (maybe yoga pants are safe), the same happens with bottoms made for MedBod 1.9 because there’s little distance between garment and body (the original wasn’t compatible either, just saying) Credits: Original mesh and textures are a property of Electronic Arts
  9. Yeah… that was something. The vault dweller character looks so bland like, is that the best their focus group / safety council could make? The rest looks mildly interesting so if they concentrate on those parts instead...
  10. Did you cleared your game cache?
  11. View File Impossible Heels ‘Felicia’ Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10434; LOD2=1414 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Geometric patterns don’t match in the toe area Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam Submitter JoshQ Submitted 01/28/2024 Category Shoes  
  12. 79 downloads

    Details: Base game compatible For teen, young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear and validformaternity Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=10434; LOD2=1414 4 color channels Will add 6 “units” to adult and young adult’s height, 5 to teens Only available as .package Defects: Shoes look “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Geometric patterns don’t match in the toe area Potential clipping with floor and furniture also misalignment on animations, poses and interactions between sims Pants might clip around the ankle Clipping and bending behind the ankle depending on custom animation (normal simming is ok) 3D accessories that contain morphs, like necklaces, might deform shoes and feet Notes: Compatible with the default body, MedBod and any other custom body mesh that follows the original leg seam
  13. View File Simple Corset N14, for MedBod Details: Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=3596; LOD2=1626 4 color channels Only available as .package Defects: Top looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Texture deformation on overweight sims Patterns don’t match Notes: Compatible with bottoms made for MedBod 1.9 and in theory with pants and skirts made by EA because the corset borders are wide enough to kinda hide the gap that normally appears. Obviously that depends on the camera angle and pose/animation but for normal simming should be OK(ish), maybe. Submitter JoshQ Submitted 01/07/2024 Category Clothing  
  14. 308 downloads

    Details: Base game compatible For young adult and adult femsims Enabled for everyday, sleepwear, formalwear, career, outerwear Disabled for random sims All LODs and morphs Polycount: LOD1=3596; LOD2=1626 4 color channels Only available as .package Defects: Top looks “weird” on CAS, in-game looks fine Textures look “grainy” from up close Texture deformation on overweight sims Patterns don’t match Notes: Compatible with bottoms made for MedBod 1.9 and in theory with pants and skirts made by EA because the corset borders are wide enough to kinda hide the gap that normally appears. Obviously that depends on the camera angle and pose/animation but for normal simming should be OK(ish), maybe.
  15. View File Medbod 1.9 clothing pack This should be everything made between 2019 and 2023 for the infamous MedBod 1.9, at least according to my last backup. It includes tops, bottoms and full outfits. Some releases came with their own set of accessories those were included too. I’m too lazy to check if everything coincides with the content I posted online if there’s something missing don’t hesitate to tell me and make a backup before overwriting, just in case. Everything is separated in folders with its respective thumbnail. I still have a couple of releases waiting for my procrastination to give up (lolno), whatever I end up making in 2024 and beyond will be added to this pack on a yearly basis. What’s that? You want packs for the Impossible Heels and the rest of my stuff? That will take more time because I’m not as organized for shoes and accessories. Submitter JoshQ Submitted 12/28/2023 Category Clothing  
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