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Image Comments posted by ritualclarity



    @endgameaddictionIt is the fact. Doesn't matter if they view it as such or not. That is entirely up to them.

    I'd suggest that they give it a try before making such assumptions. One of the only restrictive rules (other than to protect the site) is this. You should feel confident that we have any mod author or comic book creator etc back at this site. If you know someone that isn't happy with the current status or events at their current site... feel free to drop a link to our site and encourage them to just hang around and check it out to see if it is great for them as we think it is. :D If not... cool.


    Do not troll or hate on modders in their upload threads or the comments section of the download page. (Mod support topics are for support or to praise the mod author.)

    You can start shit on any thread but that one. Do that to an author.. you will be called out by a moderator and whatever actions deemed necessary will be done.  In other words, you don't want to break that rule. ;)

    I view this rule applying to this type of thread as well until we ( @Doublezero and @Kendo 2) discuss it and determine otherwise.

    22 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Agreed. While there is a Perv Factor that I personally enjoy I have received nothing but cooperation and goodwill in so many ways from the folks here. Modding advice especially. Despite some minor successes I'm still very much a novice at most techniques. And yet nobody here gets elitist or insulting.
    Try asking a basic question at the OTHER site...

    @vancleef You are far more successful than I am... :D  Keep up the great work.



    NSFWmods isn't about "perverted" side of modding. It is about an open space where people can peruse their likes freely. ;) Just so happens most here are "perverted" :P



    I like how you give some personality (facial expressions) that are approprate in your captures like Kendo does. :D

    Also it is great that you include the mesh and armor info needed so if someone is inspired to try to recreate your character in their game they can have an opportunity.


    Check out DA BOOTS 😍


    10 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Pipboy Readius is where it's at. Though, I sometimes like to have the vanilla pipboy. But it really gets annoying when using outfit mods that have sleeves and it clips with the pipboy. And the thing is way to big for the forearm. They should have made the pipboy a hand held device you store in your zipped pocked on the vault jumpsuit. The pipboy on the wrist just makes it seems like your property of vault-tec.

    Lore wise... you are property of Vault Tec ;)


    34 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    The first mod I install is the Pipboy Readius.  I can't stand that clunky hunk of junk the vanilla game uses.

    All about Vancleef: I like this screen shot.  It's setting up an 'uhuh-ohhh' moment for sure. :P

    Haven't used any Readius in my game .... yet..

    I agree ... didn't see it before but I agree with the "uhuuh-ohhh" moment...


    8 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Most likely it's Kendo's Raider Slut armor  that got everyone's attention!

    yes, it got them to look .. long... and hard.. well something was hard.. lol..

    However, don't sell yourself short. The lighting and settings and such is quite good.

    3 hours ago, bjornk said:

    This screenshot yet again reminds me of how stupid Bethesda's Pipboy design is... Huge, clunky and far from useful... It's sad to see that some of the people who worked on the original Fallout games gladly accepted it...

    Not sure of what you are talking about. Did the original Fallout games have smaller ones... on their little 8 bit bodies?  Where they suppose to be smaller.

    I always took those to be the product (and like the rest of the tech) of the technology.. some extremely advanced and others quite backwards. That was just really backwards. however, it last more than 200 years (game lore) and comments of how tough they were (Fallout 3 birthday party) 

    I honestly can't see them (game wise) having a smaller Pipboy based on the CRT (tiny one at that) computers and other backwards technology like that. Something else would stick out. (lore wise)


    Hot Tub


    Well that made two of us...

    You don't suck at art. nobody can suck at art.. ;) That is a fact.

    Only thing you might have... is people not appreciating or liking your art. And if what I see with the likes... you don't have that problem ;)

    Hot Tub

    On 5/7/2018 at 2:48 PM, vancleef said:

    Artist? Oh, I see...spellcheck accidentally substituted "hack".


    ? don't understand...

    On 5/7/2018 at 3:29 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    One of the coolest player homes. I just never liked the location it was put in.

    Then move it.. :D lol.

    Hot Tub

    1 hour ago, vancleef said:

    Never even noticed until just now!

    Yea... right.. perfect angle backs together. Her coy thoughtful expression with a single finger teasing her mouth looking back... Sure...


    I am just a crazy alien that notices things like this... lol. You are just a good artist that you instinctual knew that that was the best position for her without realizing.. :D

    Hot Tub


    Like the composition of that capture.

    I had to give a slight smile when I realized you had second girl in the capture doing the same thing...

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