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Image Comments posted by ritualclarity

  1. On 2/16/2023 at 8:14 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    Pervert... 😜

    Thanks. I try to stray from create those types of characters. Not really my thing.

    This image (to me) probably makes her look like she fits right into the world.


    Pervert?  Why do you think people come here? You know our content, right? :P lol


  2. 21 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I used the vanilla texture layers and just recolored the surfaces.  All of the shading and depths are there but I used the prewar versions that are only seen in the Black and white Tranquility Lane part of FO3.  I'm not about to bake normals for something like this. 😛


    Just meshing around.  No plans for them. 🙂

    Every once in awhile I think I want to start modding again. Including actually modding assets. Then I realize the current realities related to modding. You know what I am talking about. The hurdles you have to overcome to get a simple asset created not to mention the theft due to monetization and general "entitlement" and other general disrespects.  However, I could do it for personal use.  Then I remember I have a very old computer and have tried to start .. just start by setting things up to do the work only to have the computer shit the bed and have to re-image it or something.  I tell myself that when I get a new gaming computer I'll start. As things change, even this starts to sound like a lie to myself. 

    Example, the computer shit the bed just trying to post here. Can't like your post (give thank you). Have to referesh a page many times through use due to things just stopping. This computer is a piece of shit. Can't do much on it so all is good. My other computer is what I'd work on and even it shits the bed often. No money to get a new one and now I might have to dig up several thousand dollars all of a sudden to take care of something very important so that will likely fuck me for the next year.

    Finally was able to give a thank you ... :( 10 minutes to posts something on the thread. One thread. This sucks.

    • Sad 1
  3. On 6/30/2021 at 11:49 PM, vancleef said:

    Need to work on Combat Anger expression. She looks more confused than anything else!

    Confused that you are still alive! :P


    • Haha 1
  4. Hey, just getting it out there. It is all good. We aren't paying attention to the resolution as much as the.. um.. cough... um... err... content... :P

    However, I do have a rig that has a higher resolution monitor and I am not a shame to admit that a higher resolution of your comics would be very much appreciated for... um..er... ah.. readability .. yes readability that's it. :P

    • Haha 1
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