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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. If you don't want to be spoiled by the Quo Vagis quest, might want to avoid this one. But there is a particular funny moment starting at 6:26.
  2. I've been using FF Portable for some time and it's giving me problems for days. Ever sine it needed to update. I just updated and the problems persist. It's acting the same way as regular FF. Adddons are no longer working. Features are missing... At this point, I'm completely just done with everything to do with FireFox. I don't like Brave either. Never was a fan of Chrome. I'm at a point I don't want to use any browsers, but can't get anywhere without using one. They all just seem useless.
  3. I have a fose only mod that refuses to work. The mod in question is Fallout 76 Encumberance. The last few installments it worked fine, but for some reason this new installment, this is the only FOSE mod that will not work. The ideal of this mod is that even if you are encumbered you can still run and jump, but it will drain your AP. Once your AP is zero, you are forced to walk until your AP is recovered around 25%. To fully recover AP, you have to press the CAPs key to put yourself in walk mode and walk or stand still. However, upon being encumbered, I'm stuck with the vanilla encumbered where I'm forced to walk. This is the first time I've ever had a FOSE mod never work when installed properly. Again, my other FOSE mods work fine, Maybe I'm missing something here? I have both the retail copy and GOG version of FO3. Both yield same results. I even manually installed the FOSE mod into my data folder of the game directory sine I use MO and launching the game there still results the mod not working. It's like FOSE isn't recognizing the script... Oh, I left this mod enabled while disabling all my other mods in MO and nada. So this isn't any script conflict of any sort. The page itself says it only needs FOSE so I don't understand why FOSE isn't recognizing the .dll file.
  4. Twisted fucking bitch Hilary is. She's brazen because she knows she's untouchable. I wish our founding fathers were here. She would've been incinerated long ago along with her corrupt colleagues.
  5. Did you ever do any female body textures for the infected slaves in The Pitt and the tribal females in Point Lookout in the past? Need to find myself some good textures for those that support Type 3.
  6. Belthan. The mod author of Quo Vagis. Read the spoiler after watching the video. LOL
  7. I look forward to seeing Hollywood diminishing for good one day. I'm gonna point something out that liberals and Democrats would have you believe otherwise, but I know a lot of Latinos who are anti Trumpers, hell they don't even really care about Democrats either. They hate politics in general. I live around them, and they don't exactly like black folks. Not to say all, but the certain kind that are ghetto and lazy as fuck when it comes to working. I've heard so many stories. My roommate, who's Mexican has to deal with those who work for two weeks just to reapply for their yearly welfare and have proof that they are working part-time. After those two weeks they bounce and don't look for another job until next year just before they have to fill out another welfare form. The fact of the matter is, these types don't like to work because the obvious. And I'll give credit where credit is due, despite not in favor of illegal immigration. Illegals do work hard. Not all of them, but I've met many that have and they don't like working with lazy folks. But libtards and dems would have you believe otherwise because they obviously want to pin minorities all in one group. What I have noticed is that democrats and liberals are pushing Latinos to be more victims just like blacks to get on that victim mentality. I'm noticing 2nd and 3rd generation born here are falling for that. And moving away from Latin traditional values, which by the way, are very very conservative values i.e. nuclear family, religion, anti-abortion.
  8. It was Rosa de Guadalupe on Univision. My mother watches that Univision garbage and I was walking by to the kitchen and was curious what it was about.
  9. Man, feminism is straight up cancer. I just watched a show in Spanish, unintentionally about a woman who's married and a teacher. An argument occured between her and her husband after she found out she wasn't getting pregnant because because her husband simply cannot impregnate a woman. She called him selfish and said that she was leaving him not because he couldn't impregnate her, but because he hid it from her for over 5 years. Throughout those five years he tried to impregnate her with no success. One of her students, a little girl who's always cheerful one day doesn't show up to school. A few days go by and she decides to go to her home to see what was wrong. A man opens the door. Turns out to be the father of her student. I'm going to call him Tom because I don't remember his name. When the teacher asks about her student (his daughter) he tells her what's going on. Turns out that his wife is in a coma for reasons I forgot. She went to see her student and tried to make her feel better by saying everything was going to be OK. Upon returning to Tom's house, Tom and his wife who's in a coma both have a newborn. They made Tom an idiot who cannot feed his child because feminist like to portray men being stupid fathers who don't know how to do anything. So the teacher asks him to hand over the baby boy to feed him. And what do you know, the baby starts eating. She went over for about a week to watch out for the baby boy and take care of her student at home while Tom had to go to work. One night he invites her to a friendly dinner. Her ex husband shows up out of the blue and says to her "Now I know why you left me" and beings to have a brawl with Tom. Her portrayed as a POS no good ex husband gets kicked out and the owner asks Tom and the teacher to leave but they apologize and say it won't happen again. She apologizes to Tom over the scene that occurred and told him that she told her ex that it was over months ago. Tom replied by saying "no wonder why he's furious, he lost a good woman" while giving her those eyes of attraction. She got uncomfortable and that was the end of that scene. Days go by and she's still taking care of the newborn and her student, while Tom goes to work and his wife still in a coma. Tom once again gave her that I'm into you look and even approached her to give her a kiss, but she pulled back and said we can't. She eventually told him she can't go over there and take care of them anymore because the situation. Tom's daughter then cries because she enjoyed having her teacher over and take care of them. Tom hires a nanny to come and take care of them while he goes to work. One day the nanny calls saying she can't make it because of personal issues so he decided he'll take care of his children during the weekend. His daughter woke up the next day with pneumonia because for some reason while she was playing the day before, she got her clothes wet and slept with them on. She was rushed to the hospital and Tom eventually calls the teacher because he had no one else to call. She rushes over and they wait for hours until the doctor informed him that her lungs are fill with fluid and it doesn't look good but they are giving her antibiotics. More hours pass and the doctor returns to inform them that the antibiotics is working and she seems to be recovering well. Few days later his daughter is back home sleeping in her bed and that morning she wakes up from dreaming with her mom. Later that day her teacher decides to go visit Tom's wife in the hospital where she held her hand and gave her hand a kiss. After giving her hand a kiss she managed to grasp the teachers hand where she was shocked and told Tom. When they both go back to the room, his wife passes away. Days pass and she eventually decides to be with him and she gets pregnant as well and it all turns into this happy ending BS. /rant I love how she just left her husband because he couldn't impregnate her and held it from her for 5 years even though he tried to impregnate her during those 5 years. She claims it's because he kept it from her which made him selfish. WTF... She couldn't take a moment to put herself in his shoes to understand. Now, if the roles were reversed and he dumped his wife because she couldn't get pregnant and hid it from him, us men, we are supposed to understand her and her situation. We are supposed to have some compassion and if we were to dump our wives over that, it would make us some POS scum trash all men are pigs and the same. Nope. And then there's the idiot father who can barely tie his shoes but can't take care of a baby.
  10. The only mod I see related to FO is his animation resource and unfortunately it doesn't contain any female solo despite what the gif images show. Oh well. Really well made anims too.
  11. Raider Queen 1-5 by a modder by the name of Angvar.
  12. A place to share any fun and interesting videos of all sorts related to Fallout 3.
  13. Something funny to shake off that bitter doofus above.
  14. Liberals must be proud AF. The rest of us are embarrassed AF.
  15. Any of you who used Sexout mods before can point me to some that have female solo maturbation in them?
  16. She does look kinda cute when she's on her knees and looking up to her "master" with those pup eyes. The presence of social media made people show off their fetishes and take it to a more extreme level. BDSM is a thing that is meant to be behind close doors. So should this.
  17. I was going to write up a quick guide on how to port a mod from FO3 to FNV and vice versa with FOMM and TESsnip once I remembered how to do it, but I found this video and figured it's quick and easy. Just note as the author of this video tutorial mentions, there are some things that porting over will cause complications like FOSE and NVSE scripts, worldspace, etc. From personal experience, I've ported over weapons, armor and even my old race mods from one to the other with no issue in the past. Just note that you don't exactly need the other installed to do this, whether that is FO3 or FNV. You only need which ever game you play installed. I only have FO3 installed and ported a FNV mod over to FO3. So the same can be done if you only have FNV installed and want to port a FO3 mod over to FNV. However, for personal use only, if you want to use original assets from one game to the other, it will require you to have the other game installed in order to copy over the assets in TESsnip. Just remember that original assets from one game cannot be shared directly with a mod that is for the other due to copyright infringement. It will get you banned from if you upload it in most mod sites. I also want to point out that I use MO for my official mod manager. I use FOMM just for porting and extracting BSAs, so just because it's installed it doesn't need to be used as a mod manager. If you do use FOMM as your official mod manager, then this is all you need. Creating a blank plugin (.esp) FO3 Tutorial Open FO3 GECK. Enable Fallout3.esm, click OK and let GECK load all the assets. Save the plugin by giving it a name and clicking OK. Close GECK. FNV Tutorial Open FNV GECK. Enable FalloutNV.esm, click OK and let GECK load all the assets. Save the plugin by giving it a name and clicking OK. Close GECK. This will create a plugin that hasn't been edited aka blank plugin. Note: Mod Organizer users will have to go to their overwrite folder to find the new plugin if you've opened GECK in MO to create a blank plugin. Everyone else, you're plugin should be in your data folder where the game is installed. If you are using Vortex, I don't know if it functions similar to MO or traditional mod managers, but just locate where the plugin gets saved if it saves it somewhere else other than the same folder where Fallout3.esm or FalloutNV.esm is and paste it in that same folder. Modding Experience: Intermediate. Because you do have to know what can and cannot be ported over from one to the other. All credit goes to the youtuber ThePizzaByte for making this video tutorial.
  18. Okay, I never managed to fix it, but for now I can tolerate it. If I find a solution, I'll be sure to post it.
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