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Everything posted by endgameaddiction

  1. We could just sit back and watch them destroy themselves, but it's always more fun to add more fuel to the fire.
  2. I've always thought success isn't measured by how much money and material you have, but rather how much happiness you have. Even if that means being with or without a woman. As long as you are living your life and doing the things you love to do that makes you happy, then your living your life as a successful person. And the way I see it right now, MGTOW lifestyle has become one of many men's success. And they have no plans to share that success with a woman who they feel will take it away. I don't blame them. I'd hate to be in their shoes where a woman that I loved for many years decides that she wants out of the marriage relationship and claim alimony and child support leaving me nearly broke every paycheck. Social media brought out the worst in many women and one of the results of all that that is currently trending is Twitch thotts since they are the center of criticism right now. Unfortunately I don't see this type of behavior from women ever going away. I see marriage as a thing of the past and women (#notall) embracing more and more social media because it's part of their instinct to attract and seek attention. And the more this behavior continues along side with feminism, the more MGTOW will grow.
  3. endgameaddiction


    Two innocent plants just minding their business next to the sign post.
    Thanks for another skimpy outfit. I saw the inspirational version from the anime figure and it looks spot on. 10/10
  4. Bug Report: _0 is the same as _1. There's a neck gap when you start to reduce the weight slider down. Let me say that this is for the bodyslide conversion. I didn't test if this happens with the base version before overwriting it.
  5. Too many false allegations made me numb to the point when one really happens, I'm skeptical about it. They ruin it for real rape victims. Good job feminists. And don't take any accountability for it, just blame men for not believing all your lies.
  6. More comic cringe. SJWs be like 'Squirrel GIrl was so good there shouldn't be a movie about her because she's that good'.
  7. Darya Goncharova. I think she's beautiful AF. Few more
  8. I thought the other thread was already covering this well? Oh no, panic! time to merge topics and lock threads. *wink wink* They're not only out of touch with their fanbase, they're out of touch with their skills as well. Having to work with the same engine for nearly two decades, you'd think they would have all the kinks worked out by now. I guess they are that incompetent. Yet, modders who don't have the source code for the engine can patch the game much better than these fools. I don't think they're ever going to let go of the gamebryo engine. The most I can see them doing is actually stepping up their game and polishing it as best as possible. I don't think they want their devs having to learn new language and coding on a completely different engine. Their shareholders seem to be interested in wanting money now. Besides, they already have their hands full with TES6 and Starfail.
  9. Pretty, smart, (sarcastically) funny, gun carrier. Yeah, she's awesome.
  10. A bit old. The left is so tolerable, they attack the very same minorities they claim to fight and protect. lol And they wonder why they continue to lose the war.
  11. Vaporized? My gosh. A cousin of mine was blown into pieces in Afghanistan by a land mine as a passanger in a Humvee on a mission. Died at age of 21 or 22. War is brutal.
  12. This lunatic is going to keep me busy in this thread.
  13. Well that lazy writer employer did us a great service.
  14. Depends if they are actually nerd girls or portraying to be nerd girls for attention. Either way, she's still pretty.
  15. I 100% agree with that. I'm into Eastern European women over American women by far.
  16. It becomes pretty easy but time consuming with image editing software like GIMP, Photoshop, or the likes. All that needs editing for recolor is the diffuse map. Unless you want to change the material it represets i.e. leather, cloth, etc. But if it's just recoloring, it's pretty simple. Really simple if the texture for the armor/outfit doesn't provide a whole lot of detail on like buckles, straps, buttons. Then it's a bit more work. It can be done in a matter of a few minutes if it's easy. Just need to make sure you export it properly and export with new minmaps.
  17. "And, like, three of the most successful countries in the world are socialist too. Venezuela, Facebook and Twitter." Damn that nearly made me fall out of my chair.
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