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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I forgot to mention the first thing I did when I bought this Xterra. Day 1 after I brought it, I ripped out the fronts seats and hand washed them down and left them out in the sun to dry for a few days. Day 2 I started cleaning the interior with dish washer soap and water in a spray bottle and scrubbed down the carpet with the same with a brush to remove all the dirt and soda stains it had. Holy shit was it a filth. I managed to find just about 8 dollars worth of change mostly where the passenger seat is. The carpets took about 5 days to fully dry with all four windows down throughout the day and cracked a bit during at night. From the looks of it, it didn't look like the previous owners ever washed those carpets. They could very well be dirt and stains for about 19 years. Yeah, I'd say that's the first time she's probably had her interior washed. The dashboard and infotainment are in excellent condition. For some stupid reason which ever of the previous owners decided to put some red wrap around the infotainment bezel and it looks really shitty. Had to pop that out, remove the wrap and scrub the adhesive gunk that remained on it. Looks much better matching the rest of the interior now. Oh, I removed the carpet from the cabin and hand washed that sucker too. It's got some tough stains that may or may not come off. However, I want to gut that out and the rug material on the back sets and replace it with durable plastic like what the 2nd gen Xterras have so when I flip down those back sets I can side in things with ease. If I can't find any after market replacements, I'll have to make my own. Now, as far as my previous post, and the advice that was given to me, after some long thinking, it is probably best to do the exterior work first. I'll probably go with a body lift for starters and work my way from there. I'll in due time. Also, I would like to trim the front and rear quarter panel for more clearance and better fitment for bigger tires in the future. I know for sure that I do want some positive negative offset rims, which will be a benefit for tire rotation, or wider rims/tires.
  2. We haven't been in a complete lock down here in Nevada. People have been walking back and forth in my neighborhood everyday, from day to night. I see the same usual individuals. And I still haven't seen or heard of anyone with a case.
  3. So I have been planning on what my first mods would be, and I'm leaning towards doing some custom interior before I start doing any exterior work. I'm not in a rush to do a suspension and body lift atm. I want to get the more tedious and complex work done (aka electronic wiring). And figure out exactly where I want to mount extra gauges and a rocker panel switch for the light bar(s) and fog lights. It's a mid-size SUV so it's not very spacious in the Xterra. I don't plan to have anyone in the back seats (or passenger for that matter), so that will be for extra cargo space.
  4. before I do that, I'd like to put some food with something in it to give the dog diarrhea by the time the owner gets home so the dog leaves a nice trail for the owner to clean up.
  5. What is it with women and their obsessive love with dogs. Saw this chick looked to be in her early to mid 20s and she has a gigantic black poodle. She was at the bakery looking at cakes and desserts and she decided to pick up the huge dog and carry it over her shoulder in the supermarket. I'm also getting sick of these liberals that think it's okay for their dog to piss and shit on my front yard. Next time I'm going to grab the turd and smear it on their head. Or shove it in their mouth. Wearing gloves ofc. Not really. I'd get charged for assault. But they very well deserve it. Can't wait to put up some bricks in the near future though.
  6. You're not the only one. I normally respect and trust the things she says. I myself have not found anyone with COVID-19. However, my mother's grand daughter's friend from her home country said she died from COVID-19. But I don't know anyone here in the states that have it or died from it.
  7. No worries. I have my eyes set on this: https://www.harborfreight.com/automotive/jacks-jack-stands/3-ton-heavy-duty-rapid-pump-floor-jack-56624.html or this: https://www.harborfreight.com/automotive/jacks-jack-stands/3-ton-professional-rapid-pump-floor-jack-black-64779.html This is the one I've had forever that's gone bad: http://www.torinjacksusa.com/blackjack/blackjack-categories/blackjack-floor-service-jacks/item/2t-trolley-jack-2.html I bought long ago and some auto part store.
  8. It won't jack up all the way it should. After a certain amount it just refuses to go any higher. I could put some 2x4s side by side and stacked up on top and nail them down to raise the jack lift. But I still plan to get a new one with the longer handles for easier jacking up.
  9. Went to Harbor Freights Tool and picked up some 6 ton Jack stands and some 3 ton plastic ramps. I'll need a new jack lift because the current one I have is going bad. The hydrallic fluid is leaking. No bueno.... Not even my roommates jack lift is good. Useless roommate...
  10. Boy I have some work to do to this Xterra. It's leaking power steering fluid, but not near the reservoir nor down at the power steering rack and pinion. It's around the power steering pump, so I'm certain it's either the power steering pump is bad, or a hose isn't properly clamped that runs below the power steering pump. And the second issue is a knock when I turn the steering wheel, which seems to be an indication that the axle joints are bad. After inspecting them, they look fine. What looks really bad are the upper and lower ball joints on both sides of the upper and lower control arms. they look stock, which would make sense given how old the SUV is.
  11. I'm not surprised... And I'm not surprised if we end up seeing another Bjork incident happen. If you're not familiar with that story, this is it below. More guys like this are all over the place so I'm not surprised to see something like this happen again on a larger scale.
  12. endgameaddiction


    Fallout 5: The overseer sends a vault dweller out into the world to return with all the toilet paper possible before it runs out.
  13. Old news, but I have to stay hydrated from those thott tears.
  14. For over a year now I've been saving to buy a Nissan Xterra 4x4 because I've been wanting to working on one as a project for off road. I've been really getting into overland as my escape route from gaming because, well, I don't seem to have much faith in the game industry anymore and as they say "nothing lasts for ever" and it's time to move on to greener pastures. A few days ago I just bought a 2001 Nissan Xterra XE 4wd that needs some small work to it to get it to pass smog. Exterior wise, it's 7/10. I was hoping to get a manual shift one, but settled with an automatic because the price was too good to pass up on. It's not a hobby just yet, but I definitely would like to do it on the weekends. I have that, my 240sx and my F-150, which I have to get up and running. Might just sell that off and use that money towards the Xterra. Two of the channels I've been following for over a year now that have really inspired me to get into this hobby are Trail Recon and Rogue Overland.
  15. Do you have other hobbies other than gaming? Are you a DIY person who likes to learn new things to do on your own and get good at?
  16. So I wanted to check out the statistics of Nexus to see if the changes they made a few months ago has had any impact. But I can't because it's broken not working. I was curious because even though I downloaded the plugin/addon above, and it worked fine, it stopped working and I had to resort back to the stupid prompt page and 5 second wait. And ever sine then, I have about 40 tabs of mods to download opened on Firefox and I have been incredible uninterested in downloading mods ever since this implementation they did. I was wondering if so many others were as well and to see if the download rate has significantly gone down. I'm going to assume yes. But I would like to see if I'm right. Oh well... https://www.nexusmods.com/about/stats#display=downloads&bh=ignore Oh, look at that. The nexus shill have removed the post. Not surprised. Bunch of faggots. And they wonder why they make so many enemies and get their site DDOS. There's still a link in the comments thankfully. Here's the link: https://github.com/randomtdev/nexusmods_downloadfix/ Modding literally has gone down the toilet. Nexus twisting people's arms into paying for a better service by putting obstacles to annoy you. Mod thieves stealing assets and using Bethesda's plugin to bank off of stupid people who throw money at them over at Patreon and the likes.
  17. The misfortune for those who are brain dead zombies and believe everything the media says. Ideological subversion is a real and scary thing. These people are the type who don't have common sense, or question any information given. I was taught at home at a very young age before history in grade school what socialism/communism was and why it's bad. Having family from my father's side that escaped Cuba coming to the states and making a life for themselves was a testament why it fails. For the first time in their lives they now knew what freedom felt like and being able to enjoy the things they couldn't. And a lot of idiots in my state want socialism. They have no idea what they are asking for. It's scary that presenting facts doesn't seem to raise their eyebrow on the subject. They only care for free shit, and don't care who pays for it as long as big daddy government sets and enforces the rules.
  18. If you want to see some fucked up things going on in China with this whole pandemic, check out Brighteon.com. probably get the same footage on Bitchute since that content will get banned on YT.
  19. I'm just trying to picture this guy trying to get up a step with a body like that. He would have to use his hands and upper body to try and get up. The only problem is tryign to swing his leg to get up on the first step so he can proceed to the second step. He'd probably have a better time if he walked on his hands instead.
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