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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XgTlmPWPLs XD
  2. She seems like a troublemaker. Bad girl!
  3. The difference between majority of us Trump supporters and leftis is that we believe this COVID to be nothing more than a hoax, or completely blown out of proportion. Others that do beleive in it think we have to take risks and continue to live our lives going back to work because we cannot allow our economy to collapse. Too many businesses have fallen not just from this COVID-BS, but thanks to to these domestic terrorist groups known as BLM and ANTIFA. The left preach all day long about COVID criticizing the right and Trump supporters for not respecting the rules but in the other hand have zero problem getting closer than 6 feet from one another and being in large gathers. Not to forget a lot who don't wear masks. They have no room to talk when they aren't leading by example. Rules for thee but not for me. Just like the democrats. Then there's the mainstream media there to heavily criticize and attack, again Trump supporters for these large gatherings at Trump rallies, but completely ignore the large gatherings of ANTIFA and BLM when rioting the streets. Or right now all the Biden supporters gathered together in front of the White House.
  4. I figured as much. Though, I thought it would possible. But from a legal stand point it's not. If it was legal it was only wishful thinking. But in any case, I don't know how it's possible how they are going to root out the ballots that are illegal that are mixed in with the legal ballots. All of this really pisses me off. I wish they would just have everyone vote all over again and in person. Funny how dems and their supporters are out celebrating breaking all these COVID-19 rules.
  5. If this is legit, which I hope it is, CHECK FUCKING MATE.
  6. It's fucking BS what the democrats are doing.
  7. I think this just tops 2020's most cringeworthy.
  8. I've been watihing LPL for a long time and this is the first time I've seen this one. Pretty funny.
  9. LMAO We can drag our asses on the streets like dogs do to wipe their butt or maybe it's a form of scratching their ass. Leave streaks of brown lines everywhere. haha
  10. Let all move to California! Communism rules!
  11. There's a possibility that no more creation/gamebryo engine and MS using what they want. Given how oudated TES and Fallout look on that stupid engine, perhaps MS will consider changing the engine on these franchises.
  12. Watch them go xbox exclusive on TES and Fallout. That would really rile some people. I'm looking at you D0.
  13. Been watching this guy's videos for a few weeks now. This one is hilarious specially at 16:19.
  14. Indeed. Now that Joe Biden is running for president, he has a plan to save America and get things done. After what 40+ years as a career politician? mhmmm.... It's amazing how Democrats are still using the same exact tactics they have for decades by heavily pandering to groups and there's still a lot of folks who believe their BS. Hey, let's not forget Biden also says if he wins he will cure cancer. LOL!
  15. It's no surprise sheriffs are jumping ship. Ever since Trump ran as a candidate, it has been over for the democrats. When he was Officially our POTUS, every single attempt to boot him out has been a backfire on them.
  16. "The only person calling to defund the police is Donald Trump." Biden 2020
  17. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be having to tweak the it for both body weights.
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