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Kendo 2

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Kendo 2 last won the day on June 26

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  1. I've done that quest a few times and only recently took the sapling route.
  2. Taking care of the Civil War first (on the Stormcloak side) opened up a mission I never had before and new dialogue with Ralof. In previous playthroughs I did the main quest and the Civil War simultaneously and it was basically the same experience with different coats of paint. THIS TIME I ignored the main quest and received a mission to attack a supply wagon in The Reach and Ralof had some passive-aggressive lines about how he's not getting the recognition he deserves because the Dragonborn is hogging all the glory.
  3. I never knew you can back out of the conversation Balgruuf has with Avenicci after you first enter Dragon's Reach. Pick the option 'A dragon destroyed Helgen and its headed this way.' When he says "By Ysmir, Irileth was right!" you'll no longer be locked in dialogue and you can back away. Irileth will send guards to Riverwood, fulfilling your promise to Alvor/Gerdur, solving the ludonarrative fuckery. You're free to do whatever you want. After you leave the cell Balgruuf will remain on his thrown and as long as you don't approach him he'll stay there. The other NPCs will revert to their pre-main quest AI packages. You can buy/sell with Farengar douche, collect the pitiful bounties from Avenicci, etc.
  4. Kendo 2

    Vault 87 entrance

    image #6 is one of my go-to poses
  5. North Korea found a legit use for RL streamers, trick them into becoming for-real-doh waifu Kunoichi porn ninjas.
  6. I voted for Medieval, but I have a suggestion for a setting. It's not a very good suggestion.
  7. "The tent isn't big enough." --- P.T. Barnum
  8. Hot and terrifying at the same time.
  9. Those bullshit convictions are going to be overturned on appeal. That whacked judge and his instructions guarantees it.
  10. The first sign was ANTIFA/BLM goons running rampant and unchallenged. Then ballot box stuffing during the 2020 election and suspending Constitutional rights during COVID. Now there's this sham trial backed by a sitting President to get rid of the only challenger. YES; Banana-Fucking-Republic. And it's not funny.
  11. Credit to @vancleef for the open magazine's pages.
  12. I'm Arthmoore Always-Right and you're all a bunch of dumb doo-doo-heads.
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