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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. 6 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    If you aren't interested in the game... then why continue posting on a thread discussing it? Especially if you are upset by it.

    6 hours ago, bjornk said:

    I still post in this thread simply out of disappointment, and I'm pretty sure after a while I'll stop caring about it, like I did for TW3.

    6 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    I am not making you do anything...

    When someone quotes me twice and posts the same video as a reply, it makes me think that they really want me to watch it for a particular reason, and I watch it out of respect. But you're right, won't do it next time.


  2. @ritualclarityI don't know why you keep posting that video, but I've finally watched it and still don't see why it's even relevant. Please, don't make me watch stupid videos made by stupid Millenials and especially by console peasants.

    I'm neither a CDPR or a Cyberpunk 2020 fanboy, not even particularly interested in the Cyberpunk genre. I have very particular expectations from RPGs and when a game doesn't meet those, it's simply not for me. I know CDPR did a decent job with TW3, but it was a game I never interested in, and I hoped that CP2077 would be the game for me, but apparently I was wrong. I still post in this thread simply out of disappointment, and I'm pretty sure after a while I'll stop caring about it, like I did for TW3. Whether or not it'll be another decent game from CDPR is irrelevant for me, as there are many decent games out there and I haven't got the slightest interest in them.

  3. *censors boobs*... (4 minutes later)... *shows boobs*...(another 4 minutes)... *player wakes up dressed beside a fully naked guy*... "It's a mature experience guys! And keep in mind, THIS IS AN RPG!!!"... I'd say all these things indicate that this game still haven't decided what it wants to be...

    No matter what people claim, it pretty much looks like an FPS with RPG mechanics, and not even a serious FPS, with those floating damage values and all, it's just a flashy and an unrealistic one, with an overpowered player character and stupid, bullet sponge enemies.

    Apparently, CDPR chose to remove the stats "Empathy" and "Attractiveness" from the game (or not to put it in the game) which, in my opinion, suggests that this is going to be a very combat focused game and a very lightweight RP game. Yeah, found another reason to ignore it. 😁


  4. CDPR's mostly toxic fanboys really get on my nerves. They just saw an alpha gameplay footage and it's already "Best game eva!", "Please take my money!"... At least there are still a few people with some sanity left, who first want to be sure that the game really offers what they want.

    By the way...


  5. I don't know if it just me, but I have a problem with the editor. When I add a Youtube link (or a text-based emoticon, e.g. a smiley), the editor doesn't automatically turn them into a video (or an image emoticon) until I post my reply and then re-edit it. In other words, I have to edit all my posts in which I post a YT link, otherwise the link stays as text. Does anyone else have this problem? I'm using Firefox Quantum 6x by the way.

  6. Except, you'll have to pick only one, since you won't have the storage space.🤣

    Seriously though, I may be wrong, but I don't think they'll give you any clothes that don't have any specific function.

    It's probably going to be one of those games in which playing a female character is pretty much just a cosmetic change. This demo kinda proves that.

  7. I didn't care much about the 1st person view while the character was in combat (which by the way wasn't that good) but while walking around the city, exploring, it felt like Skyrim's TFC basically. Oh well, at least the game seems to have boob physics...😅

    For me the real problem with the 1st person view is that if I don't see my character in the game, after a while it starts to feel like I'm playing myself and not the character I made, and that's one of the reasons I think a "1st person only RPG" isn't really a good idea.


  8. Not sure if this is Cyberpunk related but I just saw this on YT...



    Man, these guys are getting better and better at trolling...😅

    Update: Is there a gameplay steam? That's what people are saying right now...

    Update: Cyberpunk 2077 | Gameplay Reveal — 48-minutes walkthrough | Restreaming allowed

    Update: Yeah, I've watched the steam a bit... Overall, the game looks nice, I like the design of the city and all, it could be an interesting game to play... if the 1st person view didn't make you feel like you're a goddamn floating camera... And some people think this is *immersive*...😕 So, no, still not buying it unless they add 3rd person.

    Update: Here's the 48 min. video in case you've missed it.





  9. If you create a text file with a name like profile3.json in your DATA folder (or MO's Overwrite)

    <DATA>\skse\plugins\Customizable Camera\profile3.json

    and copy & paste the text in the spoiler, then you may be able to load my settings below as a profile, I've posted them as screenshots as well.

    	"float" : 
    		"changestate_speed" : 4,
    		"fov_slider" : 75,
    		"idlex" : -5,
    		"idley" : -20,
    		"meleex" : -5,
    		"meleey" : -20,
    		"meleezoom" : 0,
    		"pitch_zoom" : 0,
    		"rangedx" : -0,
    		"rangedy" : 10,
    		"rangedzoom" : -20,
    		"sneak_height" : 30,
    		"tfc_speed" : 0,
    		"vanity_max" : 600,
    		"vanity_min" : 150,
    		"view_mode_x" : 5,
    		"view_mode_y" : -40,
    		"view_mode_zoom" : 120,
    		"zoom_increments" : 5,
    		"zoom_speed" : 5
    	"int" : 
    		"enabled_controltweaks" : 1,
    		"enabled_sneaking" : 0,
    		"ignore_lefthand" : 0,
    		"swap_side" : 64,
    		"tfc_key" : 0,
    		"toggle_crosshair" : 1,
    		"toggle_pa" : 1,
    		"view_mode_key" : 65




  10. Yeah, I ran into the same problem today. Centering the camera is a bad idea for archery and ranged magic in 3rd person, because you can't see what you're aiming at. You have to place the camera either slightly to your left or to your right. Unfortunately these kind of mods take time to properly test and fine tune to your liking and sometimes it takes a while until you find something that you don't like and then back to square one. Nevertheless, I'll stick to the Customizable Camera mod  above for the time being. If you're planning to use that mod let me know if you want to have a look at my settings which you can easily load in your game as a profile. Which camera mod did you use?

    By the way, there's an annoying problem with the camera that *isn't* centered. When you use telekinesis in 3rd person, you can't grab the item that you've pulled if your camera is too far away from the center of the screen. In other words, there isn't really much room to move the camera around without running into problems. Perhaps it'd be best to just use the vanilla settings and no camera mods.

  11. I've installed that mod and it's does what it says, but setting the min camera distance to any value lower than 150 is a bad idea, because the camera clips through your face when you're sneaking. That's probably the reason why its default value was chosen as 155. As a workaround, you may choose "adaptive sneaking" and adjust the height of the camera specifically for sneaking, but I didn't like that. I think I'll keep the mod anyway, as it does allow you to place your character in the center of the screen and zooming in & out does work with that setting, so it's pretty good. I could probably achieve the same thing just by using the INI settings, but using the mod is easier.

  12. I just want the 3rd person camera to be a bit closer to the character before switching to 1st person, it really bugs me especially while sneaking.

    I've experimented a bit with the INI settings and wasn't really satisfied. Since the PC is not centered on the screen, simply decreasing the fVanityModeMinDist value creates a camera angle which is really weird and doesn't actually do what I want either. I think I'll give that mod a try... Are you currently using that mod?

  13. Not sure how to describe this, but I want to add one, or preferably a few more steps to the available 3rd person camera positions (i.e. the numerous pre-defined distances the 3rd person camera zooms in and out on your character when you move your mouse wheel). I want to add a few more positions which are closer to the player, I mean, closer than the last default position before going into 1st person view. I haven't really googled it yet, but I have feeling that it can be done with some INI file tweaking. Does anyone have an idea?

    Edit: There's apparently a popular camera mod which may be what I really want, but I'll just try changing the  fVanityModeMinDist value in [Camera] section of my Skyrim.ini first, I don't want another mod unless it's absolutely necessary...

  14. I'm personally not aware of such an engine bug that involves autosaves, however, the save bug in that quest could only be fixed by patching the executable, so that's definitely a possibility. As I never turn on autosaves, I don't really know if the game actually autosaves on miasma release, I just thought that as a possibility.

    Looks like there are two different bugs that cause crashes in that quest, yours must be the latter. Taken from UESP bugs section:

    • Saving (manually or automatically) during or after the Dreamstride portion of the quest will cause the game to freeze on consoles or crash to desktop on PC.
      • This bug is fixed by version of the Official Skyrim Patch.
      • To prevent this, avoid saving during this quest, and disable autosaves as well.
    • After drinking the Torpor, or shortly after pulling the chain to release the miasma, the game may crash.


    I should also mention that aside from autosaves done by the engine, there are also scripted autosaves which ignore the game's autosave setting, such as the one at Fellglow Keep right before meeting The Caller, or Black Book autosaves in Dragonborn DLC.

  15. On 8/22/2018 at 5:12 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    That quest line even with UFKP was still bugged. When ever I would pull the chain to release the Miasma my game would freeze

    Did you have autosave on? If you did, it's possible that the game attempts to autosave at that point and then crashes. Funny thing is, the stupid game still autosaves at certain places even when you turn it off.

  16. I watched the same video just a few hours ago. :D Yeah, if you want a new graphics card just for RT, then I think it'd be really stupid to buy a first generation card. I'd honestly leave that to rich kids who probably already have pre-ordered their cards. :D If I had the money and needed a new card, I'd just get myself a GTX 1080, not even a TI.

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