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Posts posted by Nessa

  1. A "steward"? If that's anything like "flight attendant".....  I'm on the Hungarian side. 🐲


    OK, plane rant here. πŸ˜†


    Guess I've been on too many planes. There were some good ones but the last few years (before everything went freaky psycho) quite a few I think thought they were mini Hitlers. πŸ˜†

    I think I remember the last one best. When I fly I have earplugs because the engines are too loud on most jets. (Sensitive hearing.) So I always pop them in particularly if I'm anywhere near the giant noise monsters. Well this one -flight attendant- (of course a scowling fat woman) at first said I can't listen to music. Which I not only wasn't doing, but couldn't as they are EAR PLUGS. Then she said I had to take them out to hear the idiotic safety lecture I can recite by heart depending on airline. 🀣 She kept bugging me about it so I told her "Look, I can either have the earplugs in or I'll be sticking my fingers in my ears until your jet can learn how to be quiet so it won't hurt my ears. Which is it!?" She left me alone after that. Today I probably would have caused an "in-flight aggression incident".

    I DO NOT miss flying!!

    There. Rant over. 🀣🀣

    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Ha! I always liked the guy that voiced the Jarl of Falkreath and Nazeem. Such slimy characters!Β The actor got them perfect!

    Yeah those two are good. The Nazeem guy should have been a whole quest arch. Forget the stupid Companions, let's get all the dirt on Whiterun residents! 🀣

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  3. 22 hours ago, bjornk said:

    One of the most annoying voices in Skyrim IMO.

    In Skyrim I always feel like he's trying to do a Sylvester the cat impression and missing it. 🀣




    Speaking of Skyrim voice actors, I was never able to find out who did the voice for the Augur of Dunlain, but I'm pretty sure he is the same guy who did the voice for Malacath in the quest The Cursed Tribe. Any ideas?

    I haven't done that Malacath quest in eons. I'll have to head back over that way and compare.


    Regarding FO4 voices....Β  so Bethsoft yelps about how many more voices there are since Skyrim. Well... turns out it's effectively LESS than Skyrim because..... you only run into NPCs that use the same stupid voices OVER AND OVER AND OVER. 🀣 I thought Skyrim was bad but FO4 is awful. πŸ˜†

    It doesn't help that one of the most common voices is the guy that did Garrus in Mass Effect. In fact, there's a bunch of ME voice actors. Nora (the player character's voice that I have turned off) was Jack in ME. (Leave it to Bethsoft to turn her into boring personified.) Liara's mom (the hilarious bartender Asari in ME 2/3) is the weird woman that sells meat in Diamond City. Paladin Danse is Sovereign from ME. (Alien AI thingy.) And of course a good portion of the voice actors from Skyrim as well. Along with Madanach, Aela is the head of the railroad as well as those absolutely cringe fest Silver Shroud radio shows.

  4. So I accidentally drop in to the subway vault where Nick (FO4's version of Madanach πŸ˜†) is holed up. And sure enough, after we get through the fat guy in the tux, Nick says...Β 

    "There's a surface ladder nearby that should take us to the surface."




    Once was just bad quality control. Twice? 🀣 🀣🀣 I'd ask what lunatic did the dialog but I already know. 🀑🀣🀣

    Side note: every time Nick has dialog I keep expecting "Beware the Forsworn! No place in the Reach is safe from us now!"



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  5. 2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

    The same culture of people who held off the invading USSR by using hit/run tactics and hiding in the mountains. Why didn't the US win Vietnam? Because of the same thing. The NVC used citizens to carry out suicide killings and guerrilla warfare tactics, defeating the mighty US military. In the end those same type of tactics were used thatΒ lead to the fall of RomeΒ ("The barbarian hordes").Β 

    On the plus side, I guess we don't have to worry as much about alien invasion. 🀣🀣

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  6. 2 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Wonder if this would happen if their citizens were allowed to own firearms...

    Yeah that's my first reaction too but then I thought.... what about Afghanistan? The "mighty US military" got their *#$ handed to them on their way out by a bunch of morons that don't even know how to use a gym let alone hit anything with a gun. 🀣

    That led me to three conclusions.

    • The sci-fi films/books where a ragtag garbage tech native population kicks out a much more advanced alien civilization aren't as far fetched as I thought.
    • When you don't have a gun (or whatever military tech), improvise... until your enemy just leaves and then you can get all their stuff.
    • The US is over. πŸ˜†
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  7. 18 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Australia is done for.

    OK...  so they send a message and you have to respond in 5 minutes. I can already think of several things I do every day that take a hell of a lot longer than 5 minutes and all of them have no phone in the vicinity. No I'm not taking a shower with my phone. No, I'm not taking the phone anywhere near a bathroom period. My phone stays in my office, so if I'm reading a book in my room authoritarians are #(*&$ out of luck. Moreover I turn off the phone whenever it's time for a movie or gaming. 🀣

    Good thing I'm not in Australia or I'd be grabbing the first boat out of LaLa land. πŸ€ͺ🀑

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  8. 8 hours ago, bjornk said:

    "Once you've helped someone, they will like you."... Toddler level ideas accompanied by toddler level writing... I've had enough of their shit just by playing Skyrim, so FO4 is where I draw the line, to keep my sanity.

    Yeah that's the smart move. Most of you probably know about this gem but here goes for the smart ones that never will play FO4:

    Found my way south of Boston. Yep, the "ghoul child in a fridge" quest. So there's this whiny ghoul kid that's....  been trapped in a fridge for 200 years. Setting aside the sanity issue, I'm sure you're thinking: "What did he eat!?" Well no worries, the writers thought of that! Not by asking the kid, oh no. That would mean a functioning dialog system. Instead, some weirdo shows up out of nowhere and force greets the player (3 times thanks to said dialog system) and  mentions ghouls weirdly don't require food to survive! (You of course get force greeted whether hidden or invisible! Was sneaking in that stealth suit at the time! 🀣) Wow! That's some interesting new lore! Except... for the ghoul settlement in the north. Or Goodneighbor. Or most of the rest of the game. To say nothing of EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER. FALLOUT.

    But let's assume it's just ghouls in this area! So I move my way south and there's an adult ghoul holed up in a vault. Makes sense I think, because ghouls here don't need food! Only... she tells you she survived thanks to an abundance of food left in the vault.

    .....  😐

    I think toddlers would come up with better writing. 🀣🀣

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  9. On 10/1/2021 at 10:00 AM, bjornk said:

    Karliah: This is the headquarters of the Nightingales... We've come to seek the edge we need to defeat Mercer Frey.
    Karliah: To hold any hope of defeating Mercer, we must have Nocturnal at our backs.

    *Player reluctantly becomes Nightingale*

    Player: Erm, I don't feel stronger?
    Karliah: With the Skeleton Key missing from the Twilight Sepulcher, I'm afraid Mercer's seen to it that none of us can benefit from Nocturnal's gifts.

    Player: WHAT!? 🀬

    It's baffling how some people, clearly with double digit IQs, can get paid to create this kind of garbage.

    Hah, yeah the writing was awful. A favorite of mine is Dawnguard. Especially when sitting in Fort Dawnguard. There's a point in the quest where you have to find that idiot monk priest. Poor Serana says "Where can we find a Monk priest!?" I wanted to say: "Their monastery is just a bit to the south of us in Cyrodiil." Ah Bethsoft! They don't even put in the bare minimum!! 🀣 (A monastery where you do *&#$-all even in Oblivion. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ)


    Recently trying to get through FO4. To an extent, I'm avoiding most of the main plot and just trying to get strong enough for Nukaworld. But I've been quickly reminded that as bad as Skyrim is, it can get much worse. 🀣 There's so much in FO4 that is just pointless. What little dialog or interaction there is with NPCs is easily broken by their garbage dialog system. For instance, say you save a couple settlers (the idea of "settlers" being named that at all should be another rant) from super muties. WELL, one of them is supposed to walk up to you and say thanks and then you can send them to one of your places to be slave labor whiny workers. Thing is, the dialog system frequently screws up. They'll walk up to you, the dialog won't "catch" and THEY walk away severing the conversation. (Before a mod that lets you barter with one key, I had to talk to vendors typically 3 times before they'd finally show the barter dialog options.)Β  And they didn't have a dialog made for when the player makes contact, which is dialog 101, so they walk away like the dumb whiners they are. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    Here's one that I'm still laughing over. Brotherhood of Steel. First major mission after the airship shows up. You're supposed to hop on a vertibird, fly over to a fort full of muties, kill them all and land. (Then proceed to the interior.) I saved right before hopping on the vertibird. (Little did I know how important that would be!)

    Try 1: I get in, fly over to the fort. Doing a pretty good job at wiping out muties with the minigun. Suddenly the pilot decides to fly.... RIGHT INTO THE SEA! Can't get out. So... reload.


    The vertibird just kept hovering just under the water.



    Try 2: The vertibird is gone! It's somehow warped down to the surface! I hop down there. Save. Get in. Doing pretty good, but the pilot suddenly runs right into the other vertibird helping us out, BAM! I end up blown over to that beach settlement. (In reality I think what happened was the behemoth threw two rocks that hit both vertibirds. Pretty sure there is no collision as you'll see shortly.)

    Try 3: The vertibird takes off.... and goes up to the airship! OK, I warp up (via the vertibird in the airport). I materialize outside the gangway and fall to my death. πŸ˜†

    Try 4: I TCL my way up there. SAVE AGAIN. OK. Just as I hit ride... suddenly the vertibird takes off... without me. I watch it fly all the way over there and get dead. 🀣 (This ended up being the save that I kept going with.)

    Try 5: Lo and behold, I finally get in the stupid vertibird again! And we actually fly over to the fort. Seems to be working... suddenly vertibird 2 flies RIGHT THROUGH US, then BAM! (Again I think it was the behemoth.) Double vertibird explosion! My poor character ends up flying past the nearby Libertalia (raider boat thing) almost all the way to the manor settlement!! 🀣 🀣

    Oddly enough, this was vastly more entertainment than I ever got out of any other part of the game. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

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  10. 4 hours ago, bjornk said:

    @endgameaddiction I wonder if it would make any difference it they were Imperial soldiers instead of the Thalmor.

    There are too many idiotic and annoying things in this game, yours is just one example. For instance, the fact that this bloody courier can easily find you whenever he needs, even when you're supposed to be invisible, in fact, there are many instances in which NPCs can initiate dialogue with you (force greet) when you're invisible. This shit happens because the idiots at Bugthesda forgot to add a condition to check for player invisibility, or they just simply didn't give a fuck. Or for instance, when you keep running into that old orc with his two saber cats in Solstheim, despite the fact that there's not a single saber cat to be found on this damn island. I guess he brings them with him wherever he goes, to show off. I fully expect to see much more of these retarded shit in their future games.

    Saw a Youtube vid sort of along these lines a week or so ago. It was comparing Fallout New Vegas to FO3. In terms of quests. Obsidian had a very limited time and created a whole heaping load of quests in the much smaller FONV setting when compared to FO3. Nothing new really, just more confirmation that Bugthesda is extremely poorly managed. That and they don't give a damn. At this point I'm kind of seeing why. If idiots line up to buy this crap every time, why should they care? Just push out some mostly unfinished crap, get sales, and Todd can get another fleet of maxed out Teslas. Rinse, repeat. 🀣


    That said, I believe there's a mod to fix that. πŸ˜†

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  11. 5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    I'm still scratching my head at this. And someone else made a comment on YT about it. at 0;18 a semi truck impacts a red SUV that made an illegal right turn. Then all of a sudden a red pickup truck is impacted by the semi and starting rolling. But where the hell did it come from? Some claim it was on the left side of the semi, but that makes no sense because if that were the case, it would've impacted the red SUV that ends up to the left of the semi.


    Tell me I'm not going crazy here? O.o

    Had to watch it a couple times in slow motion myself. Yeah, that red truck appears out of nowhere! 🀣

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  12. On 9/6/2021 at 4:07 PM, bjornk said:

    What a mess, and that's not even the only health issue caused by social media. Honestly, if I truly cared about humanity, I'd most definitely ban all smartphone production.

    Better to laugh as it all comes crashing down. 🐲

    Misanthropy. It just works. πŸ˜†

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  13. Oh yay. Just what I want to do. Play myself in a video game. You know, there's this little... sometimes rather annoying thing called.... REALITY where I do that anyway! πŸ€ͺ And these lunatics want me to pay them so I can continue to play myself in a stupid game!? πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    Besides, I can't be myself if the female characters dress, walk, and act like guys. So they can't even manage that!! 🀣

    • Haha 1
  14. Regarding the GPUs, they're not THAT bad here! 15,000!? πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£ They're just elevated here. Something that should be around 700ish is now from 1500 to 3000 if you go private. (Crazy Euros of course.)

    Definitely spells some bad things for PC gaming if they don't get things under control. That said, I think hell will freeze over before I buy a console. I pretty much mod any game I play for any length of time. And I know I'm probably a minority but consoles ... why? 🀣 You pay an inflated price for hardware that is obsolete by the time they release it. (Same argument could be made for GPUs too!) Then you have to deal with games that don't run well because they're pushing the garbage hardware beyond its limit OR they just can't code. (OK, same argument applies for PC too!) BUT.... at least with a PC you can deal with the bad engineering by getting overpowered hardware. 🀣🀣

    No way to deal with garbage writing though. If only there was hardware for that! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    It occurs to me if China does invade Taiwan then it's really going to get messy. For graphics cards. To say nothing of other concerns. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€£

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  15. So... was setting up Stellaris for a new game and I noticed the devs had United Nations of Earth! Only they sure screwed up on setting it up. Originally they set it up as fanatic egalitarian and a "beacon" of liberty!? Well that's a bunch of bull that needed fixing:


    Oligarchy, Authoritarian and Materialistic sounds about right. Definitely a police state! And hell yes on the shadow council!


    Then I was looking at human species traits. Adaptive, Nomadic, and Wasteful? That doesn't sound like the humans I hear about today. Fixed that too:



    That's about right. 🀣



    • Haha 2
  16. 14 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Got you a theme song performed by Todd and the boys!

    I think I needed a theme song today! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    Regarding the incoming demonization of all who don't have the "vaccine", they're instating the vaccine passports here around August ... something or other. Basically restricts people from doing anything annoying like concerts or visiting museums. (Another reason not to visit any, thanks Authoritarians!) The one curious bit is you can't eat indoors without carrying another piece of idiotic identification. I'm told Moscow tried this recently and had to stop because all the restaurants were going out of business. (Haven't checked if that's true. Could be false.) We'll see how it goes here. Demonstrations all over the place. There have been large protests in both the cities closest to us. It's going to be a very interesting year.

    So far, don't really give a damn. I hate crowds and if I can't eat out.... well.. more money saved! (Actually what's happening is suddenly NO restaurants in our area have indoor seating. The morons here expected the restaurant staff to do the policing! What is their next Galaxy Brained idea? 🀭) They're not restricting markets or anything. Though I figure if they're allowed to continue that will be next. Hello food delivery.

    Stupid thing is, I'd have been open to taking the damn thing if somebody could show me what the benefit was for me personally. They sealed their fate when they started using coercion. I just don't react well to that. And since I'm already rural and don't like crowds... the hell with them. 🐲

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  17. 21 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Dropped Pinterest after having an account with them for 4 years. They have always been a lefty site, but after logging in and telling me to go and select a pronoun, that was the final straw. Not going to support SJW bs.

    Haven't logged in myself for a long time. Though I'd demand the "pronoun": Empress of Earth. 🀣

    • Haha 2
  18. Oh right, that's the one where a small team set out to try and make a AAA-esque title! Seems they succeeded. Not really my sort of game buuut the background on how they made it was certainly interesting. A good example of what a small team can accomplish with a fraction of a budget of the big guys who can't manage to get anything released but crap. 🀭

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