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COVID-19 News (serious thread)

Kendo 2

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25 minutes ago, driftscape said:

We haven't been in a complete lock down here in Nevada. People have been walking back and forth in my neighborhood everyday, from day to night. I see the same usual individuals. And I still haven't seen  or heard of anyone with a case.

Supposedly there are 10 cases in my little country town of 3000 people.  I'm friends with the EMS chief for the whole county and he doesn't know who they are.  My sister is friends with an ER nurse at the county hospital and she doesn't know who they are.  I called the newspaper editor who printed the story and she doesn't know who they are; she's just printing what the CDC report says.  No one knows the identity of the people with COVID-19....but somehow we have 10 cases.  And the town I live in is 12 miles off the Interstate.  We have ONE exit sign so you have to be looking for the place or be seriously lost to get here.  We are as isolated as it gets in this part of Texas.

Anyway, the town has been business-as-usual for at least a month; local businesses back open, etc.  Only Walmart and the big chain grocery store are playing the Corona Virus boogie-man game now.

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