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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. 5 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Well there is too much detail and too many sources for you to see what they were "hiding" for me to go into detail. Many of those issues are on this very thread.  Many articles where they created a game that required you to play the loot boxes just to play the game in any reasonable way.  Pick a country and read their articles about the issue. Any country.. USA, Germany, etc etc.

    I've read/watched most of them and I don't recall any case where the game wouldn't work at all unless you've bought a loot-box, which would then be easily categorized as scam, which never happened. Other than that, "reasonable" isn't really an objective definition. Articles/videos I've read/watched so far mostly focus on whether or not having loot-boxes in video games can be categorized as gambling, which is why some European countries took action.

    By the way, the reason why I'm (kind of) arguing about the issue is not because I like or approve loot-boxes or anything what these companies have been doing. I'm only implying that it's kind of hypocritical to defend capitalism and free market while complaining about anti-consumer practices.


  2. What exactly are those companies hiding or lying about? You don't see anyone complaining about Bethesda's Fallout Shelter, for instance, which is game that has loot-boxes (they call them Lunchboxes) with random content in it, which you can purchase with real money. As far as I can see, "ESRB Teen" is the only rating that game has. Why shouldn't other companies get away with that?

  3. I honestly can't imagine how an underage kid could ruin his life by gambling, they don't own anything of value yet and still use their parent's money or credit card. For those kids, addiction to video games is potentially more concerning. As for adults, gambling is a freedom, a choice, much like smoking and drinking alcohol, try banning or restricting those and see how they'll defend their freedom to death. 😁



  4. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention to start a political discussion or somehow derail the topic, and I'm aware that what I'm going to write has the potential to do both, but let me just be the devil's advocate for a moment... as this might be something to consider...

    So, why are people even against "greedy companies" like EA, and their "exploitative" schemes such as loot boxes, micro-transactions and so on? They are simply trying to maximize their profits in any way a company can and they are under no obligation to be pro-consumer, right? Is it just because what they do can be considered as "gambling" and gambling is deemed to be illegal? Why would it be illegal? Because it's "exploitative"? But isn't that the very thing what marketing/advertisement is based on, or at least relies on? After all, isn't this how capitalism works? Isn't it a free market economy? "Don't like it? Then don't buy it!"... sounds perfectly reasonable to me... 😈

  5. Looks like Bethesda will have to retcon the shit out of Fallout lore... on Twitter...


    November 2077, a month after the Great War, army Captain Roger Maxson arrived with survivors at the Californian bunker of Lost Hills. There he formed the Brotherhood of Steel, who used a functioning satellite to extend their reach across America… all the way to Appalachia.


    As if that's even an explanation...

    You couldn't create new factions and used BoS and Super Mutants, simply because you're so goddamn incompetent, and now you have to cover up the holes with the shit right out of your ass... Good job!

  6. Chris Avellone tweeted this shit yesterday...


    I don't want anyone to set fire to me, but one thing about @Fallout (76) is I think it is a great stage to explore the mechanics of Fallout multiplayer for both this game and also, into the future. Hate me all you want, but I think it's a smart move.


    Reeeally? So you've never heard of the multiplayer Fallout games before, such as FOnline? Which had existed long before Bethesda even thought about MP. Oh, wait... maybe you meant micro-transactions and shit... Well, I already knew you were a sellout. Anyway, fuck you!



  7. Youtube is down everywhere in the world, must be the first time it's ever happened. Not sure if it's related to ICANN's DNS maintenance.

    I'm using Youtube Classic addon on FF which disables the new UI and makes YT really fast, for that reason all I get is "An error occurred. Please try again." message, but if I switch to Opera, I get the 500 Internal Server Error with purple monkey.

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  8. They've already killed Fallout with Fallout 3, for the fans of the originals, now they are killing it again with FO4 and 76, for the fans of Fallout 3 and NV. These people are either really stupid or they really want to kill off the IP for some reason...

  9. 4 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    couldn't find out if he was an actor or not

    You don't know who Julian Assange is? What are you, a Millenial?! 🤣 Wait... are you serious?😅

    He'd probably hack email accounts of monsters and then blackmail them... a different kind of witcher work...🤣

  10. Had to skip most of it as I couldn't stand her, she's extremely annoying. If there's one thing more annoying than kids, it has to be adults literally acting like a kid... And that poor cat has to deal with two lunatics...

    I wouldn't want to be her real father, this must be very embarrassing for him...

  11. Sees a glacier in Antarctica and thinks "This must be the Ice Wall, yes, the Earth is definitely flat!"... People who lived thousands of years ago were smarter and better informed than these idiots... Ignorance and stupidity is "extremely dangerous to our democracy!"



  12. 50 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

    I don't know of a way to permanently turn off updates for Windows 10.  Doing it in the Control Panel doesn't work.  Going through Command Prompts and disabling everything in Services\Local doesn't work either.  If there's something hidden in the OS that controls updates I'd like to know what the fuck it is.

    Can't disable the WU service? Wow, that sucks.

    On Windows XP, 7 & 8 you run services.msc and just change the "Startup Type" of "Windows Update" service as "Disabled". You may want to do the same with the "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" or BITS, not sure Windows 10 has that.

    By the way, as I've run out Win7 licenses, I'm currently using Windows 8 Pro with Classic Shell and the WU is turned off. It's fine for just web surfing and playing games once you've got rid of the shitty Start Screen and Metro. It feels really light, as in "lightweight", when compared to 7 because it literally is. Besides the annoying Metro interface, it's basically slimmed down and flattened version of 7. In other words, less of an OS when compared to 7 but still, without forced updates, it's surely better than 10.

  13. 13 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    That was an intel and amd failure.. can't really blame Microsoft on this one... (they are responsible for many issues but not this one) They updated it right away as well as Apple and even Linux... however, the update is going to seriously slow down your rigs. :( From what I hear, it does work (the updates from the OS manufactures) if you updated it. Since windows 7 is still supported along with win 8 and 8.1 those should have updates as well. Also, you should check to be sure you have the latest bios and chip updates as well to be as secure as possible.

    I wasn't blaming MS as they don't manufacture CPUs, however, this is a problem that needs to be fixed at the silicon level. Whether it's from Intel or MS, doesn't matter, software updates can only mess things up even further. I'd personally completely ignore any software/microcode updates and just continue to be careful and vigilant as one usually is when using 3rd party programs or browsing the web. I'd also avoid buying new computers or CPUs until Intel and AMD have actually fixed these problems.

    32 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    On that subject, I am not sure (can't find) if they (the processor manufactures) have corrected that issue in their processors for the newest gen processors (Rizen 2nd gen and intell's 9th gen) Doubt it so doesn't matter what you run until that is fixed.

    Not fixed for Intel's 9th gen AFAIK.

  14. 29 minutes ago, ritualclarity said:

    January 14th 2020 support for Windows 7 will end. No  more updates from Microsoft. It WILL then become much more insecure than Windows 10 if you have any critical task (security concerns)

    We now have serious security issues due to badly designed CPUs which cannot be fixed by Microsoft updates and the assumption that one would automatically become more secure by upgrading to a newer Windows is false, which is especially true for Windows 10.

    If you have concerns about security, a newer Windows means that you'll have to rely on MS more and more, as they keep taking away users' control of the OS with each new Windows.

  15.   I've warned you guys and you haven't turned off Windows Updates? Not that I know if that matters anymore...😅

    On 10/7/2018 at 1:09 AM, bjornk said:

    Windows 10 users never have to worry, they're in Microsoft's safe hands... 😅



    The only possible case or reason that I'd even consider using Windows 10, is buying a new PC/laptop with a pre-installed W10 on it. I honestly have no sympathy for anyone who upgraded to it from 7 or 8, just because it was free or because they considered 10 somehow "better" or "more secure" than previous versions, which is a delusion at best.

  16. "This is extremely dangerous to our democracy!"... AKA. American people are being brainwashed by the media controlled by the same power, who or whatever that is... I've seen similar things happened in other parts of the World, so it's not all that interesting, but I don't know if you'd agree or not, it seems to me that the World has become pretty Orwellian. I mean, I don't know how else I could define it, but whatever that is, the future has started to look even darker to me...


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