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Posts posted by Nessa

  1. Well I don't have anything sexy at the moment but.....Β Β 

    Abernathy as it should have been. πŸ˜†





    Proper bathroom naturally. 🀣


    Half my problem with FO4 (aside from the obvious stuff) is ...  DOES NOBODY HAVE A BROOM!? Mr Handy's everywhere but nobody can pick up a thing. 🀣🀣


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  2. That's the authoritarian playbook today though. An opinion the State hates! Well OBVIOUSLY it's code for something nazi. πŸ₯΄


    Heck, even Putin's in on it. Had to attack because: nazis. πŸ˜†


    Can that work with us? "Yes, officer I robbed the bank because it was run by nazis," πŸ˜†

    • Haha 2
  3. 10 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Hit your mark, say your lines and then go the fuck home and shut up.
    THAT'S your job!

    It's become apparent they can't even do that either. Been watching exclusively old films and such for awhile now. Then I made a dumb decision to watch the new season of the Expanse. First thing that hit me? THIS ACTING IS FREAKING AWFUL! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€£

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  4. Oh about the market thing.... here they've taken to doing something pretty smart. They get about 30 to 40 people. They all swarm a market without masks, get their stuff, buy it, and leave. Not enough man-power to arrest so many. Although they're not trying to stop people without the super duper fascist pass from markets. Yet.

    Also a lot more restaurants are just refusing to enforce a thing. Even so far as putting up signs. When the polizia show up they run them off. 🀣

    • Like 3
  5. Quote

    Also, I watch wayyy too much of this daily, it gets me pretty jaded. Would not recommend

    Yeah I have to take news breaks as well. Getting ugly out there on almost all levels. Though there are occasional nuggets of good news. A city here saying "no more", another court saying vax passports are illegal, more graffiti calling for Nuremberg 2.0. 🐲

    10 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    Oh, and the wooden ship/climate change comment I made was me being sarcastic. Obviously, I don't think we should go back to using wooden sailing vessels.Β 

    I think all the people so concerned about carbon credits should take sailing vessels. But not the original attractive ones. Oh no, some brutalist gray thing made out of plastic. And no electricity. Or internet. And don't tell them how to sail. They can "learn on the job". 🐲

    Let them regress to the stone age while the rest of humanity moves forward. πŸ˜†

    • Haha 2
  6. On 12/7/2021 at 6:17 AM, Alkpaz said:

    The process takes less than a minute and death occurs through hypoxia and hypocapnia, which is intended to allow a person to die relatively peacefully and painlessly."

    I have to wonder. Is that "relatively peacefully and painlessly" similar to "mostly peaceful protests" or "completely safe and effective"? 🀣 🀣

    On the plus side, I guess they don't have to worry about unsatisfied customer reviews. πŸ˜†

    No repeat customers though....  🀣

    • Haha 3
  7. 10 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Couldn't stand the live series can't expect to like the anime. I believe it is on Netflix if someone was curious could check it out.Β  Report back. I don't want to claw my eyes out myself. :P


    Sometimes it's better to live with the mystery. 🀣

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  8. 4 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    Wait, Cowboy Bebop made Anime, Anime??? I may be a bit too old but I thought Akira and Ghost in the Shell along with Appleseed that made Anime, Anime. Heck, you could throw in Angel Alita in there as well, even though I read that comic decades ago (90s). Granted, I don't watch Anime anymore, except if it is adultish, but to say that Bebop is what made Anime, Anime is just wrong. I remember watching the first few episodes when it came out, but it didn't interest me. Vampire Hunter D along with others DID at the time. Maybe because I expected a Ninja Scroll type thing where it had ultra violence + nudity.Β 

    I'm not really an anime fan but I've seen a few. Going to have to agree with you. I know very few anime but I've heard of Akira and Ghost in the Shell. Cowboy Bebop? I've only heard of that recently thanks to the apparently really stupid show. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ 🀣

    • Thanks 1
  9. Random and obscure but all this...Β  "Nu" talk has me thinking of:


    Nu is the beginning and the end. 🀣 Artificially created to serve their masters. 🀭

    I doubt anyone knows the references so: this is an obscure character from an ancient console game called Chrono Trigger. I only know if it because at university, there was a guy into old console games and the only thing the stupid potato computers could handle was an emulator.


    Cringe for the fact I even know this. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£

    • Haha 2
  10. 20 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


    These are always fun! Disagreed with the American on a several of them. 🀭

    • Yes, I have lived in a "flat" in the US. But only in the city and then probably only to sound "posh". 🀣 Usually it is apartment.
    • I never call a supermarket a "grocery store" unless it's one of those tiny mom & pop places.
    • I remember calling flip-flops thongs for a long time until it suddenly switched. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    • I have no idea what an ABC store is, it's called LIQUOR STORE. 🀣 (Side note, they don't appear to have "liquor stores" in most of Europe as liquor is sold all over the place. Even in gas stations.)
    • Clearly the American isn't from the west. That's a freeway you nut! 🀣🀣 And a small one at that! 🀭
    • I loved how the British woman though "freeway" sounded dangerous. Yes, freedom. SO DANGEROUS! (No wonder the US kicked them out! 🐲)
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  11. He hasn't had any new videos for about a week or so but he does that occasionally. The guy has to vacation at some point. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I don't really watch him much but drop by his channel pretty regularly. He does a lot with that polish guy (I've given up trying to pronounce anything Polish, impossible language πŸ˜†) and he hasn't mentioned anything.

    And WOW they sure hate Tim's guts. Just tried looking for any info. WHAT a cluster (*#&$. πŸ€ͺ🀑

    I vaguely remember this happening before too. Maybe 5 years ago? I mainly remember because he did a funny video on it.

    Hopefully he's OK. If he is dead, you can be sure whatever he died from.... it will be Covaids. 🀑

    EDIT: And of course I find it right after posting. Found some videos of people saying Tim died.... from 2019!

    EDIT2: Well...  he actually had a new video out... yesterday. Guess I need to hit the refresh button more often. 🀣

    • Haha 2
  12. More in FO4 Adventures.....

    Soo I finally get into the Institute. (Somehow even the Institute has sections where people forgot what a broom is.) Talk to the weirdo old guy that sounds less human than a robot. (Then again, I think the reason nobody can tell a synth from a human is no NPC is remotely human in this game. πŸ˜† ) I'm supposed to go talk to the department heads. So I do. Get the little MacGuffin thingy that lets you teleport in and out of the Institute.


    And nothing happens. πŸ˜† And I can't leave. :D Did a little checking, apparently there is a situation where the whole game breaks down if you just ... do what the quest wanted. 🀣🀣🀣

    The game is pretty awful, but the bugs keep on giving. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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