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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. Well, I currently have no interest in playing it, so I won't buy it, won't even pirate it, period. Simply because it doesn't really meet my standards as an RPG. Not interested in its story, its FPS game play mechanics, or its limited character customization. Since they won't add a TPP option and an extensive out of the box AO content is extremely unlikely, plus judging by its predecessor's highly limited moddability, I won't be buying it as a "DIY pron simulator" either. I will probably watch a LP if I live that long and that's about it. :)


  2. You know, people used to have homepages in the early days of the Internet, simply to be accessible or to help others. Nowadays, people use social media to show other people how amazing their life is, how great they are having it, or to lecture people on how they justify the stupid, selfish things they do in life. In other words it's either showing off or some kind of therapy session. Social media is basically the cancer in our society.

    • Like 2


    Forgoing the complex conversation wheel of previous BioWare games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age, Anthem will only allow for two dialogue choices in conversations. The two choices aren't aligned with a morality system of any kind, but do differ in tone slightly. 

    The "COMPLEX" dialogue wheel was too much for Bioware! So, you now have TWO dialogue choices... Let that sink in...


    If one day someone comes along and claims that video games haven't been dumbed down, I will probably strangle him/her with my bare hands... and enjoy it immensely.

  4. 54 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    Looks like the old mass effect game. except first person.  Good, but only so many ways you can play it.

    Yes, only so many times you can go through the same story. Mass Effect is a good example. I could only finish it twice, once with an adept character and then a soldier, but I had prepared characters for all classes and had planned to finish the game once with each class. Never happened. Once you've played the entire game and finished it, playing it a second time starts to feel like a chore really, very little left to explore, not much mystery left to discover...

  5. 8 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Games today are like interactive books or movies; you're going from point A to point B with distractions along the way.

    Absolutely, and that's probably why game-play is of secondary importance in many games today. There are of course games that do the opposite. Usually indie games, for obvious reasons. Shitty game-play is not something they can afford. Mount&Blade series is one such example I can think of. Fun game-play, but no story.


    23 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I'm not pumped for ANY game these days.  I think I'm too jaded to get excited.

    Same here, I still look for some innovation in games though, something that would get me excited and that's still nowhere to be found, sadly.

  6. While CP2077 fanboys (and girls) are getting more and more hyped about the game, I try to read between the lines and the info they've dug up basically confirms my suspicions about the game.

    Some developer quotes taken from the video above...

    "The entire game is playable from start to finish"

    "Seeing the story come together is a critical step in the development"

    So the game is basically "a story" and has one or more predefined endings, like TW. In other words, this isn't a sandbox game in which you can do whatever you want, instead, it only allows you to choose your path to one of its endings. This suggests that every cutscene in it will be specially crafted and will not be reused, which means the amount of time you'll be seeing your character in the game will be limited, as it's going to be a FPP game. Another result of having a story is that you will always be presented with a very limited amount of options in the game because you'll have to pick one of the existing paths that goes along with the story, you can't create a path of your own.

    TLDR, this is basically a first person only "The Witcher", with "cyber" guns and "cyber" magic, in which you can play a female witcher. It's got some simple cosmetic character customization, which seems pointless to me. Will probably be similar to Deus Ex like people say.

    TBH, I couldn't even watch Deus Ex LP's without falling asleep...

  7. Spiderman, good choice! When I was about five or six, I used to tell our neighbor's kid that Spiderman was my friend and he always believed me and never wanted me to prove it. :D

    I don't think I've ever watched Gunsmoke, but it reminded me that I used to watch Bonanza when I was a kid! :D

    And thanks YT, yes, I also watched Kung Fu...:D




    • Like 1
  8. What were the first ever TV shows, movies or music that you used to watch or listen to on your own, when you were a kid?

    These were some of mine back in the early 70s...

    TV shows...






    It was all B&W... It's funny how I can still remember their music...

    My first ever cassette was given to me by my father were a compilation of sorts. It was an orange BASF which looked like this...



    One side was ABBA the other was Neil Diamond... 😀

    Movies are hard to remember as you'd only watch them once, as there were no DVDs not even VHS back then. 😀



    • Like 1
  9. Still, the game has the most realistic pooping in video games history, it even supports diarrhoea and vomiting!😅

    It's so funny seeing people getting killed because they had to poop at the most inappropriate times! Definitely a life lesson! Adventurers, make sure you go to the toilet before going out adventuring!🤣

    Even though I like complex and realistic systems and mechanics in games, they should be "under the hood", leaving everything to the player is too much micromanagement, to be honest.

  10. I hope the people who asked for a TPP option in CP2077 and were denied, will do the same when that game's released, as CDPR's attitude on this has been basically the same, "accept it or don't buy the game". Doubt it would happen though, most people are hypocrites...

  11. Watching the video again and the established personality of the PC really makes me question how this is going to be an "RPG". She pretty much does all the talking on her own and the game seems to take your input only if a decision needs to be made, you're presented with a few dialogue options pretty much like the shortened and misleading dialogues of FO4, TW3 or any other stupid game with a dialogue wheel, in other words, you choose something and PC says something along those lines if you're lucky, but still not quite what you chose.

    I think I'll dump every annoying thing I've found in the video in this post...

    At some point, the narrator says something like "since CP2077 is an RPG preparation will be key when dealing with powerful people". What the fuck being an RPG has to do with that? Shouldn't an RPG accommodate options both prepared and unprepared approaches for things for goddamn "role playing" purposes? Looks like this game's approach to "role-playing" will be just as terrible as TW.

  12. If game developers allow the LGBT people to have their mental disorders accepted and depicted in games as a norm, before you know it, poop and diaper fetishists will turn up and demand something from them and they'll have every fucking right to do so. I'm not sure that'd be a good time to work in gaming industry...

    Edit: Looks like CDPR is already one step ahead of everyone else when it comes to "gender fluidity"...😅



    By the way, noticed the name of the place behind her, I mean him? "Tom's Diner" Not sure whose idea it was, or was it intentional, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've filled the game with stupid pop culture references from the 80's, like Fallout 2 did.


    20 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

     'gender is a social construct' stupidity

    We have male and female jacks (plugs) in electrics/electronics, I wonder how a "gender fluid" stereo jack would look like... Can't imagine... but it would probably be totally useless...


  13. 27 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    SJWs are already questioning why there isn't a gender-fluid body model and why the game isn't using the non-binary 'they-them-ze-zer' preferred pronouns.  Some reporter from Eurogamer started that dumpster fire during an interview with a CDPR lead dev.


    I just saw some screenshots of a CP thread in a forum called resetera or something. Apparently some snowflakes were offended by the use of "pussy" and "cocksucker". There was a ban-fest for anyone who disagrees even so slightly. I wouldn't go there and look if I were you, it was depressing. 😂




  14. 37 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    Wow... After acknowledging, correcting the issue and apologizing on the thread in public, I don't feel I still need that level of hostility but whatever.

    There was nothing to apologize for and I was only resentful, not hostile.

  15. 14 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    EDIT:@bjornkPretty sure the mosaic was added to the gameplay screening to keep SJW game journos from derailing what CDPR was trying to present.  Think about it, they do all of this work and hype and then feminists and faggots torpedo it because of nudity in chargen.  If the naughty bits are blurred out then that's one thing SJWs can't target; they'd have to focus on the game play instead of fake moral outrage and garnering social media virtue cred.

    SJWs or the feminists would probably want equality in the depiction of their gender, therefore they wouldn't like the idea of female boobs being blurred while the male character gets no such treatment, and I'd have to agree with them on that. Also, only after a few minutes in the game, journalists would see naked boobs anyway, if that was the main concern. So instead of censoring the parts, they could have simply given them some underwear like everyone else does, so that no one would be "derailing" the presentation.

    I think there are some stuff in that video that could trigger SJWs but probably for different reasons. For instance, they'd probably question why the guy was naked and the player character wasn't when they woke up in bed. That's definitely a "justice" issue and I'd have to agree with them again. 😅

    In my opinion, it's more likely that they were trying to avoid a backlash from the conservative right wing... or from their parents... or simply can't decide how far they should go... or knowing that they like to troll people, they probably consciously censored the boobs and the genitals as a "tease", as in "Don't worry, you'll be able to see boobs and dicks in the full game!"...

    14 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    If there's not going to be a 3rd person camera option then I'm not buying the game.

    10 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

     I'm gonna recant my 'not gonna buy it' with 'I will eventually buy it'.

    Judging by what you did when Fallout 4 was released, you'll probably pre-order this one. 😂


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