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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. I'm not sure if it's just me, but this thread doesn't seem to have a title, which makes it impossible for me to access it directly, had to spend a few minutes to figure out a way to read it.🤔

  2. 9 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    Shoot and MISS.  That's not how FEV works, unless devs are retconning that too...which they will have to now.  All of this proves Bethesda writers are shit at their jobs.  FEV is now a magical MacGuffin they use to explain away enemy creatures.

    It's pointless to argue about the validity of the Fallout content on wikia, because it's pretty obvious that most of it have already been retconned in order to explain the reuse of supermutants and BoS in FO3. The same thing will happen in every new Fallout game as long as they keep reusing the material from the original games. As most of the fans of Bethesda's Fallouts have no clue about the original games, they will accept everything they say as a fact. Beth could place a supermutant on the moon and then come up with a explanation as to why it was there, and the Beth fanboys would say "Makes sense! I believe in Bethesda!"... Dum fuks...

  3. Preston Garvey gets replaced by a guy named Dutch and you're basically function as his errand boy all throughout the game. Despite all that nice environments and graphics, even FO4 is more of a game compared to this piece of shit.

    Some quotes from a 4chan thread...


    >O'Driscoll hits me
    >hit him back

    Fuck off.


    >dude starts shooting me in the middle of rhodes because I talked shit to him
    >run over the sheriff's building to make them help me, they just look at me while I'm getting shot
    >shoot the dude back because I'm about to die
    >get shot by 3 lawmen and end up with a bounty


    >get ambushed on the road
    >defend myself
    >crime reported

    >boss, we're getting reports a man accidentally brushed against a nigger with his horse
    >get our best men on it immediately!

    >rob train in the middle of fucking nowhere with a full mask
    >posse of lawmen spawns out of the woods 20 seconds later
    amazing game


    >walk into gunsmith
    >nigger is on the way out, pickpockets me for $50
    >chase after him
    >finally catch up, and punch him
    >get money back
    >runs off and says he is calling the law
    cops spawn by me and shoot me immediately
    what the fuck were they thinking with this bizarre law and bounty system?


    >rob store
    >shopkeeper telepathically reports me to the lawmen
    >instant $30 bounty
    >you literally lose money by robbing stores
    bravo Rockstar (of david)

    There are many more like these in this thread...


    GOTY my ass! It's a bloody joke.



  4. I'm not that optimistic about it, as their fanboys are very susceptible to hype and Beth knows how to exploit it pretty well. If 76 fails to meet expectations, they will quietly sweep it under the carpet and fans will forget all about it pretty quickly once they're teased with a new mouthwatering video about Beth's next game.

  5. The last Blizzard game I played was Diablo II and I haven't touched any Blizzard game since then, as they were the EA or Bethesda of the time about 20 years ago. They've had a bunch of cows that they've kept milking and a fanbase mostly consists of Millenials. Anyway, I just saw a video today about their new mobile Diablo game announcement which was pretty cringy and found a "reaction" video of sorts about it...


    • Like 1
  6. 33 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    This could well be Bethesda's Andromeda or BF2.  LMAO if it pans out that way.

    Maybe, but I doubt that would change much. A small number of people who can now see Bethesda for what they really are will soon be replaced by a bigger number of young clueless fanboys who believe Toad is god. Bethethic, but that's always the case for them.

    14 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Even a fucking blind man can see right through them.

    Can but won't. Let's not kid ourselves, this is an age of consumer cults and fanboyism. People nowadays define themselves by the brands they own, they are not blind, but they are ignorant, brainwashed and deluded.

  7. Quote

    NVIDIA Confirms Issues Cropping Up With Turing-based Cards, "It's Not a Broad Issue"


    Problems have been cropping up with both NVIDIA-made and AIB cards from various manufacturers, which seemingly rejects the possibility for manufacturer-based issues, and leaves on the table either an architectural or manufacturing batch issue (no confirmations yet).



  8. Quote

    'The Blowjob Paper:' Scientists Processed 109 Hours of Oral Sex to Develop an AI that Sucks Dick




    Featured on Level1Techs...😅


    I watch these guys pretty much every week, probably one of the few decent tech news channels on YT that is worth watching.


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