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Kendo 2

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Kendo 2 last won the day on December 13

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  1. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Part Two of Folksy Fantasy Santa's Workshop
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Shenanigans at the North Pole.
  3. Dinklage in the dress! XD
  4. Happened on my work computer maybe a month ago. The machine is a closed system with licensed AutoCad, Norton Antivirus, and Microsoft Office, and that's it. It was connected to the internet one time two years ago to install everything and has never been used to access the internet since. I still get 'the updates' but there's nothing TO UPDATE and even if there was there's no way for the machine to connect to the internet. Fucking ridiculous.
  5. Had one of those 'cannot be avoided' Windows updates (AGAIN) and it ate all the saved tool boxes I had for GIMP. Dockable dialogues and settings added piecemeal over the last two years gone because Microsoft wants to make my computer spool for 20 minutes and not UPDATE ANYTHING. And I wasn't connected to the internet so there was literally nothing installed. I swear there has to be preplanned sabotage included in the OS.
  6. Ozempic is made from Gila monster venom, and it totally doesn't cause blindness, cancer, paralysis or anything else Gila monster venom causes. Just like the COVID jab didn't use antifreeze stabilizers or stem cells from aborted fetuses.
  7. Or that Easter Egg dye causes mental retardation, especially when you put it on your hair.
  8. No one will disagree with Leftists sterilizing themselves.
  9. Good question. I'll pay 10 bucks one time but not every freak'n month for something that could be in perpetual beta for years.
  10. Anything is better than a few hours of physical activity each week and a reasonable diet, I guess.
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