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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I hate mobile games and I'm currently playing one that is treated like a gambling machine. You can play for free, yes. But choosing that route doesn't make the game challenging, no. It's designed to get you frustrated and mad to give in to buy your way to victory instead. The only support they get from me is through ad revenue when I want to double the gold i earned at the end of a level by watching an ad. And even then, if I'm lucky the ad will work and not crash and I got nothing out of it. Because it technically F2P I'll support them here and there with ad revenue, but I'll never purchase any pay to win stuff. I'm afraid to say that I don't believe the industry is going to crash. PC gaming and console gaming are going to eventually fully adapt to the model of mobile gaming. And if those dumb fucks who are ignoring all the signs, or simply not caring, have never played a mobile game like I mentioned, they are going to one day regret when it's injected into PC and console games for good. I've reached a point where I don't even care anymore. As cruel as this may sound, I hope it happens because they deserve nothing more than to be treated like second class consumers. They've already screwed my hobby up and frankly I'm tired of voicing my concerns. It makes me mad that I cannot do anything about it and just watch my hobby plummet because the generation we live in, people have submitted to these companies, or they never had a backbone to begin with. They allowed these greedy corporations to win so I'm done. Bethesda fanboys/supporters are only a portion of that problem. Completely off topic to this thread, but meh... I've nothing to care about this game. If it's good, good for those who want to enjoy it.
  2. But but game suuuu guuud i bez like eatz is up mmmmmm guuud game.
  3. Nostalgia kicks in here for me since it was the mid 90s when I first had the internet. It was also the time when people had a backbone and didn't get butthurt over internet words so easily.
  4. That's interesting. If no creation kit for the public is available, then that means mod users have no choice but to rely on the Creation Club for the actual mods that are not cosmetic based like mesh and texture swapping. Would also mean bye-bye to sex mods.
  5. So he's admitting if it wasn't for mods, their games would have been in the trash bin long ago. So it sounds to me like TES6 will be another mediocre game and have lots of CC mods to keep people entertained for the next decade once it's released. Sounds like a Bethesda game. Shit development, longevity because of unofficial patches and content that should have been added from the start of the game but created by a modder instead. Well, lets not kid ourselves. Content that should have been in the base game will be created behind CC as a DLC. It wouldn't surprise me if TES6 didn't have any official DLCs like in the past and all of it was through Creation Club instead. Think about it, they won't have to bother hiring professional voice actors, your actual dev team won't have to be paid to work on an official DLC. Leave it up to the dummies we hired for CC. Boy, if this were the case, talk about taking it to the next level of low quality.
  6. The zipper tag has too much physics and is going bonkers. "No silly that's just the wind." -Todd But you promised x16 the detail. "It does, look at all that sewing." -Todd Okay, okay, but you also said it was x4 times the size. "I did, but what I really was referring to was the price tag. See, you're not paying 200USD for a cardboard CD, no. We're actually giving you that for free along with the thin plastic helmet and the non brand batteries. No, this exclusive collectors edition was always about the nylon bugs bags. Canvas I mean. -Todd
  7. The ignore list is such an easy feature to use, but for some apparent reason fanboys find it hard to ignore anyone who they consider a troll and rather report them. Same applies to the left. I have said time and again on there to people to simply put me on their ignore list. Doesn't seem like they comprehend that one.
  8. This is old news, but reminds me a lot of the modding community nowadays. It even reminds me of Nexus and LL users who feel all high and mighty for being supporters and decides to attack those who aren't. If you aren't willing to pay/donate, you are a selfish and unappreciative prick. And the more they ride their high horse and attack people, the more I'm inclined not to do it. Not that I would, but even if I would I won't because this type of behavior is why everything is all about turning anything into a profit. See, I'm starting to see the corporate shareholders in these modders and corporate slaves in these white knights who feel the need to ridicule anyone who doesn't do what they believe has to be done. It's beginning to look exactly like that "tolerant" left.
  9. They're prepping up the bugs to go with the canvas bag. This kind of stuff takes time. You know, like FO76 and everything they made before it.
  10. endgameaddiction


    She's pretty in that white dress.
  11. I had a friend who's mother was like this. Always bailing her daughter out of her recklessness. She was a spoiled child. When her mother bought her her first car, it was a small blue 4 door Nissan or Mazda. She hated it despite driving it. She convinced her mom to buy her a brand new blue Civic Si. Weeks later she wrecked it with two people in the car. She made a fast left turn at the intersection and hit the curb and made her car flip with such force that her and the passenger both flew out of the windshield. They were both in rehab for about a month. Everyday I was there to keep them company. Shortly after, her mother bought her a brand new Trans Am. There are parents who just let their kids do what ever they want. She pretty much controlled her mother and threw tantrums when she wasn't getting her way. She was a cool friend but geez...
  12. When an entitled woman is face to face with a man and not a soy boy who will not bend to her will. Been there and love the expression on their faces when they don't get their way. Her ego just got shattered.
  13. That ending. lol Serious. This was just one man fighting against tyranny. Imagine when you continue the rattle a cage of millions of patriots who have just had enough being pushed around by these sock puppet politicians.
  14. That was funny. Though, it was hard to tell if he was trying to steal the dude's skateboard. It looked more like he was trying to snag the American flag from the other guy and a brawl broke out.
  15. Trump Deranged Syndrome in full capacity.
  16. The left are like fanboys. Both of them rather not ignore the things that trigger them and report the stuff to get it removed. They both simply don't know how to ignore the things that bother them. They run off to their almighty savior to save them from their hurt feelings.
  17. Speaking of NPCs. Some were out on the street yesterday being very tolerant like they always are.
  18. I didn't know that. Thanks for the update, though.
  19. He had to have been on some heavy drugs for him to be on fire like that and act calm.
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