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Posts posted by Nessa

  1. Spoiler

    The piracy thing was hilarious. 🀣 So he compares piracy to the holocaust, which any of us couldn't ever due, then gets away with it by pulling the "I can say this because I'm of Jewish descent" thing. 🀣🀣 Some incredible mental gymnastics there.

    And then he pulled a kickstarter for an album but only released a few short songs after getting over 10 times the budget.Β  πŸ˜‚ Nice scam there.

    Then he makes a subscription thingy for cloud based music creation, after comparing piracy to the holocaust. πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    I didn't have an issue with his reaction to Bethesda. We all know beth is crap. Todd is crap. That sounds like something they would do.

    The women stuff, I don't buy that at all. More likely they were after him and he either said no or dumped them when he got a brain. (Geez the one woman is the very definition of woke freak.)

    Even with all that, TES6, assuming it ever gets released, won't have a decent soundtrack at least. Which means it will be a total woke dumpster fire.


    The more I'm thinking on it.... I only really like about half the Skyrim soundtrack anyway. I hated the title song, and despite liking Oblivion's soundtrack... I still had all music off there too. I always have music off in games as no matter how good it gets, it gets old.

    Until BG3. (Too bad it was so woke everywhere else. But mods are fixing it thank goodness!)

    • Like 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    It is so bad that I have worked so hard to get my gaming machine back up and running that I have played old KTOR and other games and haven't even got the energy to start to mod any of the Bugthesda games. Keep telling myself I want to but when I sit down to actually start to go through the process of fixing the game so that it is mildely playable... I get frustrated and just fucking tired and go play another game that actually works out of the box.

    Yeah don't do it. I still have a working FO4 before they trashed that with the update (and that modding scene is still a mess by the way) but it is just not worth the effort anymore. Go play something that only needs a few mods to work out instead. (What few of those there are. πŸ˜…)

    For new stuff I only focus on indies now. All the AAA's can spew out is woke trash with ugly characters. And a good portion of the indies too. Have to look out for those bait and switch tactics like BG3. Pre-release (friend of mine got it then): no woke trash. Release: full of garbage. No thanks.

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 9/10/2024 at 2:43 AM, bjornk said:

    Is that the reason why they adopted "pronouns" and "body types"? Any video game with "pronouns" and "body types" instead of sex/gender will never get a penny from me, no matter how well made it is.

    Absolutely. Very glad I never bought BG3. Now I can still play it, minus all the woke crap thanks to non-Nexus mods and all with a clear conscience. 🀣🀣

  4. On 9/9/2024 at 11:00 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    Bethesda is on the butt-buddy list for Take This and Sweet Baby Inc.Β  I was already fed the fuck up with their shit games after FO4.Β  Now that I know they're DEI knoblickers I've moved from 'never will buy' to active campaigning against them.Β  Anything after Skyrim 2011 is dead to me.

    Same. Even now when I see the bland, desolated wasteland screenies from Starfail, I amazingly still have no interest in even checking out the modding scene. Seems I at long last part company with Howardism. 🀣 (About damn time I think!! πŸ˜…)

  5. On 9/8/2024 at 11:29 AM, bjornk said:

    Legendary Edition, Special Edition, Anniversary Edition... after more than a decade, NONE of Arthmoor's "unofficial fixes" has been incorporated into the game, despite being a major Bethesda bootlicker... and apparently he's currently busying himself patching Starfield ... I find it highly cringy, tells you a lot about his personality, a spineless sycophant and a hypocrite... I've also realized the hate he's been getting for being a total jerk is significantly increased, and deservedly so. Anyway, yes, I'm really annoyed right now by one of his so called "fixes" (i.e. "this is what I think the game should be").

    Yeah he deserves the mountains of hate at this point. Guy is a total ass.

    • Haha 1
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    • Yes! 1
  6. 20 hours ago, bjornk said:

    Heh, looks like "dual boot" is going to have to mean: physically swapping out the Windows C drive with the Linux boot drive. 😏 πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

    Some years ago when the Macs were still intel, you could actually have a nice snazzy looking interface to switchΒ  between all 3 OS's at startup. Funny how "progress" looks more and more like regression.

  7. Heh, that is so true. M$ really is adversarial in their approach. I was originally planning on my new machine to be dual boot, but with all the mess lately I'm seriously considering ditching windows totally. It's just getting harder and harder to jump through the hoops they put in front of you for doing what you want on your computer.

    • Agree 1
  8. On 8/17/2024 at 11:18 PM, ritualclarity said:

    Hell, I am confident that a middle aged wonan in decent physical shape was taught just 2 or 3 months how to do some stuff they would do better than she did. Either they lied or where she came from nobody dances.

    It was worth it for the laughs though. That was some hilarious cringe. πŸ˜‚

    • Agree 2
  9. Yeah Todd's never doing that. They really hate modders as evidenced by this weird "no 3rd party tools" crap. And what exactly does that even extend to? Blander (actually... Blender is bland, I'm not fixing the typo 🀣) is "3rd party" along with Max and Maya. 🀣

    Actually they even hate their own customers based on how they treat them. Enjoy unionization Todd, I eagerly await the next dumpster fire. If it ever gets released.


  10. I tried out some of the "verified mods" for Skyrim AE. (Didn't buy them of course. Todd isn't getting one more cent from me ever again. To say nothing of the modders which are an assortment of some of the worst. 🀣)

    First two were from Elionora. Thieves something or other and some house mod. Thieves stuff were right smack on top of two really popular mods, namely Skyrim Sewers and Skyrim Underground. One broken navmesh. Useless edits all over the place. The house was boring as hell and not worth even checking if it was functionally OK. Nothing worth a patch. Bare minimum effort.

    Next two were from everyone's favorite guy, Arthmoor. Ahem. πŸ˜‚

    On paper the first one sounded decent. It expanded 2 NPCs in the Morthal area. That bandit woman from the crypt with the falmer ghost and Anska the woman looking for a scroll in that crypt that just stays there for eternity. Once again though, right smack on top of Skyrim Underground. Again when there was plenty of room. Starting to think it's intentional. Dialog wasn't expanded (like we're getting on those dialog expansion mods using AI on the Nexus). Again bare minimum effort. If it didn't cover up the main entrance to Skyrim Underground.. I maaabye would have considered leaving it in. But not worth making a patch either.

    The other one was a falmer dungeon near Deep Folk Crossing. That one amazingly wasn't on top of any popular mods but it was just... bland. I guess I'm used to the amazing interiors being done now on new dungeons lately (Hammet's EasyRider, etc.).Β 

    Next up was an expansion to the East Empire Company with a questline. Thing botched just about everything in every cell it messed with to the point I didn't even bother trying it at all in game. Also had some errors and dirty edits. "Verified". Yeah right. Maybe those 3rd party tools would have helped.

    Final one was in fact from EasyRider and expands the Vale (the hidden valley from the vampire DLC). This one actually seemed decent from what I've seen. Certainly not worth buying however. And frankly EasyRider's Nexus dungeons are more visually stunning. Maybe some of that rules crap. Or maybe I haven't explored enough. Usually EasyRider's stuff has a big "WOW" factor that's just missing here.


    All in all, one semi-decent mod with the rest being instant recycle bin fodder. πŸ˜‚


    As for the no 3rd party tools, any modder that agrees to that #*(&$ is pathetic. Bethsoft can't even make a decent non-buggy game and I'd be limiting myself to their crap tools!? Todd can go straight to hell. 🀣


    • Haha 1
  11. On 7/17/2024 at 4:20 AM, ritualclarity said:

    Yea I just saw that info earlier today.

    Why is that news? Who the fuck really cares if they decide to break apart due to political differences?Β 

    That is their business. I doubt that that single statment is alone responsible for them breaking up.

    The Jack guy (I didn't even believe it was actually him, DAMN he aged badly) threw his "friend" under the bus. At least own it. But they can't even do that.

    • Like 1
  12. On 4/21/2024 at 5:42 AM, ritualclarity said:


    Soo... to talk about video games on youtube is it required to have the most annoying voice imaginable? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    All that supposed "attention to detail" and they forgot about dialog and plot... or did they?

    Friend of mine watched it and said the dork that steals the power armor knocks over a house one minute, then the next gets stuck on a piece of wood. I argued this was legitimate. How many times did you fire up a save where you're in power armor and it glitches out? They're being lore and bug accurate in the show. πŸ˜‚

    Regarding lore, I argued this was legitimate to contradict itself from episode to episode. As all the bethsoft games forget their own lore in the SAME GAME. So again we see they are being accurate to the games. πŸ˜‚

    • Agree 1
  13. On 4/22/2024 at 6:03 AM, ritualclarity said:

    Warning a new update is coming up which will really change the game. (AKA fuck up your mods)

    Some of the changes listed in the video.

    Heh.... one thing that shows up in that video, and also in the FO4 game I'm playing: the awful LOD. It's just craptastic. Compared to modded Skyrim where you can see the torch on a tower from halfway across the province on a clear day. πŸ˜‚

  14. On 4/17/2024 at 2:29 AM, ritualclarity said:


    Β  Hide contents

    There is a sene where a woman was giving birth to monstosities/abominations... so there is that.Β  Flash back to some of the more extreme mods found in Lover's Lab :PΒ  No fertx though. lol




    The gold standard πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ is giving birth to a bloatfly. (Although the mod that did this only required getting hit by one.Β πŸ˜†) If they manage that in the show, they're on par with LL. πŸ˜‚


    • Agree 1
  15. 1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

    Well you missed the strange convesation about cumming with the one where she ask if he wanted to have sex. As for the water breaking the woman was crazy and pushed herself on some simp (he didn't really want her, he wanted the main character but settled because he had no backbone)Β  She was calling out her husband's name if I recall. The husband that recently died.




    OOOOK. Glad I stopped at 20 minutes.

  16. I lasted 20 minutes. 15 at first. Was laughing at the crap dialog and woke crap. Tried another 5 and switched it off.

    Good thing too, because later on.... well I'll just leave this here...

    😁 This happens in some later episode I'm never seeing. Also saw clips of some woman having her water break before sex while screaming some name or something.

    So they were so salty about sex mods and then produce this? With worse dialog? πŸ˜πŸ˜‚

    • Like 1
  17. 14 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Oversexed followers? Picking Locks to earn love? I must be missing some part of the game.Β  LOL Sign me up! lol. :P

    Haha! I mean, if you play a guy character, Gale apparently drops Mystra and suddenly has the hots for guys. Not much better for women though as all the female followers can't wait to hop in the player's pants. πŸ˜… It's just overdone. I like it toned done a bit.

    The lockpicking was a reference to FO4. You pick locks and your follower will go from hating your guts to being deeply in love. In a few minutes in an area with lots of locks.πŸ˜…


    The camera isn't bad IMO but it has room for some improvements.Β  It has improved since I got it awhile back. (I believe they have been making improvements .. lots of them continuiously. )

    It was OK for me until the monestary and that was just frustrating. However, the camera mods they have solve it totally. And let you really appreciate the great landscapes they've done.


    The Message (ACT 3) I missed. Havent went beyond ACT 2 (not completed it ) I just kept on recreating characters and seeing how they did etc. Playing with settings and such. Added a few mods. At the time I was really playing it there was much work needed on the manager and tools.

    They are doing lots of work even since I bought the game months back.

    The thing IMO to consider and give credit is they didn't follow what other developers do and they really worked hard to give a good running quality product. Way better than games released around the time the game was released. I saw an article mentioning that games like theirs wouldn't have been as praised if it was released 5 years ago. Game dev has gone down badly since then (longer IMO)

    Waiting for a special release is a good thing to do. My thought was wait until this game is on a major sale and pick it up. This is advice for those that are so jaded by games and/or just don't want to be disappointed

    You get smacked over the head pretty fast with an anti-private land ownership message right off the start. And of COURSE refugees are good people who we should all just love. And of course every single gnome in the game is gay. (That might actually make sense though. 🀣) Then there's the circus though... it's a circus. 🀣 And then naturally a lot of the men are shown as idiots. While women's true love can only be other women. That stuff is straight out of Current Dayβ„’ as seen by NYC or California.πŸ˜… Also a lot of the in-game messaging and notes are filled with pronouns and the like. It's... pretty awful all around. In fact I'm wondering if Larian put so much of it in there to the point of ridiculousness to make a point. 🀣

    All that said, they've done so much better at nearly everything than any AAA company I can think of for a long time. I've had 3 games, only one of which got to Act 3. (Got disgusted at the Message in Act 3 PLUS... it's kind of a busy Act. The others were more relaxed somehow.) In each of my 3 games, something totally different happened at nearly every spot. They've done a great job despite some of the woke messaging.

    I really think AAA games are over. It's the smaller devs like Larian (despite the woke) that are going to produce interesting stuff going forward.

  18. BG3 needs mods like everything else.

    • Ugly characters (Western devs strike again. But there are mods!)
    • Oversexed followers. And I thought picking locks to earn love was bad. πŸ˜… (Multiple mods help here!)
    • Bad camera controls. (A mod fixes this fortunately.)
    • And the in your face The Messageβ„’ which really only starts ramping into full gear in Act 3. (Unbelievably there is a mod for this, but don't look for it on the Nexus. 🀣)

    I keep hearing that Larian (devs of BG3) tend to make a sort of director's cut usually a year or so after they release a game. So probably it's best to wait longer. They are still doing updates, fixing bugs, and amazingly adding content.

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