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Blog Comments posted by ritualclarity

  1. 3 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

    I cannot do graphics either. "I am a mesh manipulator", as MurfeeL said about herself a while ago on her blog. And texture images that I make are not the greatest, but I rearrange, remesh and repurpose. Often, I use the original, or rearrange the original multiplier to match mt UV. Rare, but I have also rearranged my UV to match textures. So, I went back and put in the longer dress mesh (fixed), put in game, and like how it looks so far. I determined that not every dress needs to be mini, or see thru. Next up is testing to make sure the mesh looks good as the Sim moves, runs, walks, sits... etc etc, and no clipping. Also, part of "learning" is about the __Hat_grip__ bone. Another modder created a new bone (I think), and set of sliders. Headgear using that bone can be adjusted in game, in size and position. Lemonleaf made a bonnet that I now plan to also remake with this bone. This is an example of ideas that just pop into my head sometimes. ))))


    I can't do that.. and didn't even know that "THAT" was a thing :P

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

    Ideas was only a problem for a time a couple of years ago. Now it's more about finding time, and keeping focused to the end of a project. 

    Learning and improving keeps it worth doing. I am far from a master of any one thing, but I have grown... both knowledge and confidence. I have grown to where I can say, "That was pretty good." 🤗 

    BUT... I think I had a "took it too far" moment. My very first upload ever was an open bottom remake of Lolita Maid by Lemonleaf. Of course, I asked JoshQ to take it apart and critique it, so I could know and understand mistakes. I never fixed THAT piece, but incorporated things into what came after... Sort of "never look back". But now I decided to fix it. Well, too far is that I shortened the dress. I guess it looks ok, but I really do not like it so much, and will be making it regular length again tomorrow. )))

    You can always make changes. Perhaps even keep some of the versions and let others enjoy them if they are satisfactory to you. I am nowhere even near being able to do any of this graphics work :(

  3. 1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

    One of my long time personal issues has been that I tend to "Doug"... SQUIRREL!!! Those familiar with movie "Up" get it. 🤔 Some times, you run out of ideas, what to try next. Other times, they just come, then the next... SQUIRREL!!! And... you work on the new squirrel, as the first goes unfinished. In part, I blame those darned voices, but that is a story for another time.

    So, hoping to finish Flintstones, which I began perhaps in 2021, May or June. Hope to organize and reupload a few more bots, as well as, more garments and other CC. I will say that a few of the older pieces need updating before putting up again.

    THAT would be another of my little issues... Learning is a good thing, and I have learned (and continue to learn) so much since I began, but then you look back and think, "I can do that piece better now." Currently practicing by remaking an af and matching tf outfit and getting ready to test in game now. I cannot believe all of the things I had to fix!!!

    Stay tuned!!!

    I am sure we can find some ideas for you to work on if you run out of them :P

    Leaning and realizing that you can do much better now is a good thing! :D Don't feel bad that you can look back and see what you can do better on a previous project provided you did the best you could at that time with what you knew. ;)


    The beauty of writing tutorials and such is you can easily go back and tweak and rework the document to make it clearer and better at any time you desire. The problem I have is having time and patience to do so. :(  I want to go back and do some re-haul on the Sexout Common Resources Tutorial since FOMM isn't a main player in mod managers these days. Not that it is bad but others are more feature rich with things that people are looking to use now.


  4. Everybody is just bumbling around. Some, like Ladysmokes,  is just doing better than others. :D 

    I don't believe there is the same level of tutorial and info on modding Sims as found in Bethesda games that have modding components included.  People have to fight through the process with trial and error and many of those that do succeed, have a very bad habit (from what I have been told) of not being willing to spread their knowledge they gained.

    • Like 2
  5. 16 hours ago, bjornk said:

    Continuity issue on p2.2: Glasses with rectangular frame on the floor turn into circular frame. 😋

    Those skills and perks... Poor Wendy! 🤣

    Hey, that is like the movies where someone breaks their left arm and later shows their right arm in a cast... lol.

    • Haha 1
  6. Quote

    You have no idea. I tend to not finish projects once I start them. Only problem here is I won't be able to start work on another chapter until early September, most likely. 😞

    Take your time.... until it is the right time. use this time if you wish (suggestion) to really work out the kinks and think of creative things you can add to the next installment.  It is all good.  :) It will give your fans a break, a much needed one to help recover their energies for the next installment :P (If you know what I mean lol)


    That did come off a little whinier than I meant it to. I was mostly just poking people to see if there would be a response!

    Nope, not at all. Hope that my responds didn't give that impression.  Just putting it out there that there will be many that like your work, view it and enjoy but not respond.  It is the same with other comics...


    I don't think I've quite developed my "style" for lack of a better term.

    It looks pretty developed from this end.


    I'm still getting comfortable with GIMP

    That will take time and you likely will continue to develop your skills and "style" as you progress through your production of various comics.. this is perfectly normal and expected. :D


    But I'm way farther ahead than I thought I'd get.

    Good for you. It is amazing how far one can get once they start working on something with sincerity. ;)


    he extra benefit is now that I'm able to create diagrams with things like shaded text and inserts is going to allow me to eliminate an expense for my Real Life projects. 

    That is wonderful. Great to see your project not only entertains people with like minds but has given you some skills that help you in RL projects... that is a win win.

    • Like 1
  7. 19 hours ago, vancleef said:

    So. of course, I chose the busiest time of year in my Real Life career to launch THIS project! Sorry for the delay in new pages. Will be a t least a week before I get new ones up. But for those checking in regularly, thank you and I'll get ya some more story soon.


    :P LOL couldn't resist....


    In all seriousness, take your time. Do what you can do and don't get burnt out.


    • Haha 1
  8. I was just thinking, you could really have some serious fun with this time period...

    I mean just because "official" has some info there doesn't mean that there isn't some differences, strange thing that could have happened (within reason of course) which would / could give some interesting story. The Enclave for example could have decided to send a small group toward DC. Hell for that matter a small group from BS could have done so as well. to secure some really important top secret tech, gain some intell on it (it is DC after all ;)) It could make sense.

    You can add small reasonable "spice" to the story (your story) where the unexpected would happen. This is what is so interesting about this time period. Originally I thought you were doing it more towards the current timeline. before Vault 21 is destroyed/abandoned.

    In any case this is turning out to be an interesting comic.

  9. Wouldn't there also be Super Mutants... from their Vault? I ask as I understand it that vault was experimenting quite early on (perhaps even before the bomb dropped and nuked the entrance) with Super Mutants. It wouldn't perhaps be as bad as it is now and perhaps might still have some humans there (admin) or perhaps ghoul(due to the door being nuked however inside through most o the vault it is pretty radiation free)

    Also I suspect there would be more cannibals during that time as well, which in time would come together later and forum the tribe which would eventually create the Luxe.

    I have however only briefly played with the lore from that time period...

    I have to admit I am getting a bit interested in this story line.. :)


  10. 21 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I stopped working on that mod because I ran into some scripting problems and in typical Bethesda 'community' fashion no one would help me, and the people that would help were no longer around.

    It is so sad that things have come to that. It is a loss for everyone when the community won't help people with the info they need to develop new and interesting mods.

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