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Nessa last won the day on September 9 2024

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  1. Even with all that, TES6, assuming it ever gets released, won't have a decent soundtrack at least. Which means it will be a total woke dumpster fire. The more I'm thinking on it.... I only really like about half the Skyrim soundtrack anyway. I hated the title song, and despite liking Oblivion's soundtrack... I still had all music off there too. I always have music off in games as no matter how good it gets, it gets old. Until BG3. (Too bad it was so woke everywhere else. But mods are fixing it thank goodness!)
  2. Hard to pick a favorite one there. Is it the Shaman? The anti-white pledge? Or declaring anybody not woke never use your software?
  3. Yeah don't do it. I still have a working FO4 before they trashed that with the update (and that modding scene is still a mess by the way) but it is just not worth the effort anymore. Go play something that only needs a few mods to work out instead. (What few of those there are. ) For new stuff I only focus on indies now. All the AAA's can spew out is woke trash with ugly characters. And a good portion of the indies too. Have to look out for those bait and switch tactics like BG3. Pre-release (friend of mine got it then): no woke trash. Release: full of garbage. No thanks.
  4. Absolutely. Very glad I never bought BG3. Now I can still play it, minus all the woke crap thanks to non-Nexus mods and all with a clear conscience.
  5. Same. Even now when I see the bland, desolated wasteland screenies from Starfail, I amazingly still have no interest in even checking out the modding scene. Seems I at long last part company with Howardism. (About damn time I think!! )
  6. Yeah he deserves the mountains of hate at this point. Guy is a total ass.
  7. Heh, looks like "dual boot" is going to have to mean: physically swapping out the Windows C drive with the Linux boot drive. Some years ago when the Macs were still intel, you could actually have a nice snazzy looking interface to switch between all 3 OS's at startup. Funny how "progress" looks more and more like regression.
  8. Heh, that is so true. M$ really is adversarial in their approach. I was originally planning on my new machine to be dual boot, but with all the mess lately I'm seriously considering ditching windows totally. It's just getting harder and harder to jump through the hoops they put in front of you for doing what you want on your computer.
  9. I still listen to NWN soundtrack songs. Wonderful work!
  10. Nessa


    Just like Godzilla to photo bomb.
  11. It was worth it for the laughs though. That was some hilarious cringe.
  12. Yeah Todd's never doing that. They really hate modders as evidenced by this weird "no 3rd party tools" crap. And what exactly does that even extend to? Blander (actually... Blender is bland, I'm not fixing the typo ) is "3rd party" along with Max and Maya. Actually they even hate their own customers based on how they treat them. Enjoy unionization Todd, I eagerly await the next dumpster fire. If it ever gets released.
  13. I tried out some of the "verified mods" for Skyrim AE. (Didn't buy them of course. Todd isn't getting one more cent from me ever again. To say nothing of the modders which are an assortment of some of the worst. ) First two were from Elionora. Thieves something or other and some house mod. Thieves stuff were right smack on top of two really popular mods, namely Skyrim Sewers and Skyrim Underground. One broken navmesh. Useless edits all over the place. The house was boring as hell and not worth even checking if it was functionally OK. Nothing worth a patch. Bare minimum effort. Next two were from everyone's favorite guy, Arthmoor. Ahem. On paper the first one sounded decent. It expanded 2 NPCs in the Morthal area. That bandit woman from the crypt with the falmer ghost and Anska the woman looking for a scroll in that crypt that just stays there for eternity. Once again though, right smack on top of Skyrim Underground. Again when there was plenty of room. Starting to think it's intentional. Dialog wasn't expanded (like we're getting on those dialog expansion mods using AI on the Nexus). Again bare minimum effort. If it didn't cover up the main entrance to Skyrim Underground.. I maaabye would have considered leaving it in. But not worth making a patch either. The other one was a falmer dungeon near Deep Folk Crossing. That one amazingly wasn't on top of any popular mods but it was just... bland. I guess I'm used to the amazing interiors being done now on new dungeons lately (Hammet's EasyRider, etc.). Next up was an expansion to the East Empire Company with a questline. Thing botched just about everything in every cell it messed with to the point I didn't even bother trying it at all in game. Also had some errors and dirty edits. "Verified". Yeah right. Maybe those 3rd party tools would have helped. Final one was in fact from EasyRider and expands the Vale (the hidden valley from the vampire DLC). This one actually seemed decent from what I've seen. Certainly not worth buying however. And frankly EasyRider's Nexus dungeons are more visually stunning. Maybe some of that rules crap. Or maybe I haven't explored enough. Usually EasyRider's stuff has a big "WOW" factor that's just missing here. All in all, one semi-decent mod with the rest being instant recycle bin fodder. As for the no 3rd party tools, any modder that agrees to that #*(&$ is pathetic. Bethsoft can't even make a decent non-buggy game and I'd be limiting myself to their crap tools!? Todd can go straight to hell.
  14. The Jack guy (I didn't even believe it was actually him, DAMN he aged badly) threw his "friend" under the bus. At least own it. But they can't even do that.
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