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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. It's really abnormal behavioral patterns if you think about it. Bethesda has achieved some cult level manipulations. I don't know whether to laugh or feel pity for them. When you have ruled out all reasoning and rationality, there's something wrong with you. I'm not kidding when I say fanboys are no different than SJWs. They both have similar ways of behaving. Bethesda knows this and are loving it preying on these weak minds. It's illuminati I tell you.
  2. Clearly 76 is nothing but for cash grab. Everything about it screams cheap and give me your money.
  3. This wasn't recently. The funny part is I requested account closure and later when I checked, they gave me a generic username with banned in red underneath it. They don't ever do that as far as I'm aware. People retain their username but you can see them being banned. I had to have pissed someone off to go through such measures.
  4. I don't know who this beauty is. Have her saved on my pinterest.
  5. I don't know why it comes with surprise. Mesh and texture replacer is nothing new in MMOs. I did it on FFXI for around 8 years and it was against their terms but they would never know. I was the only one capable of seeing my own mods. I would even swap world area files of my mog house and would venture through leveled areas even though it was pretty empty (except for my house furnishings) as in no creatures. And basically by doing that, if I invited a friend to my mog house, which is basically a bed room of your furniture. It's where you store your items, if I swapped a file of a different worldspace that was larger, he could basically see me go through the walls. lol
  6. Pretty much describes liberal states and cities, like where I live. -.- I can't tell how hard it is to maintain sanity around liberals. Can't point out facts or tell them to do research because they are so fucking narrow minded because of their filled hatred for orange man.
  7. I've never played EQ. I was all over FFXI Online back in the days from 2004 to 2012. I know it was all about EQ, WoW and FFXI. Welcome to the community.
  8. Not if you're in Commiefornia. I happen to live in Nevada and fuck, I wish we had a border wall between us and them. Keep that filth out of our state... They bring their ghetto, poverty and drive like shit.
  9. That's where I don't like it. A one-on-one fight shouldn't result jail time. Need to be more like the Irish mate. Just let them duke it out. Too many people evade discipline because they get away with it due to how pussy some laws can be. There are some people who go too far and deserve a bloody lip. Maybe next time they'll think twice before fucking with the wrong person. But no matter what, even if he well deserved it, he can press charges and I'd go to jail. Think of it like this community. If you are going to talk shit, don't expect the moderators to jump in and protect you. Same should be applied in real life. Don't start something you can't finish. If that happened, watch all the SJWs go back to dwelling in their basement. Especially the ANTIFA clowns.
  10. I'm not in favor of assault. But I'm also not in favor of crying for help when assaulted. If someone punches you, you have every right to defend yourself. Same as an insult. And I don't mean the petty insult like someone calling you a fag or something. I mean, if you talk shit about my wife, mother or child, then you are asking for a bloody mouth.
  11. Notice how the guy asking if this is an "out of season April fools' joke" maintains a straight face. Yeah, fans are not happy, dude.
  12. So the latest controversial is Blizzard and their latest game: Diablo: Immortal, which happens to be a mobile game that was introduced in BlizzCon. I figured I would open the topic to laugh and bash Blizzard, the fanboys and stupid so called journalists who quickly run to defend Blizzard. Let the hate unleash!
  13. I hope most of their core fans hold their feet to the fire for this.
  14. The game industry needs to collapse and reemerge with companies who are competent knowing what gamers want. It's also funny how either he was going to say "are there anymore questions?" to skip the guy's question, or he was going to ask a staff "are there any plans for it on PC" and probably remembered it's never going to be on PC when the guy asked if there was plans for it being on PC and then proceeding to answer his question.
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