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Posts posted by Nessa

  1. 16 hours ago, LadySmoks said:


    is clearly marketed toward children. Just as the books I mentioned. Defend the educational value of this if you wish, but consider the target audience.

    16 seconds in. That's all it took for me to welcome nuclear annihilation. Humanity needs to end. 😆😅🤣

    • Haha 1
  2. Yeah but.... the original Oblivion's plot was almost as bad as Skyrim's. 🐉😅 (Almost. Comparing the two I did at least go all the way through Oblivion's plot. Once. Won't ever finish Skyrim's idiot main plot. 😆)

    I personally prefer the Beyond Skyrim approach as it doesn't retread where we've already been.

    • Agree 1
  3. Wow am I late to the response party! 🤣 Any WW animation will work with DD.

    I'm afraid I'm not up to speed on the pets anims, but I think the DD wiki has a list.

    For regular anims: Azmodan, Yrsa, Atrois, E404P, GreyNaya, Mike24, Savaccini... just to name a few. All work with DD. You can find a bunch on LL, though your best bet might be to search elsewhere as a lot of anims are paywalled these days.

    • Merry Christmas! 1
  4. I have an old list laying around here somewhere......

    Here we go.

    That was just FO4 though.

    For Skyrim I know Arthmoor moved to his site (with the exception of USSEP). A lot of the clothing makers aren't seeming to do Nexus updates much. That I'm noticing anyway. (SunJeong, Melodic, Immy, etc.)

    There is modbooru for clothes.

    MwrorPurr (that name 🤣🤣; made MCM Recorder 😎, scripts with no esp, etc) has a pretty active discord with much of the active modders announcing new releases. That's where I get a lot of Skyrim modding news.

    Really is a shame what happened but the filth running the Nexus doesn't care. 🙄

    • Thanks 1
  5. 10 minutes ago, LadySmoks said:

    Surprised this has not been "CANCELED"!!!!

    They'll just retroactively cancel that kid and ostracize the actor unless he produces a 10 minute apology video. Actually that's not enough, because they'll unperson him before he can release the video. 🤣

    • Sad 1
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  6. On 10/27/2022 at 2:33 AM, Kendo 2 said:

    I saw a video and it was supposed to be about the 25th anniversary.  It was really about "What has Bethesda given us?" and then it went on to feature Creation Club shit that you have to BUY.  Bethesda's never given me anything.  Whatever I've gotten from them I've had to paid for.  And FO4 wasn't worth the $60; I got cheated.

    I noticed the graphic alone for the "25th Anniversary" didn't even have any callbacks to the originals. Plus they put New Vegas as a tiiiny little sign way in the back. Can't help but think that was intentional. 🤣


    Your post has so many fantastic spots I can't decide which I like the most. 🤣:


    Some need a good butt hurting!!! Insert sideways!

    🤣😆 (This is especially hilarious given the mods Pama makes!!! Right now they're all on this impaling kick.) 😅🤣


    To me, it's all part of retardation of Americans.

    😅😅😆 Experienced that first hand when some of my cousins from the US came for a visit. My reaction:


    1 hour ago, LadySmoks said:

    There are laws against murder. How is that working out?

    🤣😅😆 👆


    ......those types will never post here, because moderators generally allow deserved bitch slapping!!!


    I think 2/3 the users of LL probably need a bitch slapping. And then all the contributors. (Probably myself included! 🤣)

  8. 2 hours ago, LadySmoks said:

    With VPN and access to email from several countries, is anyone truly "banned" from any website? __ DrHarleenQuinzel @ LL  😇

    Yeah banning is no longer really a thing. 🤣 Way too easy now to come at the place from a different nation and burner email. Can even use burner telephone numbers now for garbage like Google. 🤣


    The validity of the story is not what matters. LL has a troll problem that moderators refuse to address until someone explodes (as I did, admittedly). Regardless of screenname, I do not hide who I am... LadySmoks, TheLadysGhost, currently DrHarleenQuinzel (Harley Quinn, before she was Harley, in case anyone does not know).

    Far too often, a troll will single out one person... in this case, me. I basically agreed that in some cases, such "justice" may be the only resort. The post directly above mine, also agreed, yet the troll chose to single out my post and attack. Why? So, I did something that I never do, and completely flipped. Felt good. And DoctaSux did triple "warning", and blocked that account for 2 weeks.

    So.... VPN, different email, and another account, where I posted the same pics as I did here. ))) Just because I can! I can login from whatever country and create email account on whatever service, and do it just to be a bitch about it. 🤫

    If it helps any, P was butt hurt like crazy about the whole thing. 😅 It devolved into a generational name-calling episode. The LL mods -must- be Boomers they say. I don't even know what the hell a boomer is anymore. The US keeps shifting the definition!) Then they went after Gen X whatever the hell that is. Wake me up when get to Generation 0. Or are we there now? 🤣

    I'm still laughing over the "vigilante BAD" thing. What in the literal hell? 😆 Yeah instead lets all be victims and let the baddies get away. Great idea chaps. 😆I'd ask what insane planet of suck the guy is from but it's Germany. No comment. 😅 (One of my best friends is German and he assures me... well I'll just go: 🤐)

    One interesting thing ....  P's group was actually -complaining- about the lack of free speech! So they may be from planet suck but apparently prefer free speech so they can spew their dopey views. 😆 Is this a plus? 🤷‍♀️

  9. On 10/15/2022 at 5:21 AM, LadySmoks said:

    ..... when one of their boys (Pamatronic) finds himself being bitch slapped!!!

    I've got a bit of intel on this. Apparently....   somebody on LL made a post about a couple guys beating up some domestic abuser. (Seriously doubt a single thing written was true. Especially since I've read the same variation of the same story untold times. 🤣 🤣)  Said "boy" sails in, says something about vigilantism being bad (huh!? I guess no justice is superior? 😅) and got himself a warning for the trouble. 😆

    So I think is a case where both sides hate LL moderation. 🤣🤣


  10. Really the current climate just makes me want to make a video game with a woke switch.

    Woke Switch On:

    • All female characters are hideously ugly.
    • All female characters cannot ever be wrong about anything, and cannot be beaten in combat.
    • Female characters fulfill all masculine roles.
    • All male characters are stupid and used as comic relief.
    • You don't actually play the game, it plays itself. (So it's not too hard!) 🤣

    Woke Switch Off:

    • Actually attractive female characters exist.
    • Female characters may be wrong, can be defeated in combat, and may just actually have some flaws in their personality!
    • Female characters are feminine.
    • Some male characters can actually be competent!
    • The game is actually a challenge as intended.
    • Like 2
    • Agree 1
  11. I may agree with Yale here. I mean, most video games have awful disgusting culturally appropriated hair. Enough is enough. Stop the ugly I mean, cultural appropriation. Let's get back to having nice hair... I mean non-culturally appropriated hair. And since you can't culturally appropriate European stuff for some reason... we all get European hair in video games! 😅😆🤣

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
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