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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. Made by Bethesda, so you don't need to wait 1.5 years to find out it's shit as usual, same goes for TES 6. Considering what they've done with TES and Fallout series, it would be really naive to expect a better game or even a good game from Bethesda in the foreseeable future. In other words, you've already played the best games of these series many years ago, which can also be said for other titles as well as other studios.

    I literally fell asleep in front of the monitor watching all the garbage shown in this presentation, guess it was when they started talking about Forza in Mexico or something and when I woke up I found out that "Redfall" wasn't the title for TES 6 as some people have been speculating but the title of a different game published by Bethesda, which was also shit.

    • Agree 1
  2. On 5/8/2021 at 8:02 PM, endgameaddiction said:

    I've been using FF Portable for some time and it's giving me problems for days. Ever sine it needed to update. I just updated and the problems persist. It's acting the same way as regular FF. Adddons are no longer working. Features are missing... At this point, I'm completely just done with everything to do with FireFox.

    You shouldn't update portable FF, just stick to whatever the version you downloaded. If you want to try out a newer version, extract it into a separate folder and use it separately. Copy and paste the following into a text file and rename the file as temp.reg, then right-click on it and choose 'Merge'. Not sure if anything else needed, but this should disable updates and update notifications.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    I'm currently using FF Portable 74.0 (always in private mode) with the tweaks I posted (plus some more config tweaks that I don't remember right now) and have no problems. Can't comment on the newer versions but this version (74) is far better than Chrome and Opera and is perfectly adequate for daily use. I try to use a minimal number of add-ons (uBlock Origin, h264ify, Auto High Quality for Youtube, Redirector, and one that I made for my own use which redirects Google searches) as every single add-on might pose a security risk and may introduce potential problems which I'd rather not deal with. Don't know what add-ons you are using but one of them might be causing the issues you're having. Also, if you can post the prefs.js file in the \FirefoxPortable\Data\profile\ folder I can compare it to mine and see if there's any problems (as long as it's version 74.0).

  3. 37 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Back on FF when I click on the thumbnail to the video, it wouldn't automatically play. And I don't mean the autoplay from Youtube you can enable/disable, which will play the next video on the list to the right of the page.

    Interesting, in all Firefox versions I currently have, videos start playing automatically and I don't recall changing the default behavior and allowing automatic video play. Perhaps you specifically disabled it as described in the link below or they changed the default setting in newer versions. I suppose I'd want videos to play automatically on Youtube cause I usually listen music on YT and disabling auto play might prevent my playlists from playing, which would be bad.


    I've googled the issue a bit and it seems like people using Brave have some issues preventing videos from playing automatically. I personally wouldn't bother with Brave, which seems to have a much smaller community compared to FF or Chrome, if/when you have a problem with the browser it might be rather difficult to find a solution for it. Why don't you give the portable FF 74.0 a try? If you don't like it with the tweaks I posted above you can simply delete the folder, there's nothing to uninstall. I really wouldn't recommend it if I wasn't happy with it. You can then change the default auto play setting and block it. You can still keep Brave and other browsers on your PC.

  4. 2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    With Brave Youtube videos begin to play once I click the thumbnail of the video. Does this happen to you?

    Wait, isn't that the normal behavior or am I missing something? Does the video open on the same page inside an IFrame or something?

  5. 6 minutes ago, Nessa said:

    For me the "gold" standard for games + some sex is an old mod for Neverwinter Nights. A Dance with Rogues. I guess I've always been looking for that type of thing since. Doesn't exist apparently. 🤣

    You have good taste and high standards. It's funny that even though Skyrim has better graphics, better tools for modding, has massive total conversion mods such as Enderal, and unlike crappy old NWN, it even has an animation framework to do sex scenes and yet nobody has made or even attempted to make a mod like ADwR.

    • Agree 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Nessa said:


    VN stands for Visual Novel. You can find plenty of shitty porn VNs for free at places such as F95 trying to pass as a "game" or at least that's what some idiots refer to them. You might come across some relatively decent ones with choice based branching stories as well as some minor role-playing elements with stats as well as some mini games and so on. Most of the ones I've tried were made using a Python game development toolkit called Ren'Py and either featured retarded hand-drawn anime characters or some crappy daz3d renders as images. Generally speaking, you just keep clicking to follow through a certain story and there's no game play or whatsoever. Some of relatively decent ones I've tried:


    Good Girl Gone Bad (Ren'Py) (Complete):
    You turn some decent girl into a whore/bimbo/pornstar as the title suggests, or try to avoid it.

    Kingdom of Deception (Ren'Py) (In development):
    The main characters gets fucked by orcs, elves, minotaurs, tentacle monsters etc. etc. It has some fighting mini games as well.

    Lost in Laminate (HTML) (In development):
    Latex and bondage fetish on another planet in a futuristic scifi setting. Pretty good writing for a porn VN.

    Our Red String (Ren'Py) (In development):
    There are two main characters a girl and a guy and you have to follow both of their stories. Similar to GGGB above, made by the same guy/girl.


    • Thanks 1
  7. Don't know about this one, but browsing forums like F95 has taught me that people who make porn games in general, especially the ones who make "episodic" games, often have the nasty habit of "milking" the audience and because of that I can't honestly say that I'm surprised with this one's being offered as an EA game. Even if I was interested in it, which I'm not, I'd rather wait for the complete game before paying anything for it. The game play shown in the video is by no means looks interesting or fun for me, but I'm curious about the actual "porn" stuff in the game.

  8. 21 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    I'm done with firefox. I don't know what they did, but they fucked it up. All my tabs are gone. i thought it was a problem on my end but after completely uninstalling FF and every single associated file, I installed it again losing everything, even no longer being able to log back on LL because I don't remember my dummy email I used to create the last account because they chose to lock my previous account with my actual email I use. Anyways, tabs al continue to close despite having it enabled to keep them from closing the next time I open FF. Time to find another browser.

    FF has been constantly getting worse for some time. I recommend using portable versions, which is what I've been doing for the past few years.


    It doesn't install anything or mess with Windows registry or the AppData folder, it simply runs on its own folder and uses its own "profile" folder, which is why you can use multiple versions of FF at the same time (useful if you want to try out new versions of FF and new addons) and you can simply delete the version you don't like. I can help you configure it if you want to give it a go and make it look and behave like the older versions of FF, however, I'm still on 74.0.

    Unfortunately, portableapps.com doesn't keep older versions, but you can find them here :

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Mozilla Firefox%2C Portable Ed./

    How to configure it:

    1. Download the executable, which is a self-extracting file, run it and choose a folder e.g. D:\FirefoxPortable\ or something similar.
    2. Copy D:\FirefoxPortable\Other\Source\FirefoxPortable.ini into D:\PortableFireFox\FirefoxPortable.ini
    3. Edit the following lines like below:

      Note: AlwaysUse32Bit=true is optional but running 32 bit might consume less memory.

    4. You can copy your FF profile from the current installation as described below:

    5. Here's a bunch of tweaks that I did:

      To restore the old green padlock:

      To always run it on incognito mode:
      Create a shortcut for FirefoxPortable.exe and paste this into the "Target" section: D:\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.exe -private-window

      To restore the old style "about" page (or the initial FF screen) for private browsing:
      Create a folder as D:\PortableFireFox\\Data\profile\chrome\ and create a text file named as userContent.css then open it in a text editor and paste the following and then save.

      /* Private Window New Tab Page -- Logo Only */
      @-moz-document url(about:privatebrowsing){
        html.private div.showPrivate div.search-inner-wrapper,
        html.private div.showPrivate div.info {
          display: none !important;

    How to completely disable Firefox autoupdates and update notifications:

    1. Run regedit.exe.
    2. Go to the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\.
    3. Right click on Policies and create a new key called 'Mozilla' and then inside the 'Mozilla' key create another key as 'Firefox'.
    4. Inside the 'Firefox' key, right click on the empty space on the right and create a new DWORD 32 Bit Value and name it as 'DisableAppUpdate'.
    5. Double click on DisableAppUpdate and enter the decimal value of 1.
    6. If you find this too complicated, create a text file and rename it as let's say, tmp.reg, open it in a text editor and paste the following and save it:
      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    7. Right click on the tmp.reg file and choose 'Merge'.

    There are a bunch of other portable browsers (Opera, Chrome etc.) on portableapps.com if you'd like to give it a try. I've also been using Thunderbird portable for quite some time.




    • Thanks 2
  9. In regards to what I wrote in my earlier post above about Ridley Scott, apparently my impression of him was spot on. He is a highly commercial filmmaker who's in the business just for the money. He's got nothing important to say about anything and he obviously doesn't give a shit about the accuracy or the plausibility of the stories his films tell, mainly because that is way beyond his talent and pay grade. Also, the way he brags about Carl Sagan tells me that this guy is an ass with a huge ego, which, by the way, is something that can be easily read just by looking at his face.



  10. Has YT recently been recommending you old interviews of people with mental disorders as well or am I just being a little "paranoid" about that? 😅 I decided to watch a bunch of them, they were mostly heartbreaking as expected, but this guy below seemed pretty scary. Makes me wonder how people like these can cope with life in this day and age in which even the "normal" people struggle to stay sane, and how many of them are among us pretending to be "normal"...



    What baffles me is that how does YT allow people or institutions to publicly share videos like these. Isn't there anything called "patient confidentiality" or something similar in the US? Why isn't this illegal? It should be. These kinds of "educational" videos should only be shown to professionals and students who intend to study/work in that field.

    Edit: Deleted the videos, unlike YT, I have a conscience.

    • Confused 1
  11. On 1/15/2021 at 1:11 AM, bjornk said:

    Cyberpunk =  (A dark dystopian world setting with a city decorated with neon lights) + (Something cyber e.g. cyborgish augmentation or VR/AR) + (Some rebellious punks that look like they're from the 70's)

    Do you know what perfectly fits this formula? Fallout.

    A dark dystopian world setting with a city decorated with neon lights -> New Reno or New Vegas
    Something cyber e.g. cyborgish augmentation or VR/AR -> Besides Pipboy/VATS, which is AR, Fallout has all sorts of augmentations/implants.
    Some rebellious punks that look like they're from the 70's -> Fallout, as a game inspired by Mad Max, has some literal punks in it (e.g. female punks).
    Not to mention that it has Vault-Tec as an evil corporation.

    And guess what, some retard came up with a new sub-genre for it right out of his ass and called it "dieselpunk"... how desperately pathetic.

    • Agree 1
  12. Don't want to spoil your thread, but I really should get this off my chest, please feel free to ignore it.

    I no longer watch (new) movies or TV shows, neither on television nor on the Internet. I think the last one I followed reasonably closely was GoT, up until season 3 or 4. Anyway, about a week ago I came across a trailer for a new HBO sci-fi series called "Raised by Wolves" on Youtube, which apparently aired a few months ago. Ridley Scott's name was attached to it, so I thought it could be "decent". As I don't have HBO, I just watched all the episode summaries made by other people. No offense to the cast & crew, but the show turned out to be just another hot garbage. Don't know who should I blame for it. Despite being a talented filmmaker who loves his blue filters, all of Scott's movies are basically real-life comic-books with shallow characters who literally talk in speech bubbles and as far as I can see this show is no exception. He's also never really been a "deep" guy when it comes to sci-fi, although since his Prometheus garbage, I've been getting the impression that he might even be quite the anti-science, anti-evolution type of a guy. He obviously didn't have any issues with the godawful script of this new show either. Anyway, I'm glad that I'm not wasting my time watching stupid movies and tv shows anymore.

    • Agree 1
  13. You should ask the retards who keep attaching the word "punk" to whatever they found. I guess creating stupid sub-genres makes them feel special somehow. In their small minds this is probably formula:

    Cyberpunk =  (A dark dystopian world setting with a city decorated with neon lights) + (Something cyber e.g. cyborgish augmentation or VR/AR) + (Some rebellious punks that look like they're from the 70's)

    What these idiots call as cp don't even have a common theme most of the time, as they lack one or more of the things in the formula. I personally don't give a shit about how they categorize books and movies in their stupid heads. To me the only meaningful categorization is "sci-fi". Whenever I hear about "something-punk" I quickly realize that it's some millennial shit and steer clear of it.

    • Agree 3
  14. Some people refer to Blade Runner as a "cyberpunk" film, which was neither cyber, nor punk. The film was based on a 1968 novel which was written in an era in which the "punk" subculture did not even exist and it deals with androids and artificial intelligence and the plot revolves around what it means to be human. The movie itself doesn't deal with anything "cyber" or "punk" either in any specific or generic way, and its aesthetic style, i.e. the cityscape with neon lights, was simply a thing of the 80's, which anybody can observe in films and series that was made in that decade. People literally cherry pick this film despite not at all part of the cp sub-genre, most likely because it inspired the aesthetic style of some of the "cyberpunk" films. CP 2077 was no exception, it has blatantly copied BR aesthetic since its announcements and it's really no surprise that even William Gibson called it as the "GTA with generic 80's retro-future", which is pretty much what it is.

    • Agree 1
  15. My pick would be:

    Jagged Alliance 2 (with the 1.13 mod)


    Mount & Blade : Warband (with mods), and maybe Skyrim (with mods).

    and here's my reasoning:

    • Would always pick a sandbox/semi-sandbox role-playing game with high replayability.
    • Would always pick a PC game as I like the freedom to modify a game however I like.
    • Would NEVER pick a narrative driven or story focused game as stories get old really fast.
  16. If you had to choose a single video game to play for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?


    1. You must only pick one, but you're allowed to post runner-ups.
    2. You may not pick an unreleased game (e.g. Star Citizen).
    3. You may use mods.
    4. You may pick older games (e.g. Atari, C64, Amiga games).
    5. You are not allowed to play it on multiple platforms.
    6. You do not have to explain the reasons why you've picked it, but you are welcome to do so.
    7. You can change your mind anytime you want by editing your post.
    8. You may only pick single-player games or rather, games that don't rely on an external service, or other people to be played.


  17. How many processes do you guys see when you look at the Details tab on the Task Manager on your PC/laptop while you're not running any programs? Just count the lines. Is it below or above 30? What about the running services (services.msc)? Is it around 40 or way more than that? Not related to this topic, but I'm just curious if you've done any optimizations to your Windows or you're running it as it was originally configured.

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