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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. So, this guy, Gallus, somehow manages to keep a journal in the Falmer language, which is a language very few people can make sense of... and the only people in Skyrim who can do that is an old elf named Calcelmo... but he doesn't translate the journal for you... instead you go and make a copy of some random script (and by the way, how you knew that there was a Falmer script written in stone in Calcelmo's lab is a mystery), presumably written in this language and presumably with its translation in a known language, like some kind of Rosetta stone... hoping that, despite the limited vocabulary used in the script, this will help you to, at least, make some sense of what was written in this journal... You then take it to a college mage, who clearly doesn't know the language and he somehow figures out some of the stuff mentioned in the journal... including some very specific proper names of people and places... okay, you may have managed to sustain your disbelief so far, which is rather commendable... but then you take the journal to a bunch of filthy thieves... one of them, this fucktard called Brynjolf, takes the journal -written in the Falmer language- and quickly reads through it in a couple of seconds and figures it all out... ... ...

    You enter Markarth for the first time specifically to do the aforementioned quest... you are already sneaking and you immediately cast the invisibility spell... you immediately take the left path in order to avoid the usual "a forsworn murders some person" scene... you don't even witness the scene... you continue to sneak towards the Keep then you suddenly notice that you're being followed... by some fucktard called Eltrys, who's somehow been following you to give his fucking note, despite the fact that you're invisible... and not to mention you haven't even witnessed the event he and his bloody note is part of, and yet, he's there, following you, and mind you, it's way past midnight and you can barely see anyone in the dark... ... ...

    Just a small daily selection of idiocy from the "Legendary Edition" of Bugthesda's highest selling PC game and Todd's magnum opus...

    Edit: Just tried to sneak past the vigilant waiting in front of the "Abandoned House" while invisible... I suppose you can pretty much guess what happened next...

    • Haha 1
  2. Another glimpse of the future... with Gen-Z... and mind you, these are supposed to be university students, future scientists and engineers etc.

    "the concept of file folders and directories, essential to previous generations’ understanding of computers, is gibberish to many modern students"


    Now, think of all the brilliant scientific advancements and perhaps programs and video games etc. this generation will come up with... and despair.


    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  3. @endgameaddiction I wonder if it would make any difference it they were Imperial soldiers instead of the Thalmor.

    There are too many idiotic and annoying things in this game, yours is just one example. For instance, the fact that this bloody courier can easily find you whenever he needs, even when you're supposed to be invisible, in fact, there are many instances in which NPCs can initiate dialogue with you (force greet) when you're invisible. This shit happens because the idiots at Bugthesda forgot to add a condition to check for player invisibility, or they just simply didn't give a fuck. Or for instance, when you keep running into that old orc with his two saber cats in Solstheim, despite the fact that there's not a single saber cat to be found on this damn island. I guess he brings them with him wherever he goes, to show off. I fully expect to see much more of these retarded shit in their future games.

    • Agree 3
  4. Crysis 4
    Dragon Age 4
    Fable 4
    Half-Life 2 Remastered
    XCOM 3


    I don't believe that these titles are "speculative" as NVidia claims it to be in their response to the leak, cause the titles are not only quite specific, but also there has already been some recent rumors surrounding some of them, such as the GTA remasters.


  5. Here's a glimpse of the future and why you should steer clear of 11.


    Microsoft's strategy of taking away the user's control on their own system will eventually end up in place where they can lock you out of your own personal computer, but before that a bunch of hackers will most likely manage to do that.

  6. 6 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    There was a mod that started you off as a Forsworn native ... not all forsworn were friendly but your local area where you started was. You could be other things as well. Forget the mod. Not quite what I'd suspect you'd want but it is better than nothing. ... I guess.

    There were a bunch of Forsworn RP mods on Nexus but they were rather old and mostly unfinished.

    If you can maintain the Forsworn role-playing throughout the whole game, then the only way to turn the player character into an actual Forsworn native is to add yourself into the Forsworn faction by using the console command player.addfac 43599. (By the way, using Alternate Start (LAL)'s Forsworn start only adds you to Druadach faction only (E3609), which doesn't make much sense and isn't really what I want).

    This kind of role-playing is most definitely not for everyone as it requires a significant amount of conscious role-playing and deliberate choices, such as:

    - Do not kill the Forsworn
    - Do not loot their stuff
    - Actively ally yourself with them (e.g. help them in their fights)
    - Treat the Nords as your enemy

    Some of these things most definitely conflict with the game, which, unfortunately, treats the Forsworn as an "enemy faction" and often pits the player against the Forsworn (e.g. sends you to kill them to get some item from them). 

    Adding yourself into the Forsworn faction causes every Forsworn and hagraven in the game to become friendly (makes you realize they're actually quite decent people), however, as a side effect, because of the idiotic and lazy Bethesda design, it also makes some of the hags and witches (they're often elves) friendly, but I can live with that and pretend that they're allies.

    As you may realize, this creates a situation which is fairly easy to exploit. You not only eliminate a significant "enemy" faction in the game, but you can also freely take their stuff, which I'm pretty sure not everyone's cup of tea, and it also creates situations where you have to resort to alternate methods (e.g. using console commands) to get through certain quests (e.g. collecting hagraven heads, briarhearts, Red Eagle's sword). It's certainly doable but requires a conscious effort.

    Skyrim is designed and meant to be played as a MALE NORD. Every other race and gender requires some amount of deliberate role-playing (i.e. making things up) due to some minor and some major conflicts with the story and the lore, where things don't make much sense. Other races and females are basically afterthoughts, added to give you the illusion of choice, cause there's only a tiny, insignificant amount of content in the game that supports role-playing as another race (other than a male Nord) in a meaningful way. Creating the illusion of a thing rather than the actual thing is how Bethesda manage to hide their incompetence in their games.



    • Like 1
  7. 14 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Thats Racist GIF


    Sorry, momentary SJW insanity... .It has passed. :P


    Why, it's most definitely racist. The kind of obnoxious behavior and gang culture depicted in the video as a "black thing" (see the guy saying "I'm white" and pretending that he's immune to it) has in fact got nothing to do with race. You can find similar examples of both in every single continent in the world regardless of race, from South America to Europe/Asia. The jargon/slang they use may be different due to cultures and languages but the chimp genes combined with high testosterone and an uneducated, ignorant mind, always result in same kind of obnoxious, violent behavior.

  8. 1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

    driven by personal greed, oppressing their own population, expansionistic, camps and 'reeducation' for undesirables, religious persecution, political opposition not allowed, it's for your own good, etc.

    All that and more, but none of that is done in the name of communist ideology. The regime wants sheeple that fears and obeys state policies without questioning. People are obviously allowed to accumulate as much wealth as they desire as long as they're obedient. In other words, it's a capitalist regime with a tightly controlled, oppressed society. Not to mention that it's an expansionist regime as well, and has been gaining power and influence over many foreign countries all around the world in the past two decades.

  9. 13 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Youtube is nearly as bad. I believe the only reason why they don't ban users for "wrong think" is because of the ad revenue it pulls in.

    In majority of social media posts no "think" is involved at all, but I guess that's not surprising as they're made by a species which is 99.6% chimp.

    In terms of censorship, the social media platforms aren't the only one to blame, try posting a comment under any kind of content on social media that is ever so slightly critical of the content, you will most likely get blocked, banned or shadow-banned by the owner of the content and/or your post will most likely get deleted by them. They don't want to hear anything that may disturb their delusional bubble and don't want others to hear it either. People and their stupidity and intolerance is the real problem. When the majority of the world population are stupid, nothing would work properly, neither social media nor your democracy or any other system. These chimps will eventually manage to break everything, including the planet they live on.

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  10. I have often described social media (e.g. instagram, tiktok etc.) as "cancer" in a figurative sense, but it looks like it's now identified as an actual disease which they call "social media induced illness".


    A letter in the British Medical Journal suggests that TikTok may be to blame for a spike in Tourette's diagnoses in teenage girls. But the real story is more complex



    Psychiatrists have discovered that patients with tics have 'caught' a 'Tourette's-like' illness from social media



    Psychiatrists Report Mass Outbreak Of Sociogenic Illness Spread Via Social Media Videos



    We report the first outbreak of a new type of mass sociogenic illness (MSI) that in contrast to all previously reported episodes is spread solely via social media. Accordingly, we suggest the more specific term “mass social media-induced illness” (MSMI).

    In Germany, current outbreak of MSMI is initiated by a “virtual” index case, who is the second most successful YouTube creator in Germany and enjoys enormous popularity among young people. Affected teenagers present with similar or identical functional “Tourette-like” behaviours, which can be clearly differentiated from tics in Tourette syndrome.


    What a mess, and that's not even the only health issue caused by social media. Honestly, if I truly cared about humanity, I'd most definitely ban all smartphone production.


  11. I thought the guy was joking when he said "the water purifier chip that your vault uses to purify... something... uhm... I don't know... I wasn't listening... is broken" and after watching the rest of his video I realized he totally wasn't. The "boomer RPGs" is apparently what these idiots call these games, as if they have something to do with the boomers... The clueless millennials were bad enough, and now we have these retards.

    • Confused 1
  12. If you are unable to interact with animal followers such as Meeko, the stray dog etc. (or perhaps with other non-human followers) or in other words, you don't see the dialogue menu or certain dialogue options that are supposed to be there aren't shown, then look for a mod in your load order that overrides or redirects vanilla "dialogue topics" or "dialogue branches" related to followers (e.g. FollowerDialogue). In order to that, load up your entire plugin list in TES5Edit and for convenience, select "Apply Filter for Cleaning" which will show you the plugins that override these dialogue records. You can then either edit out these overrides or disable the entire plugin.

    The reason why I post this is because yesterday I noticed that I couldn't "talk" to the stray dog that kept following me. I didn't tell it to follow me because there was no dialogue menu to begin with, and I couldn't tell it to stop following me either, for the same reason. Did a quick search and realized that there should be a dialogue menu that you can use to tell it to wait or to go home, but in my game, the dog just barks when I try to initiate a dialogue. After some testing I found out that the culprit was a retarded LL mod called GagSFX. It has a MCM option to disable overrides for followers, but disabling that does absolutely nothing, because the plugin itself overrides and redirects all vanilla records for dialogue branches related to followers, which include both human and animal followers, and the redirected dialogue topics have conditions that completely exclude animal followers (doesn't matter if the PC is actually gagged or not). I honestly can't remember why I installed this crap, but I'm not gonna remove the plugin in the middle of a playthrough, so I deleted all those overrides, and that naturally fixed the issue.

    If you don't have any such mod, then keep in mind that vanilla dialogues also have conditions of their own, such as for the dog, for instance, it must be of the race DogCompanionRace (F1AC4) and must be a member of CurrentFollowerFaction (5C84E) in order to dismiss it etc. so make sure these conditions are all met otherwise you won't see the related dialogue options.

  13. And retarded fanboys downvoting the negative comments as expected...


    When there are this many idiots in the world, it's far too easy to sell people the same shit over and over, cause you know, "it just works!", and I bet this isn't gonna be the last "edition" of Skyrim.

    • Agree 3
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