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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. I don't know if that's indeed the case with the CC mods, but nobody, not even the fanboy modders who expected "big, DLC quality" mods on the CC could pointed out that there would possibly be some issues due to the technical limitations of consoles which would naturally be the common denominator on the CC. 

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  2. The modding scene for Bethesda games has been poisoned by Bethesda's greed and doomed to diminish and fade away, not to mention their RPGs have been getting shallower and shallower, more streamlined, more dumbed down with every new title. I highly doubt that they will ever recover. It may be kind of amusing for some to watch their downfall, but we have yet to see a new developer to replace them with similar type of games of better quality and I don't think that's very likely either. Sounds quite depressing, but the industry today seems to have very little passion left for creating the type of games I've always dreamed of for decades. :(

  3. Does Steam use a temporary folder to download things into first? I think it does. Don't know what it was though. Could be C:\Steam\SteamApps\downloading. Perhaps not allowing write access to that folder prevents the client from downloading updates. Making the folders read-only as I described above isn't such a good idea as your in-game settings also won't be saved.

  4. 8 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    That's odd since there isn't any moderation here.  We aren't the fucking thought police. 

    It's my type of forum then. :D



    LL and their double standards... You get insulted and mods do nothing, insult back and you immediately get a warning. They've been deleting my posts or editing out parts that they don't like, they've even deleted an entire thread and you know how they always find a suitable "rule" as an excuse. I'm also aware that they've (well, one guy actually and you know who) specifically been picking on the people they don't like. They've even given me a permanent warning for "protesting openly" and even deleted my signature which was slightly critical of the self-proclaimed "porn site". This is quite literally insulting behavior which I can no longer tolerate. I'm done contributing to a forum which keeps insulting me. I've been there for five years and helped and contributed significantly, well, at least to my standards, it's over now.


  5. 42 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Take ownership of folders in Windows

    I just did the common folder in the file path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common.  You have to babysit the process since it might ask for validation for each folder in the common one.

    I doubt it would work in my case as my user is already the owner of that folder. Perhaps denying write permissions for all users for each game would do the trick? For instance, you could deny "write" for all users (Administrators, Users, Authenticated Users and System) for let's say C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas, and that would basically make the folder and everything in it "read-only". I don't know what would happen if Steam tried to change something in it though, would probably throw an error.


    By the way, I've been using the steam.cfg trick to prevent constant client updates. Don't know if it still works as I haven't really launched Steam for quite a while now. You can google it if you wish, but you simply place a steam.cfg text file into Steam folder with a single line, which is BootStrapperInhibitAll=Enable.

  6. One major problem for Bethesda about the Paid Mods v1.0 was Steam's cut, which was 25% IIRC. Now with the Club, they have eliminated that problem. More money for Bethesda... Bet they think they are quite clever...

    7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    If anyone is concerned about their Skyrim SE or FO4 installs I suggest you block steam and make yourself the administrator of YOUR GAMES.

    How did you do that? By tweaking the folder permissions? I've placed something into the Steam folder to prevent client updates, but I guess it wouldn't help in this case.

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