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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. I couldn't find his part 1 but I just found this and thought it was very funny.
  2. Why does everything nowadays has a price tag behind it? Let me elaborate: This fundamental idea that youtubers ask for contribution through money for basic information that people are either aware of, or not. You'd think that someone who taught you some basic things would do so out of kindness alone. I can only assume youtube back in the days was very much like that. People uploading videos of things they know how to do to share with others. You still run into videos like that, but every other youtuber is asking for money through patreon. I've heard time and again from these youtubers that they go out of their way to do these videos. Minor complaint about doing this and not spending time with their family etc. I guess people nowdays just can't seem to have time off to do what they like without throwing money into the equation. wtf... I guess when I go down to the local billiard, I'm going to ask the owner for money because I'm wasting valuable time, thus I deserve to be compensated (in money) despite if it's just one of the many hobbies I have. Oh, and if you want to learn any cool tricks about playing pool, that also requires you forking over money. Because it's valuable information. This very same behavior exist in the mod community. Apparently now when you mod, you are wasting valuable time and require money in order to keep doing what your doing. It isn't about the fun anymore. It's completely about the time being wasted. I guess if they drop modding, they could spend that time better on something else? If that's the case, why even mod? I thought it was about the fun. LL has become a cesspool of patreon account adds all over. It will be their demise. But lets not kid ourselves. This is exactly what the admin and the moderators want as you see they turn a blind eye to these very issues. They look and find excuses whenever someone brings up the topic. I guess if Nexus does it, we should do it to. You know what's sad... these modders pushing paywall mods are no different than these money hungry publishers exceeding and demanding microtransactions to be implemented in games. They are exactly the same. Soon every hobby will have a price tag. And every time spend requires money because apparently it's valuable time being spent. Or rather wasted.
  3. No face. Such a shame. But love her body.
  4. There's already one from the Dwarven Cyborg Collection on LL. Maybe take a look at it. I'd post the link, but LL has been running slower than 56k dialup modem. All that money invested in that site and it runs like turd.
  5. No harm, no foul in chasing the ladies. It's what men erm...Deathclaws do.
  6. Had to include this piano cover. I think she did an awesome job. Lyrics
  7. Yet it's funny how civil dumbasses on LL want to be towards Bethesda. 'I don't understand why the hate towards the devs'. They are all trash from the pubs to devs. Anyone who hasn't up and left the company like writers who leave a trash company to find another studio. Anyone who develops Beth games is part of the problem. They don't care about the quality, they are there for the paycheck. They aren't there for the passion. You want to be passionate about game developing, you avoid Bethesda for sure.
  8. Fanboys, keep holding your breath thinking Bethesda is going to change.
  9. "Fallout 76 is a failure and everyone knows it, so what is there left to discuss?" What was that gragathit, I didn't quite hear you? Oh he must've meant another game, not FO76. You locked the wrong thread, dude.
  10. You'd think they would of been smart to just buy off Obsidian. Such a mist opportunity. They could of been the studio to focus on Fallout and leave Starfield and TES to BGS. I have a feeling they are beating themselves in the head about not buying that studio. Because now you have a rival to Fallout with Outer Worlds and you have a broken Fallout franchise. Oh well, serves them right for doing Obsidian dirty with FNV.
  11. They were never ready to make an online game. Their lack of competence to make single player games proves it. 76 is the result of their ineptitude, laziness and hungry for money from the suits. BSW should of just had Zenimax make 76. Now that I think about it, if BGS had the chance to make a TES online game, it would be a rehash of Skyrim assets with the exact same bugs + new bugs. It's best if BGS makes SPGs and leave the online games to either Zenimax, or temporarily hire some other studio (cough-Obsidian-cough oh, wait...) to do it.
  12. I'm not surprised if he was the only one who even knew of that exploit.
  13. They first happen on accident and become investigated and then become exploits. Though, I have to say the one from Oblivion, that's just a bit too much of digging.
  14. Knowing how cheap Bethesda can be, they probably don't want game masters to moderate their online game.
  15. I thought the private server thing isn't until a year later? Also, how are private servers supposed to work? Everyone has their very own server and can invite people? Don't think private servers will happen. And I don't think 3rd party mods either will be acceptable. They seem to be scanning your computer, which to me seems like some violation of privacy. One thing if they scan their own game files on your pc, but searching for things they don't need to... They are automatically assuming just because you use said program you are cheating. Seems like their lazy attempt to actually investigate if a player is actually cheating in game.
  16. Here's the original clip to skip all the yapping from Optimus. This 'dude' needs to chill the fuck out.
  17. It's like getting someone hooked on drugs for free and then resorting to selling it to them. If they have no other way, they'll end up buying it. Many people are used to using mods for Beth games. Even console gamers now. And now that they are used to mods, there's no way those who have used mods on Fallout 4 and SSE will not want to use them for TES6. This is just another 'must have' scheme like loot boxes.
  18. They're slowly pushing forward their paid mods. I still believe (eventually) their Creation Club as you see now for Skyrim will not be the same for TES6 and other games going forward. I think they will eventually release a half arsed version for the public while their CC modders will have the version equivalent to Skyrim available to them. From a business standpoint, it makes sense only allowing the top notch mods to be behind Creation Club and the lesser derpy dewpie mods to be free. They want that money and following the same formula they have been for FO4 and SSE isn't going to improve those sales. Nothing beats free. Or free and better like it is right now. I won't be surprised if and when TES6 rolls out, one of those available mods will be a survival mod of compilations of previous ideas from Skyrim all in one and Dark0ne has to keep his head down on allowing any survival mods for TES6 uploaded on Nexus. They are already showing signs of using force on anyone who is hurting their Atomic Shop from competition.
  19. So, patches is now proved wrong. Ignorance is a bliss. Oh well, they locked the thread because...feelings. Also further proves that their Creation Club (Atomic Shop... same shit different name) is going to replace free mods.
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