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Image Comments posted by ritualclarity

  1. 9 hours ago, JoshQ said:

    If they were an indie studio living in shoestring budget that would be understandable, but resources are the last thing they lack also they could have integrated the ‘unofficial patches’ with the official releases a long time ago instead of reselling the old buggy game again and again, and again.

    Yeah I know, beating dead horse...

    Yes you are beating a dead horse. However, for a few dollars you can buy it some horse armor! ;)

    • Haha 1
  2. 8 hours ago, JoshQ said:

    Fix the bugs first, Todd.

    The bugs ARE A FEATURE! :P lol.

    Hell, keep the bugs if he goes back to the storytelling and game play of Morrowind or even Obllivion. Provide the tools necessary or at least allow the tools to be used (backend in reasonable order so mod authors cando their work) and all would be fine by me.

    It wouldn't be a bugthesda game without the bugs.

  3. 6 hours ago, vancleef said:

    If I ever get back to launching my miniature game company, I'm using AI to create miniature designs for the sculptors.

    Get back to it and make the most offensive content for those wokesters!  You will make a killing. ;)  Seriously it looks like that is the recipe curretly to make $$$$.  You make money and get free advertisement to boot!

  4. 2 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I made an ashe blonde version with paler skin but the warm skin tone and honey=colored hair I ended up with suit her better.  Tried putting bigger boobs on her too but the perky B Cups just looked better.



  5. Wow, your composition and lighting and ... well everything has massively improved. Not that what you did prior was bad but the latest crop of captures are next level.

    Did you port the outfit  over to Skyrim? Also is this SE or original.


    23 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Hey, if there's an asset that works, why create one from scratch? Considering the custom work you DO do, Lazy is not an adjective I would apply to you!

    You haven't seen @Kendo 2 years ago when he was active in modding. ;)  Look at what he created most of the items are custom assets created from scratch. Bodies, outfits and entire mods and their assets. Only a handful of "mod authors" I know of create assets from scratch. Most use something then modify it (sometimes to a great extent but still modified)

    From what he did prior, he is a lazy bastard... :P LOL.

    If I had 1/10th of the knowledge and skill he has, I'd be better at creating mods than like 80-90% of the mod authors today. (really pointing to Nexus here) 



    (Sorry Kendo, just letting everybody know how much of a legend you were in the modding community years ago. Now, instead of being a legend in the modding community, you are handling more important real world shit! ;) I'm way more "lazy" than you by that definition ;) Between support theads and out right support not to mention testing... including some of your mod assets... I am doing jack now. .... :( now I am depressed alien 😭

    • Haha 1
    • Sad 1
  6. 4 hours ago, vancleef said:

    And I just realized I'm like every other guy who the minute they see an awesome NPC or Preset, instead of saying, "Hey! Great work! Beautiful character!" they ask, "Where can I get that outfit?"


    That statement just proves that I am an alien. I would like presets like that. I can always find something for the NPC to wear. lol

    At worst, I'd want the present first, then perhaps the outfit.

    Call me stupid... I don't like the potato faces of Bethesda games.

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