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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. CP2077 isn't that awesome to change from win7 to win10. Besides, never liked anything after win7. Is ray tracing forced upon people? Or will anything that isn't a RTX card still work and just not get the ray tracing?
  2. Lovin' this. The Executive of Google is just floppin' around straight forward questions. Typical sjw.
  3. So many things wrong with today's world in this video.
  4. Well, for me my nostalgia in music was growing up to 80s hip hop/break/electric funk. It will always be my fond memory growing up to those jams as a kid in the roller skating rink with my Riedells. I'd love to relive those days again. No cell/smart phones or social media. Just 4 hours (7-11p.m.) every weekend (Friday and Saturday) skating, playing some games on the arcade talking and socializing with one another. And it was there where I had my first french kiss. :L I'm not good with movies so I'll leave that one out.
  5. At least it's better than that baby metal crap.
  6. It should be extended to the whole internet. Everything in regards to public. Forums as well. Yeah, I'm looking at LL and their authoritarian moderators who nit pick what they deem offensive and will go out their way to warn and even ban you. Good news either way. It's going in the right direction.
  7. You're going to get a daddy ass whoopin' you never got, son.
  8. Their bodies are barely hanging on. Disgusting. But they are so mentally fucked up they can't see the damaging of themselves through their eyes.
  9. You might want to come back to earth then.
  10. When exorcism is performed and Todd is finally released from your soul.
  11. @ritualclarity Yeah, they'll lose too many patrons they'll have to shut down. But it's not impossible to think it will happen. Just look at gaming and how SJWs have intervened into the culture. Same with the film industry. Sure, there will be plenty of clubs that will not pander to these snowflakes, but all it takes is hiring the wrong person and destroying it.
  12. I already see it coming. Trans are ruining women sports and soon enough they are going to ruin strip clubs trying to force heterosexual men to look at floppy disks dicks. All about that tolerance and acceptance. yay!!!
  13. That would totally go against the tree humpers and their love for the eco-system. I'd like to have NC-17 rated games. Meaning I want games specifically designed for adults only. Tired of these companies wanting to accommodate their games to the vast majority possible. Would of been interesting if Forsworn/Reachmen would have interbred with Daedra like in the lore. Nah, Bethesda can't have none of that. They gotta tiptoe over the franchise and make sure nothing hardcore is implemented because family friendly content is a priority if we want the largest audience possible.
  14. Todd's going to show him the ropes on how to make broken electric cars. Or Tesla is going to be implemented in Fallout lore somehow because 'that's just cool bruh'.
  15. A gay friend of mine wasn't wrong 10+ years back when he told me gay pride parades and protests do nothing but harm to people like him. Only in lala liberal land do people have to use their sexuality to represent who they are as a person. And force their sexuality down onto their kids. It's just disgusting.
  16. In a video game it's possible to add more genders. In a video game. But their video game is not the real world. And they wouldn't know how to construct it around the game to make sense let alone be entertaining to play.
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