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Posts posted by Nessa

  1. 3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    lol So using profanity is against LL rules. Yeah, I saw your comment over there. I swear LL is turning into twitter. Maybe his best buddies are Nexus moderators. Or maybe those rules only apply to the people they don't like.

    What the.... !? 🤭

    I learned most of the cuss words I know on LL! 🤣😆😆😆

    • Haha 1
  2. On 7/6/2021 at 9:52 PM, Kendo 2 said:

    😆😆 OK, now what do you REALLY think? 😆😆 (And hey, not banned as of writing this! Yay? 🤭) DorkOne. I like that. I've taken to calling that other jerk Limp Biscuit. 🤣

    I remember that "I got banned" thread! I posted a couple times in it myself I think. There were some hilarious posts in there! Downright criminal if they deleted it. Bad form. 🤡

    I saw a little of the Nexus backlash on Discord. A modder made a new server over it and it was one big cluster *&#$ of complaining. Very amusing at first but got old after a week of complaints with no doing. I mean, I get it for the first few days. The Nexus staff are absolutely awful and idiotic. But maybe after a few days take some action and tell the Nexus to #*(&$# it on your way out. 🐲 Drawing it out when the Nexus staff act like petulant teen dictators is just stupid.

    I do get a real kick reading the Nexus corporate-speak BS announcements. Their problem is they don't.... proactively self actualize synergistically with the community in positive needs based ways. 🥴🤣

    Also it shouldn't be a news flash to these people that the Nexus is run by slimy creeps. This is just the latest in a long line of slime that began all the way back with the queen of slime. 🐲 (Well, he identifies as a queen anyway. 🤭)



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  3. 1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

    what is the best set of browser add on's for security?

    Good question! I have like 40 browsers now. 😆 Probably not the best but here's my layout.

    For Fatfox:

    • Noscript
    • uBlock (ad blocker)
    • Cookie AutoDelete
    • Anti-Adblock Blocker
    • I Don't Care About Cookies (Ironic considering I have the cookie auto-delete thing. 😆 I think this is only for us EU suckers. Almost every damn website has an annoying popup reminding us about cookies. And of course they make it as hard as possible to "reject all". 🙄 So I accept all automatically and then automatically delete them. 🐲)

    Used to use Ghostery as well but I heard some negative rumblings about it. Just haven't installed it for now. (I haven't checked about it myself however so those rumors could be totally bogus!)


    • Adblock
    • Ghostery
    • Javascript Blacklist


    • Nothing here yet. The base adblocker seems to work very well so I haven't had a need to tweak it yet. I think Brave is based on Chromium so Chrome add-ons should work I think.

    Of course, VPN always on. 😎

    And when I'm really wanting to be silent: TOR Browser + onion over VPN.

    I have a heard a lot lately about browser isolation. Where you have a profile setup (with it's own separate set of settings and such) just for certain tasks so it's even harder to track you. Even with a VPN they can identify the browser to some extent. I'm all for making it as hard as possible for the spying twerps to do their job. 🐲

    What does everyone else use? Any pros or cons anybody has heard of stuff in my list?

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Im not opening  my wallet to give them money each month.. I have used the debloter and it worked quite well. I removed most of all those itmes that are removed from the above mentioned version. I can (but actually shouldn't ) remove Edge but that is about it. My system is clean. No store. No games, no other bullshit. I had to maually go in to remove Explorer 11 (take it around back and shoot that .. shouldn't be in the system at all considering its age etc.. Hell it isn't even supported anymore. )


    So basically, I did some work to turn Windows pro x64 into a clean system that you are currently using. .. Yea!  So far it works quite well. Might have to reset the OS if I made a mistake and need something or did something wrong. Have ran through about 3 updates to bring things back up to date from a clean install and none of that crap came back. (Oh, can't remove that Defender.. can, but from what I read, it isn't advised.)


    Who said I paid them? 🐲 😆 😆 Got LTSB from the job. (I guess it's hard to get a hold of otherwise? Or I suppose there is the 🏴‍☠️ method.)

    About Defender, yes that is still an issue even on LTSB. No matter what I've done, from registry to security settings it will always turn itself back on at startup.  The current workaround I'm using now is a thing that disables it on login. The issue about Defender is it labels things that are perfectly safe and needed as "dangerous". It does this for a couple small utilities for Skyrim even! To say nothing of all the small utilities I've used for eons all the way back to XP.

    As far as use is concerned, I've had no compatibility problems yet. (Which means I'll have a huge one now that I mentioned it! 🤣) The only thing I really do with Windows is games and modding though. And even modding is somewhat limited. Modelling and texture work are all done on my work machine which is a Mac. 🤷‍♀️ About the only thing I do with Maya now on Windows is import the finished model and set it up for export. (The current exporter I use is only for Maya 2016. Work machine is 2020. And -of course- you can't just save to an older version. Oh no, that's not how Autodesk works. 🙄)

    Though if we're talking what Windows version is best? I was happiest (or rather as "happy" as one can ever be with Windows) back on Win 2000. 🤭😆😆

    Come to think of it, I was only on Win7 for the last 4ish years. Was XP before that and only switched due to getting a bunch of new SSDs. My only exposure to Win8 was a work laptop and that was short since we switched it to Linux. Reading about full Win 10 though? Yeah I can definitely understand never upgrading to that kind of mess. And the spyware crap! What. The. Hell!? 🥴

    Even Macs are getting annoying too with the iCloud nonsense. (Can barely turn a new one on without it whining about "What's your account so we can spy???") It's definitely looking like the real future of decent computing will be flavors of Linux.

    • Like 1
  5. My gaming machine recently went kaput (translated: I wanted a new one) and I was faced with the Windows debacle as well. Win 10 is a piece of literal garbage with so much crap that just wasn't going to happen. Soooo.... I went with Win 10 LTSB. 🐲


    After a good 4 months of it, I of course can't say I like it (nobody with a brain likes Windows period) but it's "not too bad". 😆😆

    It will do until I finally get totally divorced from Windows and switch to Linux full time. 😆

  6. 8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    This is why I strongly believe the industry will never have another crash. There's already too much money involved in it and we're facing with a different mindset of people now vs. back then. Boycotting like standing up for the truth when it comes to politics is so controversial. OMG *rolls eyes* Like stop being so bitter and just accept things the way they are. Times have changed. You're missing out on good games.

    Well.... there is another way. 🏴‍☠️



    I've heard. 😆

    • Haha 1
  7. Was in another film noir mood and ran into this little gem.



    Robert Mitchum (no complaints from me 😍) and another example of a young Vincent Price this time playing comic relief. To top it off Perry Mason as a bad guy! (Yes, I know Perry Mason. My grandmother used to watch endless reruns. 🤦‍♀️🤣)

    Full movie here (for Europe sorts at least).

  8. 2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    Apparently, Steam/Valve is racist. Weird how they are located in a satellite city of Seattle known as Bellevue, WA. We all here know how "progressive" Seattle is. 


    Yeah if you don't bow to cancel culture immediately you're de facto "racist" now. As if that term has any meaning anymore. 🥴

    Apparently the galaxy is racist now too. I think we should just cut the crap and declare reality: EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING is now racist. 🤡 😆

    • Agree 2
  9. 2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    This is rather frightening.

    Regarding the Pacific, that's accurate. We all knew never to go swimming for at least a week after a rain for instance. The salinity of the salt water being reduced plus all the crap running off from the land made it unsafe for swimming. Those dumb enough to actually get in the water of course had all kinds of problems. That kind of thing regularly affected the area even near Balboa Pier (where I would usually go).

    As for the Santa Ana river, you've got to be completely brain dead to be anywhere near that polluted monstrosity.

    And while I'm on pollution, the "marine layer" (a euphemism for smog in Orange County) was so bad that you could only see the San Gabriel mountains a few days in any given year if you were lucky. As a kid the first time we had a clear enough day to see them I was shocked there were mountains there at all. 🤦‍♀️🤣

    Furthermore some interesting stuff about that same beach. My parents say they remember lots of sea creatures when they were kids. Today? Not much left alive. The occasional seal or dolphin might show up but most of the usual suspects in any beach aren't present. (In contrast Hawaiian beaches are teaming with life on the shore.) I now can't help but wonder if it wasn't so much the crowds as the pollution causing this.

    As such out here in Europe I laugh when they say the "smog" is bad. They don't know what smog is out here! 😆


    As for the rest.......   yeah. Scary indeed. If anybody contacts a flying saucer, send it my way. I want off this crazy train! 🤣

    • Like 3
  10. On 5/21/2021 at 5:51 PM, vancleef said:

    Russian Army recruitment ad vs Modern American recruitment ad. Tears of laughter. Real. Tears.
    Russian Army Recruitment Video vs. America's "Woke" Recruitment Ad — Wow (rumble.com)


    That is jarring as hell. You go from tough Russian guy and ominous imagery to whiny screeching  cartoon world. And of COURSE she's raised by two moms. Can't have anything remotely resembling normalcy. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ (Men are toxic and all that. Or something. 🤡)

    I can just see these two different types of soldiers meeting on some future battlefield. It won't go like the cartoon world thinks. 🤣🤣

    • Agree 2
  11. Wow, after that video I'm already trying to figure out the best way to direct an asteroid to smash into Earth. Its kind of run its course. Might be better for the galaxy if it went away.  🤣🤡


    Makes me wonder about those UFOs that are apparently now a real thing suddenly. (Which is worth a rant for another day!) I bet the aliens are watching us for comedy. It probably serves as their version of reality TV. "What have the insane earthlings done today? Tune in to see the depths of their stupidity!" 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    • Haha 3
  12. 4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    The girl parts of that: 🥴🥴🥴🤢🤢🤢 What disgusting (#*$&# freak *(&#$# wrote that #(*$&#!???? 🤢🤢🤢

    OK, rant time! 🐲

    What the feminists don't ever want to recognize is that they (and women in general) prefer to be that princess getting rescued by the hunk prince. It's why those stories are so popular. Men want to be the hunk prince, women want to get rescued by said hunk. Something for everybody. 😆 And contrary to whatever the mushroom induced voices in their heads say, most women have 0 interest in being masculine. That's... a guy thing!! Yet what do we get lately in a lot of entertainment: women in masculine roles and effeminate men. The men are turned off by both and so are the women! 🥴 No, I don't want to watch some toothpick of a girl beat the hell out of 5 guys that should be able to take her out in one slap. No, I don't want to watch women "act tough" pretending to be masculine and missing it by light years. 🥴

    It's the very same thing that happens with male feminists. Everyone including feminists hate them. The reason, which escapes them somehow, is simple: they're the antithesis of sexy. No woman wants some sissy soy induced guy with a badly kept beard in skinny pants asking "permission" every 5 seconds to hold hands. And even the feminists that delude themselves into thinking they want that, what happens every time? They either have an affair with a guy that treats them like dirt OR wish they could!! 🤣🤣

    OK, end of rant. 🐲

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  13. 21 hours ago, bjornk said:

    You have good taste and high standards. It's funny that even though Skyrim has better graphics, better tools for modding, has massive total conversion mods such as Enderal, and unlike crappy old NWN, it even has an animation framework to do sex scenes and yet nobody has made or even attempted to make a mod like ADwR.

    Or even something like Stranded Light from Oblivion. It's like Oblivion was the end of the major quest mods.

    But yeah, ADWR was a class of its own. It's a crying shame that the 3rd one was never released. Then again, I'd just be more spoiled than I am already from the first two. 🤣

  14. 1 hour ago, Alkpaz said:

    I usually look at negative reviews, and if they only complain of technical issues, I look at positive ones to make a deciding factor.

    Oh yeah. Negatives are the only thing that will tell you anything. Pretty much about any product too. If the negatives are all stupid, might be ok. If the negatives are well reasoned and detailed, may want to avoid.


    As for Chaturbate:......

    I'll take your word on that one. Must be something like that uh....    is it Only Fans? I hear about it occasionally. Though when I hear about it usually about some mediocre, slightly overweight woman somehow getting guys to pay for nudes. Whatever works I guess. 🤷‍♀️


    Yes, a "sex" game should have half-decent gameplay first, but if the sex isn't integrated into it in a somewhat decent fashion then it fails as a sex game. Maybe I'm just picky. I would consider some of what ME:A had as "decent integration", though it could have been a bit more involved, IMO much longer, or at least being able to do it multiple times. Hell, even The Witcher 2 had a good integration of sex scenes within the gameplay, much better than getting a card in The Witcher 1. :P

    Witcher 1 I just couldn't get into. I liked Witcher 2 except for the combat. (Never did beat the dragon towards the end, I'm not playing dodge the giant lizard for 10 minutes. 😆) Witcher 3.... the game itself was great (except being forced to play some ugly guy). In fact W3 is probably the best modern RPG. The sex though... ugh. Cringe. Their trouble is they went half way. Either go all the way or fade to black. My last game had the Triss in the lighthouse scene. I was about on the ground laughing. 🤣

    For me the "gold" standard for games + some sex is an old mod for Neverwinter Nights. A Dance with Rogues. I guess I've always been looking for that type of thing since. Doesn't exist apparently. 🤣

    • Agree 1
  15. 1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:


    With Brave Youtube videos begin to play once I click the thumbnail of the video. Does this happen to you?

    Just checked, and yes they start for me too right after hitting a thumbnail. Bitchute or Youtube. Could be a setting around somewhere that stops it. I tend to have anybody I "follow" on a tab with their video page so it doesn't affect me much. (Never had a Google account and it seems they don't notify you anyway so what's the point? I'll check it myself. 🤣)

  16. Geez. I'm not "with it". 🤣 I have no idea what a bunch of stuff mentioned in that review even means. Chaturbate? VN? SHMUP? 🥴  Apparently I don't visit the -right- spots on the net. 😆


    As of now I have nothing left to do in the game except jerk off.

    That's.... sad. 😆


    ...same o'l animations of Skyrim/TS3/TS4....

    Hey now! Some of those animations are excellent!   ...  I've heard.  🤣


    Obviously I'm not the intended target, but the sorts of "spicy" games that would interest me would be interesting on their own without any sexy times. If you remove all the spicy and it's good, THEN add the spicy stuff. 👍


    But yeah, not for me for sure. 😆 And definitely NO to prerelease nonsense! That is no way to go for a game regardless of genre.

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