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  • 2 weeks later...

The mod works great, I love it and it's must have for my game. Any chance of bringing back the option you had to tell a slave they did a good job? 

If you're still working on this mod, I would love to have to fight and win to enslave them, have the friendship and romance levels go from whatever they were before the enslavement to about 3/4 red as in hate. Then over time the friendship and romance levels return to positive. Having them run away a couple of times in early levels would be nice. What about taking longer to get the obediance levels to 10? Last thing, sometimes when I tell a slave to do something, it takes a while. Is it possible to set it so orders are carried out almost immediately?

Those are just my thoughts, if I were able to mod, that's what I would try to do. But I cannot mod so I very much appreciate this mod as is. it works great as it. I have found no problems with it. Thank you.

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...
  • "Slaves will be forced to stay at the lot of their Master. They will not be allowed to leave (Unless they are about to give birth)"
  • So the Slaves that have Jobs or School ...- I'm assuming are also stuck on the lot and cannot attend previous career?
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

New Release of Sim Snatcher (v3.3):
- New Slave Broker added that can be used to trade slaves with the larger Sims community. (See wiki or discord for more details)
- Some much needed performance enhancements have been made to Sim Snatcher. (Which was likely the cause of a ton of lag ya'll were probably seeing!)
- Slaves are more more reliable in fulfilling their needs.
- The hunger motive is no longer autonomously controlled by Sim Snatcher.
- The motives that Slaves need to fulfill and tasks done by Slaves are now done via autonomy buffs, this causes way less lag when telling them to fulfill their motives.
- The slavery instance now runs on game time rather than real time, it causes less lag now than it was.
- Updated Gardening, Repair, and Cleaning to be much more reliable.
- Slaves will now spray plants that are infested, as well as other gardening tasks.
- Slaves will also utilize many new cleaning appliances while cleaning (such as wash tubs, clotheslines, hampers, washing machines, and dryers)
- Added a cooldown for autonomous obedience training between Slave Sims.
- Updated the Slave situation to be much more reliably kept running on Slave Sims.
- Slaves at or above level 5 will no longer be autonomously trained in obedience by other slaves.
- Fixed an issue with other Slaves randomly spawning when travelling back to the home lot.
- Updated the enslave interaction to be a fight animation instead.
- Slaves that don't belong on the current lot are now properly despawned as they are supposed to be after about 15 Sim minutes (From Load), or immediately when they attempt to spawn while playing.
- Added a Slave Broker that can be called.
  - The Slave Broker will appraise Slaves which can then be sold on the Slave Market for Simoleons. (and traded with other players)
  - Slaves can also be bought from the Slave Market. (When downloaded/installed from another players game or even from your own game)
- The Order To Perform Interaction dialog now properly shows even more of the available interactions of Sims, especially ones that come from Traits or Buffs. (The selections are now also alphabetized)
- Added a few more Leave and Go Home interactions to the list of interactions that Slaves are not allowed to do.
- Reworked the entire bindings system to be a Restraints system instead and utilized the Restraints CAS Parts from Deviant Core.
- Bindings has been renamed to Restraints.
- Redid how restraints are applied to Sims to be under a single buff instead of multiple buffs, this improves performance quite a bit.
- Removed the body side selection in favor of just showing all for the body location.
  - The sides of the body a restraint will take is now shown below each object.
- Added an interaction to the phone of a Sim that allows spending satisfaction reward points for Slaves to buy reward store traits, and potions.
- Slaves will now earn Satisfaction Reward points when being obedient and performing orders.
- Sim Snatcher now requires Deviant Core at least version 1.2, be sure to grab that!
- Ensure you update Sims 4 Community Library to at least version 2.2!

On 9/21/2022 at 2:56 PM, ColonolNutty said:

New Release of Sim Snatcher (v3.3):
- New Slave Broker added that can be used to trade slaves with the larger Sims community. (See wiki or discord for more details)
- Some much needed performance enhancements have been made to Sim Snatcher. (Which was likely the cause of a ton of lag ya'll were probably seeing!)
- Slaves are more more reliable in fulfilling their needs.
- The hunger motive is no longer autonomously controlled by Sim Snatcher.
- The motives that Slaves need to fulfill and tasks done by Slaves are now done via autonomy buffs, this causes way less lag when telling them to fulfill their motives.
- The slavery instance now runs on game time rather than real time, it causes less lag now than it was.
- Updated Gardening, Repair, and Cleaning to be much more reliable.
- Slaves will now spray plants that are infested, as well as other gardening tasks.
- Slaves will also utilize many new cleaning appliances while cleaning (such as wash tubs, clotheslines, hampers, washing machines, and dryers)
- Added a cooldown for autonomous obedience training between Slave Sims.
- Updated the Slave situation to be much more reliably kept running on Slave Sims.
- Slaves at or above level 5 will no longer be autonomously trained in obedience by other slaves.
- Fixed an issue with other Slaves randomly spawning when travelling back to the home lot.
- Updated the enslave interaction to be a fight animation instead.
- Slaves that don't belong on the current lot are now properly despawned as they are supposed to be after about 15 Sim minutes (From Load), or immediately when they attempt to spawn while playing.
- Added a Slave Broker that can be called.
  - The Slave Broker will appraise Slaves which can then be sold on the Slave Market for Simoleons. (and traded with other players)
  - Slaves can also be bought from the Slave Market. (When downloaded/installed from another players game or even from your own game)
- The Order To Perform Interaction dialog now properly shows even more of the available interactions of Sims, especially ones that come from Traits or Buffs. (The selections are now also alphabetized)
- Added a few more Leave and Go Home interactions to the list of interactions that Slaves are not allowed to do.
- Reworked the entire bindings system to be a Restraints system instead and utilized the Restraints CAS Parts from Deviant Core.
- Bindings has been renamed to Restraints.
- Redid how restraints are applied to Sims to be under a single buff instead of multiple buffs, this improves performance quite a bit.
- Removed the body side selection in favor of just showing all for the body location.
  - The sides of the body a restraint will take is now shown below each object.
- Added an interaction to the phone of a Sim that allows spending satisfaction reward points for Slaves to buy reward store traits, and potions.
- Slaves will now earn Satisfaction Reward points when being obedient and performing orders.
- Sim Snatcher now requires Deviant Core at least version 1.2, be sure to grab that!
- Ensure you update Sims 4 Community Library to at least version 2.2!

Excuse me, could you answer me a question about your other Devious Desires mod? I am having problems loading or starting a game, after selecting the lot or a house in question I am redirected back to the game selection screen. I am not the only one who is having problems of this type and if you help me I would really appreciate it

  • 3 weeks later...

Having an issue, sims snatcher is properly installed, I have the menu option to try and enslave a sim. However even with the forced cheat to always be successful nothing happens when i try and enslave, they get in a fight, i get a relationship malice, and nothing else happens. Im not sure what is going wrong.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

When I click the slave broker "Buy Slave from Market" interaction, I get this error in the log file, and nothing happens: 

Error occurred while running CommonSocialSuperInteraction 'SimSnatcher_Slavery_SlaveMarket_Interaction_SlaveBroker_BuySlaveFromMarket' on_run. -> AttributeError: 'SimInfo' object has no attribute 'premade_sim_template_id'

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 12.4.2023 at 04:08, CuntimusPrime said:

Was passiert, wenn Sie diesen Mod und WW und MCCC zusammen ausführen? Weiß jemand?


ich spiele schon seit ewigkeiten mit DD & WW & MCCC zusammmen

immer die aktuellste version -> hatte noch nie probleme

gruß Steffen



leider kann ich keine Sklaven kaufen und auch keine Sims als Sklaven markieren.

habe gelesen:

Um einen Sklaven vom Sklavenmakler zu kaufen, bitten Sie ihn, seine verfügbaren Sklaven zu sehen.

Die verfügbaren Slaves werden direkt aus Ihrem Ordner "Mods/mod_data/simsnatcher/slave_market_available_slaves" entnommen.

Sie können Slave-Dateien herunterladen und installieren.

wo kann ich so eine datei downloaden?

ich hoffe auf Hilfe.

gruß Steffen

  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/20/2023 at 5:15 AM, SadPianist said:

When I click the slave broker "Buy Slave from Market" interaction, I get this error in the log file, and nothing happens: 

Error occurred while running CommonSocialSuperInteraction 'SimSnatcher_Slavery_SlaveMarket_Interaction_SlaveBroker_BuySlaveFromMarket' on_run. -> AttributeError: 'SimInfo' object has no attribute 'premade_sim_template_id'

I'm having the same issue and now I can't get my slave sim back into the game...

  • 2 weeks later...

Help please with SimSnatcher_3.4_Exceptions

[SimSnatcher_3.4] 2023-06-02 16:13:15.696495 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 117, in wrapped
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 113, in finally_wrap
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 157, in wrapper
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 175, in wrapper
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 365, in c_api_client_connect
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v174h\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v174h\zone_spin.py", line 100, in _turbolib_on_late_zone_load
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 127, in _wrapped_function
  File "sims4communitylib\events\zone_spin\common_zone_spin_event_dispatcher.py", line 76, in _common_on_late_zone_load
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 595, in do_zone_spin_up
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone_spin_up_service.py", line 1593, in update
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone_spin_up_service.py", line 725, in on_enter
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 664, in batch_spawn_during_zone_spin_up
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v174h\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function
  File ".\WickedWhims_v174h\wickedwhims\main\game_handlers\_ts4_sims_spawn_limit.py", line 59, in _wickedwhims_update_spawn_cap_on_next_sim_spawn
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 833, in _spawn_next_sim
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\sim_spawner_service.py", line 868, in _spawn_requested_sim
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\masked\v174h\injector.py", line 26, in _wrapped_function
  File ".\WickedWhims_v174h\turbolib2\events\sims.py", line 103, in _turbolib_sim_instance_spawn
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\common_injection_utils.py", line 127, in _wrapped_function
  File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\common_sim_event_dispatcher.py", line 219, in _common_on_sim_spawn
  File "sims4communitylib\events\sim\common_sim_event_dispatcher.py", line 119, in _on_sim_spawned
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 59, in dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 73, in _dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 40, in log_exception
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_registry.py", line 69, in _dispatch
  File "sims4communitylib\events\event_handling\common_event_handler.py", line 94, in handle_event
  File "simsnatcher\slavery\event_handlers\start_slave_situations_on_sim_spawned.py", line 83, in _ss_initialize_slavery_instances_on_master_sim_spawned
  File "simsnatcher\settings\setting_utils.py", line 26, in is_enabled_for_interactions
  File "sims4communitylib\enums\common_age.py", line 87, in get_age
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\sims\common_age_utils.py", line 615, in is_infant
  File "sims4communitylib\utils\sims\common_age_utils.py", line 331, in is_infant_age
AttributeError: type object 'Age' has no attribute 'INFANT'
Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '<class 'sims4communitylib.events.sim.events.sim_spawned.S4CLSimSpawnedEvent'>' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler Mod Name: 'SimSnatcher_3.4' Function: '_ss_initialize_slavery_instances_on_master_sim_spawned' Event Type: 'S4CLSimSpawnedEvent'' -> AttributeError: type object 'Age' has no attribute 'INFANT'

  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/22/2022 at 6:27 PM, Lucho_393 said:

Excuse me, could you answer me a question about your other Devious Desires mod? I am having problems loading or starting a game, after selecting the lot or a house in question I am redirected back to the game selection screen. I am not the only one who is having problems of this type and if you help me I would really appreciate it

Here is the support thread for Devious Desires: 


On 10/12/2022 at 8:39 PM, Hellykin said:

Having an issue, sims snatcher is properly installed, I have the menu option to try and enslave a sim. However even with the forced cheat to always be successful nothing happens when i try and enslave, they get in a fight, i get a relationship malice, and nothing else happens. Im not sure what is going wrong.

Try increasing the Slavemaster Sims fitness. I think I still need to look into the success rate probabilities. Otherwise, you can try the Force Enslave interaction under the SHIFT+CLICK menu. If that doesn't work, then I'd recommend looking for an exception file in `The Sims 4/mod_logs/*_Exceptions.txt`

On 11/20/2022 at 7:44 AM, Whatever682 said:

what to do if this mod says exception detected in sim snatcher_3.4 then goes on to say a problem located at log files then mod logs I redownloaded the mod checked the mod logs everything

Provide the exception file it mentions here and we can take a look at it.

On 3/19/2023 at 11:15 PM, SadPianist said:

When I click the slave broker "Buy Slave from Market" interaction, I get this error in the log file, and nothing happens: 

Error occurred while running CommonSocialSuperInteraction 'SimSnatcher_Slavery_SlaveMarket_Interaction_SlaveBroker_BuySlaveFromMarket' on_run. -> AttributeError: 'SimInfo' object has no attribute 'premade_sim_template_id'

On 5/24/2023 at 3:51 PM, jorgen said:

I'm having the same issue and now I can't get my slave sim back into the game...

Update S4CL or update Sims 4 or both.

On 4/11/2023 at 8:08 PM, CuntimusPrime said:

What happens when you run this mod and WW and MCCC together? Does anyone know?

WW and MCCC are incompatible with all of my mods. Lots of things can break and/or slow down due to malicious code within WW, such as loading screen.

On 4/26/2023 at 3:10 PM, StMllr69 said:


leider kann ich keine Sklaven kaufen und auch keine Sims als Sklaven markieren.

habe gelesen:

Um einen Sklaven vom Sklavenmakler zu kaufen, bitten Sie ihn, seine verfügbaren Sklaven zu sehen.

Die verfügbaren Slaves werden direkt aus Ihrem Ordner "Mods/mod_data/simsnatcher/slave_market_available_slaves" entnommen.

Sie können Slave-Dateien herunterladen und installieren.

wo kann ich so eine datei downloaden?

ich hoffe auf Hilfe.

gruß Steffen

There is a Slave market available within my discord where people provide various Slaves you can install into your game and buy from the Slave Broker: https://discord.gg/fdCgyXkDZb

On 6/2/2023 at 7:23 AM, Treskovina said:

Help please with SimSnatcher_3.4_Exceptions

Error occurred when attempting to handle event type '<class 'sims4communitylib.events.sim.events.sim_spawned.S4CLSimSpawnedEvent'>' via event handler 'CommonEventHandler Mod Name: 'SimSnatcher_3.4' Function: '_ss_initialize_slavery_instances_on_master_sim_spawned' Event Type: 'S4CLSimSpawnedEvent'' -> AttributeError: type object 'Age' has no attribute 'INFANT'

Update Sims 4. You should also remove Wicked Whims, it is incompatible with my mods.

  • Like 1
  • 5 months later...

i can't join discord saying "can't accept invitation", i just want to know if the "bind sim" feature is working correctly or not.

because i tick the bind sim feature and it response only with "unbind sim" option. nothing change. 

isn't the bind sim suppose to be bound with rope or something?

  • 6 months later...

Sorry to be a bother but I was wondering where I can find/how I contact the Sim Broker? 

I have looked under all the tabs on my sim's phone but I can't find it.

Also how do you access the discord slave market?

  • 3 weeks later...


Are there, or would it be possible to add a right click cheat / console command to raise the obedience of a slave from the get go? creating households that have slaves is fun and all but if they start at obedience 0.. it takes away from the fun.


  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)
On 9/28/2024 at 8:00 AM, PC Naughty BOY said:

This will go well with my street gang members as some of them are Pimps, Rapists, Traffickers & soon to be Babydaddies 😃

Try out the Pre Release (Currently available to Patrons), it lets you own a Slave Market. (Or setup an NPC Slave Market) where you can buy Slaves. Slaves will also be distributed among the population to Sims that buy them.

It is currently available in the Discord to Patrons at $5 or more on my Patreon. ColonolNutty | creating Game Mods | Patreon

On 7/13/2024 at 12:26 AM, d0j0 said:


Are there, or would it be possible to add a right click cheat / console command to raise the obedience of a slave from the get go? creating households that have slaves is fun and all but if they start at obedience 0.. it takes away from the fun.


You can use Control Menu to modify the Obedience Skill.

On 6/27/2024 at 8:10 AM, KingB00 said:

Sorry to be a bother but I was wondering where I can find/how I contact the Sim Broker? 

I have looked under all the tabs on my sim's phone but I can't find it.

Also how do you access the discord slave market?

It is currently available in the Discord to Patrons at $5 or more on my Patreon. ColonolNutty | creating Game Mods | Patreon

On 11/29/2023 at 8:13 AM, BingSama said:

i can't join discord saying "can't accept invitation", i just want to know if the "bind sim" feature is working correctly or not.

because i tick the bind sim feature and it response only with "unbind sim" option. nothing change. 

isn't the bind sim suppose to be bound with rope or something?

It holds the Sim in place.


Edited by ColonolNutty
  • 2 weeks later...

Well as I understand it, I can play with DD via MCCC so having DD & WW shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as WW will work as it normally does (I even got the Rape & Abuse Mods that H.Core, Polyfractal & the rest of that squad had up before they scrubbed the Internet of their very existence (Those like me who have them are trying to put them back up if Polyfractal & friends are just going to go away)

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

New Release of Sim Snatcher (v3.9):

Be sure to grab The More Universal Venue List with this update!

Slave Market

  • A place where Sims can go to purchase Slaves.
    • Player and NPCs can buy Slaves, Furniture, and Outfits.
    • Purchase outfits for your current Slaves off of mannequins.
    • NPC Sims that buy Slaves actually purchase them and Slaves can be seen at their house after purchase.
  • Purchase your own Slave Market and sell Slaves as well as Slave Merchandise (Cages, Bedding, Clothing, etc.)
    • NPCs that purchase a Slave will then have their Slave show up at their Homes. Spread Slaves around neighborhoods!


  • Whenever a Slave Sim earns money, their master will instead get the money.


  • Fixed an issue where Sims could not travel with their Slaves to other lots.

Want more content or like what you see? Consider donating $5 a month on my Patreon! You may find me at https://www.patreon.com/  as ColonolNutty (/colonolnutty)








11-12-24_11-14-12 AM.png

11-12-24_11-14-08 AM.png

11-12-24_11-10-56 AM.png

11-12-24_11-08-54 AM.png

11-12-24_11-08-46 AM.png


Edited by ColonolNutty
On 10/20/2024 at 9:18 AM, PC Naughty BOY said:

Well as I understand it, I can play with DD via MCCC so having DD & WW shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as WW will work as it normally does (I even got the Rape & Abuse Mods that H.Core, Polyfractal & the rest of that squad had up before they scrubbed the Internet of their very existence (Those like me who have them are trying to put them back up if Polyfractal & friends are just going to go away)

You have the wrong thread friend.

  • 1 month later...

Trying to schedule a task but getting an exception error

[SimSnatcher_3.9] 2024-12-20 14:43:17.794238 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\commands.py", line 399, in invoke_command
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\server_commands\ui_commands.py", line 29, in ui_dialog_respond
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog_service.py", line 184, in dialog_respond
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\ui\ui_dialog.py", line 545, in respond
  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\callback_utils.py", line 158, in __call__
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\common_choose_sim_dialog.py", line 234, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\common_choose_option_dialog.py", line 125, in _on_chosen
  File "sims4communitylib\dialogs\option_dialogs\options\common_dialog_option.py", line 134, in choose
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 73, in _wrapper
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 40, in log_exception
  File "sims4communitylib\exceptions\common_exceptions_handler.py", line 71, in _wrapper
  File "simsnatcher\slavery\dialogs\choose_slave_sim_dialog.py", line 68, in _on_chosen
  File "simsnatcher\slavery\interactions\slave\schedule_slave_task.py", line 208, in _on_sim_chosen
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_sim_context'
Exception caught while invoking: _on_chosen -> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_sim_context'

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