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Image Comments posted by ritualclarity

  1. 12 hours ago, Shady_Profile said:

    What mod do you use to get the faces to look like that?

    His mod... :P

    (likely with a fair bit of tweaking and such)

    I'd start with the body and makeup mods available here. Then see what you can do and work from there.

  2. I can see it. It is one of those faces.. if she likes you it is sweet.. if she hates or dislikes you.. it is snooty or bitchy.

    I would love to see some of that bitchy ness worked out of her in one of your comics! :D

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, bjornk said:

    Kendo, if you don't mind me asking, are you secretly working on a Starfield mod for FNV?👽😅

    That would violate his NDA! 

    @Kendo 2 this new offering looks great. Love the shoes stockings and bottom part of the outfit. ;D

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  4. I was impressed with the plastic color as it was. Then you raised the game with the belt and other accents. Of course I don't know the difficulties in doing this project as I am not a graphics artist etc. However, I can say I haven't seen anything remotely like this since the release of Fallout 3/NV.

    You have something to be very proud of here.

    PS. I love the sunglasses.. lol

  5. Giant walking humanoid Ant men.. they are alien enough for me. Who is to say they didn't come along from another planet where insects ruled in a captured cell on the alien ship?  I can see it as possible following the Fallout (old pre 76 lore) universe. Also fits with the general 40~50's Sci Fi alien concepts (as well as science gone wrong).

    I personally really like it and can't wait to see what Kendo does with it/them in his comics ;) I am sure it will be really interesting.

    I like this alien second only to the alien hybrid woman.. lol.

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