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Posts posted by bjornk


    These exploits might be patched later on, but this video still makes something pretty clear; items, crafting, perks, combat, every fucking system is retarded in this game. And mind you, if you craft too many items your save file gets corrupted... An 8 MB save is not even that big, considering the size and scope of the game, and when compared to the save size in their previous games.





    • Most dialogues (98%) have no impact on the story whatsoever. The vast majority of dialogue only changes the next line of dialogue and that’s it.
    • Only a very small subset of dialogues (around 2% of all dialogues) actually have any impact whatsoever. These are the choices pointed out in this guide.
    • You will always end up on the same linear story path with the same objectives and missions no matter what.



  2. 94905364cd23c9257ba42828558ab55f.png


    Cyberpunk 2077 Refunds

    SIE strives to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction, therefore we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store.  SIE will also be removing Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice.

    Once we have confirmed that you purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store, we will begin processing your refund.  Please note that completion of the refund may vary based on your payment method and financial institution.




    • Like 2
  3. On 12/16/2020 at 11:14 PM, driftscape said:

    I thought FPP was about "muh realism". So they said? Well, I guess that doesn't apply to everything.

    What realism though? This is a game with bullet sponge enemies that can take numerous shots to their unarmored heads from a high caliber handgun or can be cut ten times with a katana and still manage to continue fighting as if nothing happened, which, by the way, things gets incredibly retarded in their idiotic "boss fights". I watched the fight with the endgame boss just yesterday, and the guy playing it emptied three magazines right of the bat from his seemingly powerful assault rifle and the "boss" did not even flinched once for a single second and kept wandering around casually while continuing to taunt the PC. The guy finally ran out of ammo and had to switch to other weapons to continue... Cops spawn out of nowhere and you get shot by enemies that shoot you through the walls... Combat in this game is nothing but a joke,.. The PC casually buys body augmentations from random shops and have them installed in a couple of hours and walks away, despite the fact that some of them clearly requires very intrusive surgical procedures... He then goes on and takes a shower... with his clothes on... I don't know what this game is really, but it's neither realistic, nor immersive. Just take a look at the comparison below between GTAV, a seven year old game, and this turd and see how incompetent CDPR really is. Considering the hype for this game, the end result is truly laughable.



    • Agree 3
  4. Oh look, a CDPR shill having regrets about shilling for them... lovely! 💯🤣


    I feel duped by CD Projekt Red. I get that reviews and coverage  are inextricably part of *the machine*, but it's rare that a company so boldly takes advantage of it to deceive and mislead. In half a decade, when we're talking about Witcher 4, I plan to remember this.

    CDPR structured the embargo with an obvious purpose: get the highest possible metacritic without divulging the true state of the game on the most popular platforms. In effect, it used the media to support its deception.

    And I wish I would've been more skeptical, but let's be clear: other companies don't usually do this. At least not to this level. And I was expecting the usual level of trying to maximize the review scores. So CDPR got the benefit of the doubt. That should never happen again.


  5. Cyberpoop 2077. 💩

    It's fucking amazing how so many reviewers (i.e. shills) managed to come up with immediate 10/10s in just a couple days of playing this buggy mess. 💯

    It's literally a crappy looter-shooter which poorly imitates GTA and Deus Ex, while trying to pretend that it's an RPG, cause it has some basic "character progression" I suppose. I'm yet to see a single moment throughout the whole game in which the player is actually allowed to "role-play". So far, it's literally been another case of "yes, no but yes, sarcastic yes", but sure, "It's an RPG guys!", as some idiots claim.

    While everything I had said and speculated in this thread were spot on, I've never thought that they had set out to compete with Bethesda to create the most bug infested game. Good job CDPR! Has anybody actually played this game on a PS4 or an XBOX One, before "going gold"? I somehow doubt it. By the way, selling physical copies of a software that doesn't work properly is, by definition, a SCAM. If people are going to have to download huge patches to make this thing work, then what is the point of selling a physical copy? It's utterly inexcusable. The game should've been in a playable state at least. But of course, the sheeple still say "but they will fix it!"... Let's hope they'll fix it, or at least offer refunds, cause their overrated reputation is at stake now. Although, no amount of fixing could turn this turd into an RPG. 💩

    They should have learned from Bethesda's example and removed the NPCs! 🤣

    There is your 3rd person, if you can stand the crappy animations. Someone apparently modded it in. Pretty sure the obnoxious CDPR fanboys are gonna be pissed. 🤣



  6. The only way I can think of that may allow you to steal items from other players is to overwrite or reuse a function in the game either by modifying memory or modifying game files (EXE's and DLL's etc. where game functions are located), but it would only be possible if there's no checks on the server side. By the looks of it, there's no such checks in this joke of a game. It would be cumbersome if not difficult for a normie to modify functions by modifying the memory, so I guess they simply modified a game file, or replaced it with a hacked one, which suggests that the game doesn't even check game files for authenticity before letting you into the game. What a joke.

  7. Shit like that always makes me less and less inclined to contribute to any online community, especially when there are paying patrons, premiums and other kind of "privileged" members in that community. They are always eager to suck the dick and lick the ass of whoever in charge of that community against any kind of criticism, a typical fanboy behavior. If they were given admin/moderator powers their patronizing tone becomes even more despicable, then it's best to stay a long way away from that place, if you care about your mental health.

    Also recently found out that my "modder" account on Nexus had been deactivated for some reason and had to reactivate it. Guess I hadn't signed in to that account for about a year or maybe a little longer, but I don't know why they did that, I mean, it wasn't like ten fucking years of absence, but whatever.


  8. On 11/23/2019 at 7:57 PM, ritualclarity said:

    @bjornk If you liked Blood Beach .. try C.H.U.D and "Its alive"... :P (and the rest of the series of 'its Alive")

    Nah, I don't like watching horror movies, especially stupid ones and most, if not all, of them are. The reason why I was searching for Blood Beach was because of a particular scene in it where the beach monster bites off a guy's dick, which was kinda funny. I could never recall the name of the movie and there was no Internet back then, so I kept wondering what the hell it was.

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