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Image Comments posted by ritualclarity

  1. They look good and look realistic. They look like something someone would wear from the vault (being that the culture is based loosely off of the 1940~50's mentality and the vault is seen as remnants of this. Looks like what some young woman would do to alter the clothing as far as they can without being called out (too much) or criticized heavily.

    I was wondering why the two looked different.

  2. I thought the first panel was your first one.

    Perhaps try to soften the dialogue bubbles.

    As for taste, I don't do much with this type of content. I do see it and read it but can't really judge if it is in good taste or good talk.

    I am pretty sure @Kendo 2won't be offended with you starting your own comic, in fact I think he will like it. Also might have some ideas for you with dirty talk etc that might inspire your future works.

  3. Have at it. :D Practice makes perfect.

    Not sure how @Kendo 2 will feel about you "stealing" his idea... lol.



    The text on the first panel is hard to read with the background. It is good to be aware of your backgrounds and color to make sure it is easily readable.


  4. 6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    You're stealing one of my gag lines. :D  I was going to have her upset that everyone has a dick but her so she sneaks out and buys one...and then gets into big trouble for it.

    Opps.. so sorry...

    It was what came to mind looking at the capture as well as reading about "feeldo" :D.

    I'll go sit in my corner now... like a bad little :alien: I am... :P

    Keep up the good work.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    And don't forget about all of the 'gay' stuff I make for Breeze males. :D

    You will get no judgements from me. :D

    I am not interested in the "gay" stuff for those purposes.. however, I don't want my toon to look like crap regardless of which sex they are.

    If there is a way for Bethesda to make a character look ugly... they usually do so. ;) Keep up the good work!

  6. A lot of your content is still on LL. 

    Comics Bits and Pieces for example as well as some mods.

    You also have it on your site as well.

    Then anything you are missing I might have (finished not the raw files ;) )Even some of the things you didn't release ;)

  7. Sorry, missed the last statement...

    Nope... No handheld pipboy. Never really gotten interested. I tried it a Lonnggggg time ago but had some issues where some of my armors was missing the sleeve part where the pipboy should have been. Never went back. Likely the issue was the author not doing something as he/she would expect there to be a pipboy (It was custom armor if I remember correctly)



    It sounds good to me. Both the using the Creation kit and making (I assume) replacements for the vanilla game ones (models) and don't care much about issues with mods that add hair or eyes to the game.  To me, mods change the game. Changes done to parts of the game will conflict with other mods that change the same thing. It is the nature of the beast. the user chooses which mods they want to "conflict" with the game (which is essentially what modding a game does when changing any assets that are already included 'in game")

    As for the "size" haven't you heard.... "Size doesn't matter, it is how you use it that does".. :P In this case, your textures and such are more refined and detailed from the start to begin with. You don't need large textures to get great results, just good textures to begin with. I used to use the large textures (fake high rez) from Nexus and such and then realized that there is very little "pay off" for those textures and I can get a very good result from using lower rez better quality textures in the long run.


    No idea what I'm going to do with the stuff when I'm done. *shrugs*

    Send me a copy...lol. I imagine they will look terrific next to your high quality elfin eyes :D... (Which I think you didn't release as well)

    On a more serious note... I'd suggest if ... when ... if you do... create a complete replacement of males, females, and all the races... eyes, high quality hairs etc, that you release it as a Kendo Skyrim pack. Let them know that other skins, hair, and eyes mod might conflict etc, etc, yada, yada and give them the choice to use it or not.

  8. I believe the T3 Cail is the most used body. However, even if the armor is using another t3 it should work as well just change the shape a bit. (for those times you don't have an awesome armor to replace the default one)

    I installed all of the Kendo's Breezes options (manually) and it works quite well. I'd suggest double checking the installation and if you aren't using his version,change. It is more compatible . I don't understand much of what is being stated in the OP but understand enough that those issues that cause various glitches and such from using various armors and such are a think of the past. (no need to patch each armor to get itto work with Breezes) So far it works well but I will admit I haven't tested much with the Breeze. If you have a mod that you are having problems with and it can be downloaded // shared etc let me know (PM) andI will test it myself. I am only testing the game and fooling around. I can check to see if it has any issues on my setup.

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