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Posts posted by Nessa

  1. 19 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    I've decided to install Brave browser.

    I use Brave as one of my 12 million browsers. It's among my more favorite browsers and actually has a menu bar! Feels modern next to the garbage Fatfox has been putting out there lately.

    On 3/24/2021 at 11:24 PM, ritualclarity said:

    For the modern gamer. ... a way to not to actually play the game.


    1. That guy's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. 🥴🤣

    2. Bethsoft probably will be taking notes here. Why bother with what little gameplay they have left when the game can just play itself! <-- Todd will probably claim it was his idea of course. 🤣

    • Agree 1
  2. If anyone's in the mood for film noir, check out Laura. From 1944! An extra bonus it has a very young Vincent Price with a slight country accent! 🤣


    Laura (1944 film poster).jpg

    Full film here.

    Not sure that link will work in the states though. I can't keep up with who bans whom. 🙃

    • Like 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Yeah, I'm making preparations in the near future to move out in the rural out here. But it's not mainly because of this. I'm just sick and tired of Californians that continue to ruin this city for decades. Tired of being around stupid people who drive and just act stupid.

    Yeah there were a bunch of reasons for leaving California for me too. Too long to list really. And having been gone so long I really only miss two things. The Pacific waves and hummingbirds. Otherwise: don't miss a thing. 🤣

    • Like 1
  4. The brutality of the arrests for Covid nonsense astound me. There's been a little bit of that here but there's none of the "shackle them they are dangerous" stuff. It's still asinine of course. (Two guys fined for kissing their girlfriends. A guy surrounded on the beach even though he was alone. The governor wanting to "save" kids partying by burning them alive. 🤣 Etc. All of which were in areas with garbage mayors or governors.) But the stuff out of the US and especially Commonwealth countries is ... disturbing to say the least. I think the UK is the worst but Australia is up there. Canada as well and the even the US in spots. There is going to need to be a reckoning I think when this is all over. (If it gets over before everyone revolts anyway. )


    I'm in the country so lockdowns never really happened here even when they were severe for the cities. I'll say this though, I'm not living in a city ever again after all this. Country for me from now on period!!

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  5. 19 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Have a book? We will be happy to burn it for you.  You don't want to be edumakated right?  Don't want to  be accidentally EXPOSED to concepts and or ideas that might offend! RIGHT... call us right away! We will remove all offending materials from your sight.

    Remember when Amazon and Apple both claimed they'd NEVER use their near total control over their ecosystems to delete user content? Well, if you have any wrongthink material on the your iDevice, as soon as it's online BAM! Then you don't. You may now thank your digital overlords for saving you from yourself and wrong thoughts. Can't have customers thinking! They might get ideas. Ideas are dangerous. Unless those ideas are the right kind of ideas. The kind of ideas that our digital masters agree with.  🐲🤣


    I half joke. Amazon has already deleted content. In some sense Apple as well but it was "an accident". (That I know of anyway!)

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  6. 2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    They could just make new Pepe cartoons with a slight change where he is told that isn't right...

    They technically already did. One of the funniest was when the cat suddenly decides she likes Pepe and starts chasing him. 🤣

    Which reminds me, I should probably get all the Looney Tunes (at least the good ones from the 50-ish range) and maybe other TV shows and such as soon as possible. Right now it's just moronic warnings. How long will it last until the book/entertainment burning gets into full swing and this stuff is all taken offline or even deleted entirely?

    • Agree 1
  7. Well, new Firefox extension changes "bitch" to "boss"! 🥴 Because... blah blah women blah blah statistics so it must be true blah blah women most affected because reasons blah blah. 😂



    I'm happy to know that Mozilla thinks I'm so fragile, I need an extension to protect me from the "horrid" word bitch. How... stunning an brave of them to help us poor stupid females use that "techy" stuff. 🐲


    As such, I propose a new extension: the Corporate Speak Translator! A simple filter to help cut through the bull of those corporate press releases.

    Mozilla --> Stupid Ass Bitch 🤪

    dignity --> degeneracy

    individual--> homogeneous

    civil --> uninteresting


    Now for a quick test!

    Mozilla corporation is committed to an internet that promotes civil discourse, human dignity and individual expression.

    Stupid Ass Bitch corporation is committed to an internet that promotes uninteresting discourse, human degeneracy and homogeneous expression.


    Not bad. Could have the beginning of a decent translator here! 🤣

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  8. They should really showcase decent NPCs though. I mean, helps with marketing. If they've got a bunch of hot NPCs chasing them down it goes a lot farther than... whatever those were. 🤣


    That said, looks extremely promising.

  9. 9 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Well, there goes my plans to be a pirate.

    A youtube fail for me. Bach played in the beginning. One small taste of that and I had to find MORE immediately. 🤦‍♀️ 🤣


    And curiously with that on, I finished several icons, two vector cartoons and a bunch of other stuff in record time. Coincidence? 🤷‍♀️ I'd better stay away from Vivaldi or I might be ruling the country by tomorrow. 🤣


    Also: there are other pirates now anyway. ⛵ 🏴‍☠️ 😆

    • Haha 2
  10. 21 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I posted this over at LL so they can unironically delete it because it makes their authoritarian politics look as bad as they really.

    Kendo, I'm DYING of laughter over your comments in that thread!!! I lost it over the one about the woman with daddy issues. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


    Of course it's all truth too. Those are some red pill nukes in there! 🤣

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  11. Type N Body Replacer

    Type N Body Replacer

    This body is a based on Luchaire's Type V with three distinct differences:

    • Narrow shoulders common to Type 3 have been added.
    • Now uses the BnB "bouncy girl" animations and skeleton.
    • Uses smaller hands for girls instead of vanilla gorilla hands.

    Armor conversions for:

    • Vanilla FONV
    • Vanilla FO3
    • All FONV DLCs
    • All FO3 DLCs
    Installation for FO3/FONV/TTW

    A FOMOD script handles the dirty business! 👹

    1. Pick which type of install: FO3, FONV DLC, FONV TTW or plain old FONV.
    2. Choose a "down there" texture.


    Important Caveat
    • The esp's modify a few vanilla outfits! You'll want to use FONVEdit or FO3Edit to resolve any conflicts!

    Quickie FAQ

    • TTW!? I don't use that!!
      Doesn't matter, you can still use this with standard FONV.
    • BnB!? Does this mean most vanilla outfits are topless??
       NO! I tried to keep to the original intent for existing clothing. I did take a little creative license on a few outfits but nothing is crazy. (Well, OK, half the vanilla outfits were crazy... 🙃) At any rate, you're not going to encounter old women with girls hanging out. (At least, I don't think so... 😬)
    • Are outfits crazy bouncy like the standard BnB!?
      No! The "without apparel" body has a reasonable amount of jiggly. Outfits reduce this to varying levels from fairly jiggly (skimpy clothing) to not at all (armor).
    • Do I need anything from BnB for this to work!?
      No! Everything needed for operation is included in the download.
    • I have some super cool Type3 body textures. Will they work with Type N?
      Yes! Body textures for Type N are compatible with Type 3 textures.
    • TTW support? Will this work with FO3 then?
      In fact, it should if you don't use the esp. What I'm not sure about are the animations. (Currently anyway!)

    Other Type N Conversions:


    Change Log
    • 2.50 - Removed unnecessary alpha channel from ghoulette textures. (Was reportedly causing some issues.)
    • 2.49 - Raider Outfit 4 Fix, Marked Men NCR Fix, Pitt Slave Rags Fix, New 3rd Legion Slave Outfit


  12. Just heard about the Gina Carano thing. (I always find out long after whatever happens out here!) That's some high level cringe! On Disney's end. 🤢 🤢


    I'd say something pithy like I'll boycott them, but come on. Overpriced Chinese stuff anyway. 🤣 And apparently even the Chinese hate their guts. 😂


    EDIT: Which is to entirely avoid the enormous rancor in the room: what they did to Star Wars. 🤣

    • Agree 1
  13. 9 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    Well, in comparison to what it is like now.. Battlestar is mild.

    I agree. It was woke but nothing like the Expanse or even that horrible Witcher series. What really turned me off from BG was the story. It started great, but certainly didn't end up there. Too much weird metaphysical nonsense. I probably would have been throwing my own monitor out the window if I'd watched it to the end. 🤦‍♀️🤣 Let's just drop all our knowledge and live like cave men? WHAT!? 🤣

    9 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    PBS with their documentaries talk about how systemic racism started in 1619 and progressed from there, all the while talking about historical figures being slave owners and rabid racists. (Literally, they use the term "racist" and "systemic") It used to be more subtle, now it is blatant. There is a difference, so much so, it could just evaporate the moderate leaning populists. 

    Now there's something I haven't seen in eons. PBS! That still exists!? 🤣 I remember them being ridiculous all the way back at university. I can only imagine how monotonous they are now!! 🤦‍♀️

    In fact I have a story about that. There was a science show on PBS and they happened to do a spot on the discovery made by one of the professors at my university. He showed it in class as an example of how stupid the media is. 🤣 Apparently the people on the "science" show were so stupid they completely screwed up even the most basic aspect of his discovery. 🤣 Imagine what they get wrong now!!!

    • Agree 1
  14. I actually haven't had a TV for.....  geez over 10 years!? WOW. We've got a projector system that we use to watch mostly old films. Going through the 30s right now and they are surprisingly great even that far back!

    And you made a mistake when you brought up Battlestar! 😈

    I watched that online about oh... 6 or so years ago. I remember getting pretty far into it but it was full of woke crap even back then. The humans were so monumentally asinine I was mostly siding with the robots. Until they got asinine. I recall quitting when the annoying blond pilot (yeah I know everybody liked her, but I thought she was terrible) somehow returned to life thanks to some divine ... angel thing. I've since read how it ended and what a bunch of crap! I'm glad I didn't finish it!!! I think that show is what really put me off any TV for so long.


    I have watched one other show, and I may get zonked for what I'm going to say about it. The Mandalorian. I thought it was boring to astoundingly stupid. Just when it maybe started getting interesting, they'd go and ruin it with some nonsense. And no I didn't -cry- when Luke showed up at the end of the last season, I was instead rolling my eyes. (Crying over Luke? REALLY!? 🤦‍♀️) I'm apparently so over Star Wars I want nothing to do with any part of it. 🤣 I won't be watching the next season nor do I care about any of the 30+ shows they announced. I'm done. 🤣

    Back to the Expanse, I'm finally up to the current season. I now soundly LOATHE Naomi to the point I'm mentally skipping her scenes. (SOO UGLY and she's getting worse at acting. Didn't think that was possible!) I've softened up a little on Holdon. He's not so annoying or maybe he hasn't had enough screen time to annoy me yet. In a move that is entirely NOT surprising, of course there is yet another BAD FATHER. 🤣🤣🤣 Yes, there cannot ever be a decent father figure in modern anything UNLESS... the father is a woman. 🙄🙄


    TLDR: modern stuff is crap. 🤣

  15. I don't know anything at all about cyberpunk stuff but I did like the atmosphere of Omega in Mass Effect 2. Which supposedly was based on Blade Runner. All they had to do was make a city on that order.

    From the screenies Night City just looks like a relatively clean city in California populated by freaks. ... Which is pretty close to reality so I'm not sure that even can work as scifi. 🤣 (California was minus one freak when I left! Plenty left though! 🤣)

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