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  1. LOL WTF!!! I love their reactions. 3:20.
  2. Even with all this public reactions getting the name out... they are still failing. Harry Potter release had lots of "negative" reactions but sold out.
  3. We need a vomit emoitcon
  4. WTF!!! https://nypost.com/2025/01/30/us-news/killing-of-border-patrol-agent-appears-linked-to-zizian-radical-leftist-trans-cult/ Let not forget. radical leftist trans VEGAN miliitant cult. Seriously? I thought this was some movie plot that was being told. NOT REAL! I have dreams that are more realistic that this! Holy Shit! Reminded me of @vancleef comment about the person that lost their shit about Trump supporters. Holy Shit. The insanity runs deep here.
  5. It isn't American politics if they aren't deposing or out right killing some goverement leader to place someone else in power. lol Well if that is true, the joke is on them. The joke to the tune of $175 billion. https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-us-aid-going-ukraine If that is what the news agencies state, we know it has to be way higher. Doubt that covers all the hardware that was sent. https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-has-the-us-given-ukraine-since-russias-invasion/ Nobody has the right amount. Or I'm not reading it correctly.. lol
  6. As I understood it. (provided the reporters are correct. we all know how "accurate" they are) The constution for Ukraine states that there wouldn't be an election when the country is in war or militar action. So... his keeping the war going...some could say is him keeping himself in power? Also, claims that billions of dollars were "lost"? Seriously? People stating... there is a war going on, how do you expect them to keep accurate accounting? Well. think about how big a BILLION is. And they can't point to a general expense? It would be like a person that makes 50 thousand dollars a year not knowing where 45 thousand dollars went to. That is just crazy. Not being able to account for a couple hundred maybe a thousand but tens of thousands of dollars. That is bullshit. But... give me more! WTF. Anybody have Ukraine citizen approval raitings for him? (if those are accurate as well) https://www.euronews.com/2025/02/19/zelenskyys-approval-rating-grows-to-57-debunking-trumps-4-support-claim If this report is to be believed, he has as good a approval raiting (or close to it) as President Trump. It also states the election time when it was suppose to happen and confirms the info I read elsewhere where it is againt the constitution to have an election during marshal law.
  7. First try repairing the game. There might be a file messed up.
  8. Going on and publicly stating and advocating killing someone ... as far as I am aware... can lead you directly to jail. Then you go after a goverment official ... that is a whole different level of trouble. It is entirely possible that there are FBI files opened on each and everyone of those individuals.
  9. Don't combine like mods that do the same things. It will cause conflicts. This goes for DD and WW as well as for anything else unless expressly stated otherwise by the author. This of course has to do with script mods not shoes and such (however, I guess you can have a conflict but I haven't heard of it yet. )
  10. Your issue has nothing to do with Devious Desires. Try repairing the game. Might be a bad game file.
  11. Don't tell her. just send her. She committed a crime. Toss her out. (unless she is a citizen if so throw the book at her. )
  12. I had a similar encounter. I was either a vampire or warewolf. I can't remember. I never had that encounter otherwise. I believe I was above whatever level was needed to be able to start the vampire/warewolf campain.
  13. I had a relative that had a black cat it was HUGE. The dam thing slept on its back and snored. Was terrified of rodents and if you dropped him or he fell he fell on his back or whatever. No landing on his feet this guy. (HUGE not fat. )
  14. Minature realisim of scale painter.
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