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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. Here's an award for being handicap. You go! YAY!
  2. Not a fan of deodorant spray, but now I see it can be used as repellent.
  3. I loved when she got in O'Rourke's face about the 2nd Amendment.
  4. Millennials: We eat Tide Pods. Gen Z: We use Gorilla Glue for gel.
  5. Anyone know the name of the armor mod? I forgot. It's been so long. This SS was way back in 2012. Edit: Nvm found it. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/44342
  6. Combat lingerie. Now I have to wear my mine again in FO3.
  7. Well, there goes my plans to be a pirate.
  8. Few dev logs I missed a few days ago. Their crime system is already much much better than Skyrim.
  9. They must be lovin' to be on the receiving end of lawsuits as they were once known to have their mob of lawyers to go after anyone. MS will save their asses if anything.
  10. Did she tell the Arch Mage about the late night BDSM or something? o.o
  11. endgameaddiction


    lol I have yet to still use that mod. You might as well ride it like a chocobo.
  12. Looking back after all these years, whether they did include all classes or not, you only get to play as three classes. I guess they'll make more playable with expansions, if they can ever get themselves out of the hot mess they are in. But I wonder how much they tried to give off the illusion that all classes would be playable just like "there will be FPP and TPP" until they couldn't hold the secret anymore. A lot of let down from this game. And this game, to me, doesn't seem to reflect the art nor the actual pen and paper.
  13. She's always mad because he always kills her buzz. It's okay Nancy, you'll be back in your office soon enough reaching for the medicine cabinet.
  14. @Alkpaz Like your new avatar. Keep hearing Trump may open up his own social media. I'm definitely signing up if so. The left is going to go hysteria if it happens.
  15. Dumb leftists. Try telling my family that Cuba failed because of sanctions and the embargo.
  16. I like that transparent outfit on the left.
  17. If LOTR was made today it would be garbage. I should go watch LOTR. It's been collecting dust for a long time.
  18. Haven't read the books, but I read the comments on YT. I wouldn't even bother watching anything by Apple. I don't follow woke companies,
  19. https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/important-pc-version-vulnerability.11078852/#post-12855656 oof!
  20. Found this YT channel a few days ago. The guy does some good mixes.
  21. I was hoping you were on MO2. I'm going to ask on the Nexus mod page and see if I get any response. If not I'll go ahead and try it out and see what happens.
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