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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. This may not be a major concern for people who have a PC/laptop with plenty of memory, but you may still be annoyed by the fact that your browser keeps using more and more memory as long as it stays open and it never seems to give the unused amount back. Here's a useful tip to reduce memory usage for an active browser session by forcing garbage collection etc. Unfortunately it only works for Firefox users.


    0. Close all currently opened tabs.
    1. Go to about:memory
    2. In the Free memory section, click on all three buttons (GC, CC, and Minimize Memory Usage) once.

    Also try reducing the "Content Process Limit" to 6 or 4, which is 8 by default (in Options -> Performance section).


    • Thanks 2
  2. I find these comparisons super entertaining for some reason. Especially when you recall that around the time GTA V was released, CDPR was claiming that this game was going to offer a "next-gen open world". 🤣 By the way, CP's retarded shadow animations could easily be used to start a new retarded dance movement, a la Gangnam Style 2077.


    • Haha 1
  3. 21 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Then you didn't read the news that the devs the ones that were working on this game was bitching at the publisher that released the game. Who is the clueless one... Go on your aimless, unfounded and baseless rants to someone else.

    That news article you and everyone else were talking about literally says that some of the CDPR staff reacted angrily at CDPR "management" during an "internal video meeting". Nobody was "bitching at the publisher", which is technically impossible anyway, as they publish their own games. There was no external influence involved in the making of this garbage that you call "compelling". All decisions were made at CDPR, all lies were told by CDPR.


    If you were somehow trying to make a distinction between the "decision makers" (e.g. producers, studio leads, designers) and the rest of the overworked staff, which is rather pointless and irrelevant cause nobody blames those people for doing what they were told to do, and you made a rather poor job making that distinction.

    21 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    Apologist...? Seriously, have you read my post.. I HAVE THE GAME... You don't.  I know what is going on... you don't other than some bullshit artist that plays hours and hours of game play to gather up the glitches to make a montage. By the way.. several of those clips you see on all these videos .. are repeating badly.. from the same video clip.. just reworked again and again. Same angle and the like.  Also... you didn't read my post stating that this game isn't sell-able. That I'd not advise anyone to buy it. It isn't worth the money.  Apologist? YEA RIGHT, MY ASS.

    You immediately start your defense of the game by the same old argument "you haven't played the game" and then try to dismiss the compilations of bugs shown in videos, cause you haven't seen them in your game. The kind of attitude expected from an apologist or a fanboy. Yes, I don't have it and I have not played the game, but I have watched several LPs of it and personally witnessed some of those bugs as I watched, at the same time as the person playing it. The bugs and glitches aren't the only problem with this game. It has major design flaws, which you tried to dismiss in an earlier post as expected from an apologist. In terms of technology it cannot even compete against 10-15 year old games as shown in dozens of videos. In terms of game play it offers absolutely nothing that hasn't been done before, and better, in the past two decades. Today's "low standards" for good games that you seem to complain about was created by the very people who called garbage games as "compelling" games and I truly regret the time I've wasted discussing video games with them, as if their opinions have any value.




  4. 6 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

    I don't blame the devs.. according to news reports they seem to be as angry with the push of release as us consumers if not more so. It is the publishers. they were the ones that wanted a nice cash infusion into the company and didn't give a flying fuck about the game or rep.

    Oh, it's the "publishers" huh? You're a clueless CDPR apologist. It was CDPR who misled the publishers, the investors, as well as the customers and now they're getting their asses sued.

    Ahahaha... my sides! 🤣

    • Like 1
  5. It's amazing to see how some people who were defending FO76 and kept saying "I'm having fun, therefore it's not bad", are now defending this game and shitting on Bethesda. Whatever they are having fun with is, by definition, good and it's only bad when they're no longer having fun with it. It's the kind of egotistical thinking, which is, to me an obvious sign of low IQ.

  6. Another Korean MMO by the developer who made Black Desert, maybe it's a sequel. Aside from the graphics and detailed open-world, BD is/was garbage. Back at LL I've mentioned a few times about how their engine could nicely support a single-player RPG such as Elder Scrolls or Dragon Age, but only if was made by a well-known Western developer who is still passionate about making good games and sadly, none left. I don't believe anything good can come out of it, especially not when it's a Korean developer in charge of designing the game play, which will most likely be similar to their previous MMO, with dumb AI, dumb kill/fetch quests, flashy unrealistic combat, all sort of exploitative MMO garbage such as in game purchases with P2W items, stupid costumes etc. Personally, I'm not interested.

  7. Hear ye, hear ye! Here comes the lawsuit...😂


    Don't think I've mentioned this before, but the voice acting for the player character is absolutely disgusting for both genders. While the female one occasionally makes me want to smack her in the mouth, the male one makes me want to blow his head off.


  8. 2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

    They removed the 8 MB save file size limit.

    Having one was idiotic in the first place, but having a file size limit doesn't seem like the only problem with their save system. It seems to have a "snowballing" issue, so simply removing the limit may not be enough to fix it. By snowballing I mean, what should be overwritten or recycled seems to stay in the save indefinitely (e.g. items that no longer exist in the game). Someone actually did a bit of an experiment with the ever increasing save size as mentioned in the following video.



    • Like 2
  9. More CP beating, this time from RDR2...



    In CP, as soon as you commit a crime, the game spawns a bunch of cops around you, what a retarded design. Some fanboys would even defend this I'm sure. What is even more annoying is that cops only react to player actions. In the second video, one of them is kept getting shot by some gang, who are actually shooting at the player, and the cop seems totally fine with that. Absolutely RETARDED.

    One major problem with RDR2 in these videos is that the player character seems to take way less damage than he's supposed to. I don't know if it's related to the difficulty setting or a cheat is being used (e.g. god mode), but if that's really how it is in the game then it's also retarded.


  10. What the heck is going on in that shower scene? That upside down motorbike was hilarious. The motorbike without a driver is probably not much of a glitch, cause the game doesn't seem to add drivers to vehicles unless they are really close to the player, which can be seen in the GTA comparison video, and sometimes it's either too slow to add them, or probably forgets to add them completely.

    • Agree 1
  11. At this point their incompetence is pretty obvious. This game was clearly too big of a challenge for them. They should've hired better engineers and programmers instead of Hollywood celebrities. After years of hype, they released a joke of a game which would be mediocre at best, if it was bug free.

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  12. I don't know if I've posted about it before, but while watching LPs, I got the impression that the game didn't properly save the game state. For instance, when a saved game is loaded it looked as if the AI state wasn't properly reset. On top of that, people were talking about save files getting corrupted when crafting too many items, enough to exceed the (seemingly) imposed file size limit on saves, which is apparently around 8 MB, a rather small value considering their previous games. Which makes me wonder if some of the bugs and glitches we see in videos are related to improperly saved game state. What I mean by that is basically they don't properly save certain things that they should, possibly to keep the file size in check. I wonder if would reduce the amount of bugs and glitches you encounter, if you fire up the game and keep playing without loading any save (e.g. create a character and go as far as possible with it, without a save/load).

    It's yet another incident showcases an incompetent developer and their retarded fanboys, does nothing but adding more fuel to the dumpster fire...

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