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Kendo 2

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Everything posted by Kendo 2

  1. Kendo 2

    Bunny Boi

    Gonna make this little cupcake a sidekick like Robin or Harley Quinn...but he's really bad at it.
  2. Kendo 2

    Futa Fantom

    Most likely never because it's shit mod work and has a lot of issues. PM me if you want a copy of the files.
  3. Kendo 2

    Futa Fantom

    I have an idea; a super hero comic with original (and purposefully ridiculous) characters. Futa Fantom, Bunny Boi, Kawaii Kitty, Professor Squidopus, Tesla Girl, Sister Sinful, etc. Make the 'city' in the future so I can use all that space stuff I made.
  4. Those goofy fucks in Antifastan are 'growing a garden'. I looked at what they are doing on Reddit...
  5. Well, no one saw this coming...
  6. People over at LL are working on a font to indicate sarcasm. No, not making this up. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/34500-what-really-pisses-you-off-please-no-posts-about-nexus-lol/?do=findComment&comment=3032628
  7. She's a cute and pale Russian brunette. Most likely she's not contaminated by Western feminism. Probe her anyway to be sure.
  8. The stupid cunt in this video...
  9. Saw this and my first thought was 'Can she do this laying down?'
  10. Rookie mistake. Blender does that with every OBJ I've ever imported. Gotta go into Edit Mode and Mesh/Faces/SetSmooth every time. Also, some Skyrim meshes require it.
  11. "Aw SHIT! AW SHIT!"
  12. Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship (official whitehouse.gov link)
  13. Una Healy. Irish pop star.
  14. Ha-ha!
  15. Me and my garden...yet again. That's it.
  16. New Twitch moderator identifies as a FUCKING DEER. Oh yeah...and tranny Bambi thinks all gamers are white supremacists....and is a moderator on a fucking gaming platform.
  17. Biden, the gift that keeps on giving.
  18. FIRED for creating a hostile work environment. If he works for a corporation he needs to file an incident report before she does. He also needs to call her in for 'counseling' with another female employee present. Make the transtrender trainwreck sign that she received the counseling session. If there's a dress code/grooming standard, write her ass up when she breaks it. If she uses any cleaning supplies (even something as basic as bleach or Windex) ask her if she's read the MSDS documentation and write her ass up again if she hasn't. If she's 5 minutes late...write up. At our shop we have a 90 day 'probation' period that employees sign for. ONE write up is enough to shitcan them. We had a problem with lazy Mexicans thinking the bare minimum was enough to keep their job. I instituted everything laid out above and the Mexicans solved the problem themselves.
  19. D.Trump Jr and Karen...
  20. Me and my garden.... After the big rain storms in this part of the world I have a 'bug' problem; the leaf miners are back, along with the added pleasure of cabbage loopers, onion flies, and fucking flee beetles. I really wanted to avoid pesticides but it's too late in the game for me to do fleece row covers, and the garden is too big now for that to be practical. $200+ worth of materials and MY TIME or I break out (my now outlawed stash) of commercial-grade diazinon. That shit is so potent birds won't land in a peach tree sprayed with it.
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