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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. Tim Cain has really outdated ideas about games and turned out to be quite a spineless guy for approving and even enjoying every dump Bethesda has taken on Fallout as an IP. Of course he would do that why wouldn't he? He seems to enjoy being invited to Bethesda's fancy Fallout related premieres and meeting idiotic celebrities there. I'm also pretty sure that acting like a politically correct sycophant throughout his career must have become a second nature for him at this point.


  2. One of the reasons I'm not interested in TES6 anymore is that since Jeremy Soule was also M2'ed, he won't be making the music for it. Jeremy Soule's music was literally the "soul" (pun intended) of TES since Morrowind. Well, it's the end of an era...

    ...was another great theme by Soule.

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  3. On 6/13/2024 at 9:13 PM, Doublezero said:

    I'm installing Linux on my next PC and if I like it, I'll be done with Windows.

    Just like the case with Mozilla, Linux also has been going downhill for quite a while now.

  4. 7 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Yep, I am reminded every day. Especially by certain people on this site.

    A textbook example of how to be hypocritical. Don't know why you decided to post this passive aggressive BS, which is certainly uncalled for. The reason why I posted those videos, which had nothing to do with you or your post, it was simply to prove that the woke, SJW types we complain about today started to appear all the way back in the 90's and that there was a direct connection between what was happening in the world at the end of the 80's and in the 90's and their effects on human society since then. Something which I talked about in one of my previous posts. Then I didn't feel like writing a wall of text, now I'm glad I didn't, cause I no longer see the point.

  5. I bet the character played by Jim in this early 90's show seems awfully familiar to you too.

    The one above is also very similar in the sense that they're both attention seeking, self-important types, similar to certain people of today.

  6. 3 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Of course it isn't good. However, until a section of our society starts rationally thinking and stop tring to control everybody and every action, it is best if they stay together so they can have less an impact on the rest of society.  Like the businesses that this damages, it damages political environments as well. Look at Portland ;) 




    Was this idea right out of the ass of a stupid woke millennial or something? Like DDLM - Drug Dealer Lives Matter, type of thing? Sounds like you're gonna experience the dystopian Detroit of Robocop sooner than expected. 😅

  7. 32 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    It is time for conservatives to move and let California fall into the ocean.  The SJWs should stay there.

    No good can come out identity politics of any kind, none. All it would ever do is to polarize the human society, as clearly seen in your sentiment, which will then make all problems more difficult to solve and create additional ones. There's no difference between forcing anti-abortion laws on women and punishing parents for doing proper parenting for their children, they both defy rationality and logic and are products of self-centered, self-righteous, hypocritical and delusional minds.

  8. 11 hours ago, Littlejeff said:

    It really does look like we're reaching the end times, for those who are religious.

    What you call the "end times" is called the Behavioral Sink, it's the collapse of society, population decline, ultimately extinction, all due to overpopulation. Nothing to do with religion, it's all our doing. All of those effects observed in mice experiments in enclosed spaces with limited resources have been manifesting themselves in human population too, although in slightly different ways sociologically and psychologically, because we have language, are more intelligent and live in a much more complex society. We certainly can cope with much more compared to mice because of that, but that doesn't mean we're immune to it. Increased mental issues, increased sexual deviation and homosexuality, the rise of identity politics and many other things you observe in today's world can easily be attributed to it. It's a vast and complex topic, look it up if you're interested and draw your own conclusions.

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  9. 6 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    There's an audio floating around where a teacher in Canada excoriates her Muslim students for skipping the compulsory 'Pride Day'.  She said something to the effect that respect goes both ways and then unintentionally compared Islam to wokism...like they're both religions and equal.  <_<

    In a way they are comparable. Religions and feminism and the LGBT bullshit are all essentially identity politics. A state should be neutral towards any sort of identity politics, remove it from any place where the common denominator should be just being human, such as basic rights, education and healthcare, otherwise conflict is inevitable because as the state you'd be pandering to just one minority in the society by privileging them in a certain way, while pissing off all the others, which would slowly but surely polarize the society.

    Also, this "Pride Day" is like, "We all suffer from gender confusion, let's celebrate it!". It's like colorblind people celebrating their colorblindness.

  10. 37 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    What I heard was it was great.

    Well, it was obvious from the start that it would be another woke shit and it was indeed "great" in that regard.

    There's one thing I'd like to point out though, as much as I hate the "woke" shit of today, I've always thought the LoTR (the books) was quite pretentious and has pretty obvious "racist" undertones and while I enjoyed the books I never really was a "Tolkien fan". Also, while they didn't have the woke shit of today(*), Peter Jackson's movies, incl. The Hobbit, became increasingly childish, idiotic and cringy, just like the Star Wars movies. I didn't even want to see the The Hobbit "trilogy" because of it. [ (*) Only the first three, not The Hobbit ]



  11. 5 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    The force is female Star Wars tanked on Disney+.  AmazonPrime wouldn't be any different, but YEAH it'd be nice to see Bezos lose a few billion.

    Wouldn't harm him and he'd own Indiana Jones IP as well in addition to all SW related stuff. Movies, tv series, animated stuff, toys, video games including all LucasArts games (Monkey Island series, Grim Fandango, Full Throttle etc.). He'd be making much more money with all these than Disney ever could.

  12. I was a 1st gen SW fan, possibly one of the youngest who were able to watch the first movie in a theater, but after the third movie I was like "meh", because despite being a teenager I found parts of the 3rd movie way too childish, which also made me realize that the first two films also had a fair dose of silliness, but I still loved the universe, the music etc. The thing about SW is that, at the time, it was really something and there were many 1st gen fans like me who then created a lot of fan-fic, the Expanded Universe, and many video games and because of that, SW seemed bigger, better, took a lot more space in pop culture than GL really deserved, and he benefited from it in every possible way. SW established a massive fanbase that kept growing which made it much easier for younger generations to join in the ranks of an already established fanbase. Fans took SW much more seriously than GL has ever had. In his mind the target audience of SW was most likely toddlers and it's no surprise he eventually sold it to Disney.

  13. 38 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Can you tell me how he ruined Star Wars?






    The guy literally turned SW into a movie for toddlers. The 2nd movie, Empire Strikes Back, is most people's favorite because it was the most "mature" one of all. Most of the stuff he added in his so called "Special Editions" back in the 90's were downright retarded if not insulting. Then of course came the prequels, with Jar Jar Binks, podracing, bad script, bad acting etc. which many people hated at the time, but of course, they're now forgotten, cause there's always worse.

  14. In the future, humans, at least what is left of them, will be more than willing to go into "The Matrix" by themselves and live their entire life inside a virtual dream world generated by AI, and will never want to go back to real world. There's no need for "evil machines", our delusional minds and stupidity is more than enough to achieve it. The "gamers" all around the world are one of the earliest examples that proves it.

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  15. 5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Hold my soap?



    Hypocritical shit as usual. Being fit and healthy is "over sexualization" whereas being fat and unhealthy isn't, "as long as you buy our products", naturally. If you're gonna complain about "over sexualization" or beauty standards, why not complain about that long hair then? Why the makeup? Why use Dove products at all? These fucking companies would do/say anything as long as there's profit in it. They have no morals whatsoever.


  16. Got bored of FNV (again) and went back to my all time favorite game, might as well create a thread for it. Jagged Alliance 2 is a tactical turn-based RPG, and is quite possibly the best game ever made in terms of overall depth and attention to detail and I've never said this for any other game, ever. In the past two decades there's been many sequels and spinoffs made for it, none of them was as good as JA2. From what I've heard Jagged Alliance 3 is currently being made but aside from contemporary 3D graphics, it doesn't seem to be anything special, most likely gonna be another inferior copy with many missing features. If you've never heard of JA2 or have never played it, I highly recommend it.

    Jagged Alliance 2 is on GOG and Steam has the Gold Edition with "Unfinished Business" (which is sold separately on GOG), but I don't recommend using Steam. Pirate it if you want, it's almost a 25 year old game anyway. To run it on modern systems (i.e. in higher resolutions) you'll either need Stracciatella or the 1.13 mod, the former for the vanilla experience. Worth noting that the complexity of 1.13 might overwhelm you if you've never played the vanilla game before.

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