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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. On 6/14/2018 at 1:24 PM, Guest said:

    Yeah, there's no more reason for me to complain about it anymore. I've got my answer loud and clear. Best of luck who plays it. Hope you enjoy it. Maybe they'll change their mind, but I've already made up mine.

    Wait, I've just realized that endgameaddiction is now a "Guest", which probably means s/he left the forum for good. Why?! I hope it's not because of something I've said, s/he was one of the people who invited me here after all.

  2. Remember these "leaked" screens from last year that we all dismissed as fake fan-art?...



    But look at the hairstyle (which is identical to the one the female "V" has in the E3 trailer) and the eye implant splitting the eyebrow. How could just a random fan predict all that a year ago? Nah, these were probably mockups for the real thing and they were either official or made by someone who was somehow involved in the development.

    BTW, judging by descriptions of the people who saw the E3 demo, character customization will be pretty limited. You'll probably be disappointed if you're expecting an MMO level of customization (e.g. Black Desert) or something like a Beth game. Again, you should probably take Mass Effect as a reference.

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  3. Here is a rather controversial topic on what a role-playing game is and what isn't... What I think of it anyway...

    Some people define role-playing (in games) as "acting out a given role", but I think that's not only an insufficient definition, but it would also apply to *all* games that have a single player-controlled character, from Pac-man, to Super Mario, the latest EA sports games. In all those games you are "acting out a given role", but they're not all RPGs.

    I can't give you an encyclopedic definition of what a computer role-playing game is, but I think I can tell you a way, well, my way of identifying them. I simply ask this question, "How much of the character I control is of my own making?".

    In order to make the character "your own", the game must actively present you with "choices" regarding your character. If these choices aren't present in the game, then it's safe to assume that it's NOT an RPG.

    What are those possible choices you need to be presented with to make the character your own? Here are some of the ones I can think of...

    1. Cosmetic choices (e.g. choosing gender, hair style/color, armor/clothing)
    2. Character development choices (e.g. getting a particular trait/perk, investing on a particular skill)
    3. Game-play choices (e.g. handling a problem/quest in multiple different ways (e.g. by peacefully, by stealing, by violence etc.), siding with the faction A or B)

    However, just having one or more of these may not be enough to call a game an RPG. It's the amount of variation or difference between all possible player characters is what determines the amount of role-playing possibilities a game provides you with. If the difference is very little, then it's either barely an RPG or not at all.

  4. 1 minute ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

    only your opinions are the Truth and if you said something is shit it must be.


    3 hours ago, bjornk said:

    We're obviously not talking about hard facts here, these are all personal preferences. I may call something shit and other people may be perfectly fine with it, but liking something and attacking and insulting at people who don't, are two different things. What fanboys do is the latter. I never ask those people "how can you like it?" but they keep asking "how can you not like it?!".


  5. 44 minutes ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

    Well, I had my doubts of ME being FPS after hearing about all the deviations from DA:O and got it only very, very late after it was released.  It turned out OK and ME2 was one of the best games I've played.  It's the execution and not the concept that mattered.


    There is NO Mass Effect game that is superior to others in every way. If you liked ME2 more, it's simply because what they focused on in that particular game appealed to you more. Quest design definitely got better in the 2nd game and yet they completely removed many other things (inventory, armors, attachments, exiting through the airlock etc.) that made the first game good, well, relatively speaking. They "streamlined" the game and turned it into something that appealed to casual couch gamers who don't want to get involved with the game all that much. Then they brought back some of it in 3 probably due to protests. In other words, execution matters, but not always in a positive way. Some like it, some don't.

    1 hour ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

    instead of having TPP/FPP switching as a player action they decided that the game is better off the switching being at the director's discretion

    As if this is a goddamn movie.

    1 hour ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

    The shit storm is getting ridiculous.  It's not like CDPR took crowdfunding money or pissed on some cherished existing IP.  If it's good, buy it, if not, move on.

    It's not "shit storm" when people simply express their disappointment and thanks for the advice, we're so stupid we wouldn't be able to figure it out without you.

  6. 5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Playing as V - I don't very much care if the character is somewhat fixed, but the part that killed it for me was telling us we play as V a street mercenary. Well I guess picking your class is out the window, or very limited. I was looking forward to being able to pick a class and role-play as that class as you can in Cyberpunk 2020's table top RPG.

    They clearly have a particular story line that they want you to follow in the game. Can't think of any other reason for not having a random guy with no name as the PC.

    Edit: Uhh, yeah, there is one reason, they needed a voiced protagonist that other NPCs also refer to by name, a la Shepard or Geralt. This time it's V. "I'm commander V and this is my favorite store in NC!"...



    Although cinematic fleshing-out like this and pre-set responses do make me question the depth of the roleplaying. If V is our hero, she often seems to already have concrete personality traits, even if the choices and chat options are yours.


    Right, you now have a "customizable Geralt", still witchering but now in another world. I suppose it'd be foolish to expect anything else from CDPR. I have a feeling that the key people at CDPR are massive Bioware fanboys.

    I see some people defending FPV as being "immersive". It's not. FPV in games aims to emulate human vision in video games, and that's probably what makes people think it's "immersive", but that's only in theory, it's actually not the same thing as your real-life vision at all. It's a lot more restrictive and you feel it. IRL, you can immediately scan a much larger area with your eyes just by turning your head slightly and it doesn't even take a second for you brain to adapt it. In FPV your vision is not only limited by the size of your monitor and its closeness to your eyes but also by your character's "FOV" or viewport. This is the reason why people use multiple monitor setups, TrackIR etc. to play games and that VR is a thing. At least, TPV gives you a larger view range of the environment that surrounds your character, when you can turn the camera around your character, you basically eliminate one step between your brain and what you want to see in game.


  7. 4 hours ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

    Fanboys defend bad product AFTER launch even when facts are evident.  Fanboyism lack intelligence but making conclusions before the fact and without proper analysis other than stroking your own ego is just flip side of the coin. 


    That was the same excuse for the people who defended FO4 and its horrible dialogue system along with other things BEFORE launch, as they didn't want to see it even if it was right in front of their nose. We're obviously not talking about hard facts here, these are all personal preferences. I may call something shit and other people may be perfectly fine with it, but liking something and attacking and insulting at people who don't, are two different things. What fanboys do is the latter. I never ask those people "how can you like it?" but they keep asking "how can you not like it?!".

    4 hours ago, nsfwmodszzz said:

    That Kingdom Come: Deliverance did not launch with TPP is clearly for cost reason, not because the developers think it makes the game "better" and certainly not for technical reason because player model exists.  All reviews said the game shows evidence of being rushed.  A mod has already enabled TPP and if the developer chose not to included it in subsequent patches then we can accuse Warhorse for being obtuse but so far their crime is an incomplete game.  I don't have Kingdom Come: Deliverance but in 40+ years almost every games I've enjoyed are neither perfect nor complete. 

    3rd person view and the female player character option were two of the questions people asked the WH devs during the Kickstarter process. They refused both and not because of the cost reasons but because "muh vision!". I recall it perfectly well because I was interested in both and their answer was the reason I lost all my interest in that game. And you say there's "a mod" that enables 3rd person, then there's your answer, the cost clearly wasn't the reason. Hell, M&B, a fucking indie game made by two people with no budget whatsoever had dual view option since day 1.

  8. I've played most of the good RPGs on the PC since the late 90's and can't recall a single one that was "1st person only". Don't know about you, but I think a smart developer should have realized that, before agitating fans of their with this sort of shit. You are probably giving CDPR more credit than they actually deserve. Unlike you, I doubt they'll ever add a 3rd person option in the game cause I bet they also have some smartass leads who think they know best, much like the asses at Warhorse. TBH, they are all fuckin amateurs surrounded by idiotic fanboys who keep trying to find laughable execuses for their beloved developers.

    And if you think you'll get better games in the future, heh, who's going to make them?! These guys? Dream on...

  9. To clarify, this is going to be a game played in "first person view only" other than driving and probably cutscenes. In other words, you won't be switching between 1st and 3rd person like you can in Beth games etc. It'll be like "Kingdom Come:Deliverance". When WH Studios pulled the same trick early in development, they refused to listen the people complaining about it. I'm afraid this going to be a similar case. I stopped following that game the moment that happened and never looked back, never cared for it. Cyberpunk may be the greatest game ever, but I won't be playing it, as a 1st person only RPG is simply not for me. I could possibly ignore some other potential issues with the game, but this is definitely a deal breaker.

    There are several discussions about the issue on their forum here. Have to admit, CDPR has managed to gather quite an obnoxious fanboy crowd around them. Quite literally dogs, who lick their master's asshole every now and then and bark at everyone who dares to criticize their master. Much like the ones owned by Bioware and Bethesda.

  10. Ugh, rumor is it's a "First Person" RPG with pretty shitty looking characters... 😒



    Think I'll pass this one too...

    By the way, you play a particular character called 'V'. It's not like you can be *anyone* you want, which suggests that this isn't going to be a sandbox game, instead you'll probably get some "cinematic" shit with lots of cutscenes... another reason for me to avoid this game. I'll probably just watch a LP of it and that would be more than enough.


  11. On 6/12/2018 at 5:05 PM, nsfwmodszzz said:

    Maybe it's just me but that girl holding a pistol by the window is probably the most feminine video game character I've ever seen.

    Obviously there are others who thought the same and picked her as one of the screenshots at cyberpunk.net. Kinda reminds me of TW3 girls, you know, Triss, Yennefer, Ciri and Shani. Let's hope they'll all make it into the CC presets for the female PC... :D

    On 6/12/2018 at 5:05 PM, nsfwmodszzz said:

    Man, I really hope there is full modding support for adult mods.

    Nah, I prefer full adult content out of the box... and then I'd get my girl an STD proof vag implant and we'd fuck our way through the NC! :D

    BTW, there may be a gameplay demo kind of thing today at E3. Should keep an eye out for that.


    They've posted (previously inaccessible) e3schedule.inf on twitter.



    > Searching...

    > Found <<e3schedule.inf>>

    > ERROR > Data protected

    > Please enter password

    > ******

    > Access granted!_

    > 9PM CEST / 12PM PST – GameSpot Live

    > 11PM CEST / 2PM PST – IGN Live

    > 2:30AM CEST / 5:30PM PST – E3 Coliseum Live


    Not sure if they'll show anything new, but you might want to watch those anyway.

  12. It's just my opinion, but the E3 trailer is actually much better with Perturbator's Future Club. Play both videos together and turn off the sound for the E3 trailer... :D


    "the music i made on this trailer was simply a way to show CD Projekt Red the mood and the music i was capable of making for the Cyberpunk 2077 game"

    Hope someone had taken notice... :D



  13. I like the music played during the hacking, which was also used in the 2013 trailer. I also like the number they did in the MS event. I hope "ethical hacking" or hacking for the benefit of public type of thing is a theme in the game. As for the music they used for the trailer...well, it was pretty generic and boring. In fact, it sounds suspiciously similar to the fan made music below for the old tailer.

    The fan made music for the 2013 trailer:


    The music in the E3 2018 trailer:

    Female characters looked good in the trailer, CDPR's females are always superior to, ahem, a certain other dev, and the fact that there's pregnant NPC is always welcome! :D Is this and this the female PC? Judging by the brows it's the same person... "Beautiful and deadly"... Hmm...

    It says "game engine footage" but I doubt that this is what the game will look like. A bit too colorful for me. It's probably something like one of those TW3 trailers with Geralt and Yennefer.

    Anyway, still not very hopeful about the game as it'll be a class-based tabletop conversion, but at least the dev is decent enough.

    PS. I'm also worried that the depiction of the future USA by a Polish developer might not sit well with the American audience. The world of TW was alien to everyone but this one isn't. Another worry is that how they will handle combat featuring firearms. Ironsights? Cover shooter?



  14. A small correction, it's "PC *Building* Simulator". I mean, buying a PC game that simulates a guy playing games on a PC would be really weird... but who knows, we might see something like that sold as a game in the future... Actually, The Sims already did that, if I'm not mistaken.

    As for the "game" itself, I'm not sure if it has any value as a learning tool but it's not really my idea of fun.

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  15. Nya nya nya nya nyaah... Not sure if this is the proper place to post annoying piece of shit but who knows, someone might love it still...:D




    • Haha 1
  16. 2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

     At least we can find it through search engines.

    For now... Search results won't stay the same forever. When people stop searching for Skyrim LE and click on the link in the search result, Google will remove that link too. Steam keeps the app for the people who already own it, but Bethesda doesn't want you to buy it, that's why it's no longer listed on Steam. 

    • Agree 1
  17. 6 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    There are however, may people out there who would argue that Skyrim's not an RPG either.

    Well, they would be wrong. Skyrim may be worse than some of its predecessors, or worse than FNV for instance, and it surely is a crippled, streamlined RPG, but it still is an RPG, even more of an RPG than The Witcher, if you ask me. However, having dragons and other fantasy elements doesn't really make a game a rival to Skyrim and that's the problem of the video. It would be better if they left the Skyrim part out of it. There's always been engines technically superior to Gamebryo (e.g. Unreal, CryEngine) but we don't really compare the games made with them to Skyrim. (Edit: It's quite possible that they added the Skyrim part to attract more viewers, like their click bait Black Desert thumbnail. :D)

    6 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    I disagree about mods though. It added longevity to the PC version but not to consoles where 86% of the sales were made.

    That's correct, but unlike us the PC players, the console crowds who bought Skyrim would never call it a "mediocre" game that needs modding. They don't see the glaring issues with the game like we do. They see games as a complete entertainment package, not a bug ridden garbage needs fixing. They entertain themselves with them for a while and they throw them away after a few months at best, as they are more of a "consumer" than we are, and obviously less of a critic. 

    Up until Skyrim SE and mods for consoles, the "longevity" of Skyrim was mostly due to PC sales. Now, though, as long as they continue to offer mods for console versions, console sales will also benefit from mods.

    6 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    Project Offset was doomed the moment Intel bought the studio.

    Or perhaps the game was already doomed and the studio searched for ways to survive? I mean, if the studio wanted or needed to be sold, is it really fair to blame Intel?


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