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mojodajojo last won the day on June 15 2016

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  1. Raise your hand if you still use or even like consoles. *Shoves both hands up butt. Oh, and I don't like or use consoles, either.
  2. Ah, the no penis allowed, got me.
  3. Off topic, Ritual Clarity got me good, and I hope I didn't offend him and or her in my knee jerek response. I realize I possess ignorance and arrogance in abundance, and I didn't mean to be the dick I was. Also, I can't stop my PCness on some topics it's not completely PC, but just my way of reeling in my e-peen online. I just don't want to dick measure and such. (Mainly, because I'd lose else, I'd say feck you all! and take up a gay porn career.)
  4. I wish I could get into games like the Witcher. If I remember right that's one of those ones I go "OH, that looks good!" when I see it on steam. Then I read on and the protagonist is genderlocked. I have absolutely no care about lore, logic, cohesive plotting etc. But I just gotta play a tranny or a girl , or I'm meh. I still think their Beth's new Skyrim release will break and require me to rebuild half my skyrim personal mods and probably a few of the released ones. I remember just minor updates breaking my mods. Then their was the big SEQ catastrophe (was that Skyrim)? Shit just runs together as I get older.
  5. Just use lube when you get that good look.
  6. I never had much preference, but it's easy for us armchair morons to insta-create entire armor replacer's based on an instabody in Skyrim; Even if it is just client side I feel kind of feel bad about using that now, though. I like Kendo, and hate the idea I might have been using stuff that was ripped him from him or something. I also used to use Black Blossums stuff, because I couldn't find other Ghoul Textures. I now know she gives him an aneurysm. I'd take her Ghoul textures then reduce them with ordenador, because they were flipping huge. Not sure what she was trying to accomplish with that. I've been working my butt off learning blender the last week, so I can hopefully get completely past derivative stuff. No matter how long it takes it has to be easier than trying to figure out the true origins and permissions on things. Nothing like knowing you might ask permission from someone about a resource and still be fecking someone else.
  7. Awesome, I'd love to be completely wrong.
  8. I can't see many PC folks bothering with it as we most all have as W. Bush would say a "Brazillion" mods that require all sorts of external stuff and just is not going to work.
  9. Ugh, I'm not even going to rant about consoles and all the half-arse ports we have to suffer through to play games that would have been nicer to begin with if the unwashed masses could figure out how to install a game on a PC instead of being catered to by every big publisher. Oh wait, I think I just did. Or was that Faulkner? Edit: Just realized that I had accidentally switched threads using that next thread button. I criticize people for using a console over a PC, yet I can't navigate a forum thread... Well, at least I was sort of on topic since the person's post above me spurred my comment.
  10. View File K2AndrogyneExtras Short description. K2AndroExtras adds a lot of leveled androgynous raiders, you need all three of Kendo2's andro mods for it to work right. The Androgynous Fiends drop Kendo's armors/outfits/bodysuits and it consolidates Kendo's outfits etc. into a repair list as best as I could using only scripting and not touching his esps. There's 20 different andro raiders in leveled lists that I hand placed around other fiend spawnpoints. Also, a vendor is added in a room at the El Rey Motel near Camp McCarran's gate. She sells a few random outfits from Kendo2's mods. Requirements: SexoutBasicFutaStraponSex allows you to add Kendo's futabody to safe clothes in sexout (i.e. use it for sex as a hardon, strapon replacement. It also allows you to have sex with anyone that doesn't have all their greetings topics tossed into choice topics in the GECK. You will be able to choose whether the player uses a strapon or the other character uses one, or both, and you can hide or unhide vaginal sex topics within the mod. It's basically a stripped down sexoutsex geared towards futas/shemales traveling with or having sex with futa/shemales. It has limited creature functionality as well. It uses the newest sexout calls so don't try to use it if you're on an only NX version or older. Requirements: Sexout (A pretty new version it uses the latest calls.) Also, for the strapon you need to install either SexoutTryout or the data pack from SexoutTrout OR: you can place a strapon mesh of your choice in the folder structure Data/Meshes/Armor/Strapon if you don't want to use SexoutTryout. Submitter mojodajojo Submitted 06/09/2016 Category Miscellaneous  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Short description. K2AndroExtras adds a lot of leveled androgynous raiders, you need all three of Kendo2's andro mods for it to work right. The Androgynous Fiends drop Kendo's armors/outfits/bodysuits and it consolidates Kendo's outfits etc. into a repair list as best as I could using only scripting and not touching his esps. There's 20 different andro raiders in leveled lists that I hand placed around other fiend spawnpoints. Also, a vendor is added in a room at the El Rey Motel near Camp McCarran's gate. She sells a few random outfits from Kendo2's mods. Requirements: SexoutBasicFutaStraponSex allows you to add Kendo's futabody to safe clothes in sexout (i.e. use it for sex as a hardon, strapon replacement. It also allows you to have sex with anyone that doesn't have all their greetings topics tossed into choice topics in the GECK. You will be able to choose whether the player uses a strapon or the other character uses one, or both, and you can hide or unhide vaginal sex topics within the mod. It's basically a stripped down sexoutsex geared towards futas/shemales traveling with or having sex with futa/shemales. It has limited creature functionality as well. It uses the newest sexout calls so don't try to use it if you're on an only NX version or older. Requirements: Sexout (A pretty new version it uses the latest calls.) Also, for the strapon you need to install either SexoutTryout or the data pack from SexoutTrout OR: you can place a strapon mesh of your choice in the folder structure Data/Meshes/Armor/Strapon if you don't want to use SexoutTryout.
  12. mojodajojo


    Loving the skin color.
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