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Posts posted by bjornk

  1. This was a silly movie I watched in a theater back when I was a kid and after all this time I've finally managed to find what it was and the whole thing's on YT as well. 🤣


    Watched the whole thing once again and liked the jazzy parts of the soundtrack, and then I found out that they were composed by Gil Melle, and while searching for his music on YT, I found this soundtrack for the movie 'The Andromeda Strain' which sounded interesting, but I couldn't find the whole movie on YT, still bits of it seemed interesting... God, I LOVE discovering old stuff! Perhaps I should've been an archeologist or something! 🤣




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  2. Stridulum (aka. The Visitor) 1979

    An ancient intergalactic warrior arrives on Earth to put a stop to a demonic child's plot to reproduce Satan's next generation of evil. 😓

    Good cast, good music, weird movie. Check it out when you have some time to waste.

  3. Oh, boy! Just come across a 1979 movie on YT called 'Caligula' (played by Malcolm McDowell) and the entire thing is there, but I'm not gonna post it. I guess it would be really inappropriate even on this forum. If you want to check it out you have to sign in on YT as it's age restricted.

    • Like 1
  4. LOL I've just found some NSFW stuff on YT probably taken from Italian? erotic movies which I thought worthy of sharing, but it didn't seem appropriate to post them in the other threads so I've decided to create one to post random NSFW stuff. Anyways, I'll post them in spoilers...





    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

    1990's Lauren Holly...holy fuck.

    Ahhh... LH in Picket Fences.😍 Had a bit of a crush on her back then, used to watch that stupid show just to see her, and that was before JC snatched her away. She was adorable back then, but I guess she had a facelift or something at some point, a la Meg Ryan, as well as a boob job. Can't say that I care anymore.




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    • Haha 1
  6. Just a another game for dumbfucks who just want to run around and shoot things and collect items, why would anyone want to take a day off to play something like that is beyond me. I've never played it or even interested in it and I just HATE that shader? effect they use, whatever that is, nauseating, which is, I believe, also used in the shitty 'game' adaptation of The Walking Dead.

  7. The success or the failure of a developer or a publisher never really interests me. I simply don't care. There are thousands of games I've never played and never will, console exclusives for instance, and I never feel that I've been missing out on something and this game will be no exception, even if it turns out to be a massive success. The only reason why I feel slightly disappointed is that I was hoping that CDPR could make a game I would enjoy. Turns out they can't and they won't, which means it's a fairly bleak future for the types of games I enjoy playing, considering we've already crossed out Bioware and Bethesda.

  8. 17 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Yeah, I'm glad I'm dodging this game. The CP2077 fanbois are just as pathetic as Bethesda fanbois. Anyone who questions CDPR they go full rage on you.

    On 6/13/2018 at 9:43 AM, bjornk said:

    There are several discussions about the issue on their forum here. Have to admit, CDPR has managed to gather quite an obnoxious fanboy crowd around them. Quite literally dogs, who lick their master's asshole every now and then and bark at everyone who dares to criticize their master. Much like the ones owned by Bioware and Bethesda.

    It was clear to me how obnoxious they were when they attacked the people who wanted a 3rd person option on the game's forum. And then SJW journalists called them as "nasty", "toxic" etc. for completely different reasons. They were right of course, even though their clash with them was on a completely different ground. And now we see them defend the game even against the people who were okay with the earlier changes. They are complete fanatics, but that's not really surprising in this day and age. CDPR and their games have now become a new consumer cult and it all started with TW3.

    It's quite funny looking at my old posts in this thread and see myself "hopeful" at the beginning, and then gradually turn into "hateful".🤣

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  9. 2 hours ago, vancleef said:

    Loved this one...especially for Sam Waterson's corny jokes.

    The one he tells in the scene where he climbed the cliff is worth "meme"rizing... 😅

    I've always loved Jerry Goldsmiths score, Kay's Theme especially. Probably one of the reasons why this movie has stayed as a favorite of mine for a long time.

    • Like 1
  10. Quote

    Scientists have found an unexplained, shiny gel on the far side of the Moon.


    Probably a Hanar in a crashed space ship, you know... "big, stupid jellyfish". 🤣

    • Haha 1
  11. Here's one of my old favorites, have seen it a few times before all on TV. Never watched it in this format before, didn't even know it was on YT. Very good film, highly recommended.



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  12. Does anyone remember certain websites interviewing them and asking about the possibility of "gender fluid" characters a few years back? Or was it last year? This is the end result of their inquiries, clear as day. Nothing to do with the "lore" or anything. And if you're curious why I keep associating this mess with the millennials, just watch that Family Guy episode.

    - Where's the nearest bathroom?
    - Gender fluid?
    - Yes there will be a lot of that.


    By the way, I vaguely recall talking here about the possibility of the game being influenced by the SJWs and the millennials... can't recall when it was, but here I am, once again end up being the most accurate.



  13. 8 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

    Like this shill?

    He's clearly a CP2077 fanboi. Glad I stopped following him a long time ago.

    Isn't that obvious? All the fanboys who defend this game either has a channel about it, or a figurine, booklet behind them or a CP desktop background which they shamelessly show on their videos, which, at least, proves that they are all biased. This guy would also suck Kojima's dick if he could and as Kendo already mentioned, he kept defending Andromeda up until its release, he changed his tone only when everyone started to make fun of the game.

    - Deleted the rest of message, as it's a waste of time talking about why's and how's of something, when everything is quite obvious. -


  14. I really dislike this guy's videos, he keeps ranting and ranting about his former crackhead girl friends and some other pointless shit and NEVER to the point. He's often right of course but I just don't have patience to sit through the whole thing. So what did the fags at Bethesda do this time? Did they steal someone else's work again?

  15. Just noticed that this piece of MEH of a game has leveled items just like DA:I, Anthem etc. such as the purple "Epic" clothing. "Epic clothing"... They're soo "21st century" when it comes to gender issues... their game play ideas however aren't even close.



    Too bad it's just one level short of a "legendary" hoodie. 🙄

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  16. The game was supposed have "full nudity" if you recall what CDPR said when they showcased the first game play video back in E3 2018. Where is it now, I wonder? The "digital noise" they used to censor the body parts have now been replaced with underwear instead AND more importantly, there is no underwear slot in the inventory screen, which quite possibly means that the game does not support underwear and that the underwear on the PC is permanent. In other words, NO FULL NUDITY, at least not for the player character.


    In the final version of the game, that digital noise will likely be removed. But for its big reveal, CD Projekt didn’t want to be accused of using nudity for shock value, or to have its time with the international press sidetracked by conversations about male or female nudity in video games.


    Badowski said that in the final game, his team intends to have full nudity, not for shock value but because it supports one of the most important themes in the cyberpunk genre: transhumanism, the belief that humanity can transcend its current mental and physical form with the help of technology. Throughout Cyberpunk 2077, players will have to grapple with what it means for them personally to become transhuman, and one of the pieces of imagery the team plans to use is nudity.


    Their behavior is pretty similar to Bethesda's, they sound like they have no idea of what they want to do, or a clear vision of what kind of a game they want to build, they just evaluate/try every possible idea, listen to every one with stupid ideas, including SJWs and snowflakes. And for that reason, CP2077 is going to be mediocre game at best, perhaps not even that, just like FO4. Who knows, mods might fix their game too, if it supports modding, though I doubt it.

    I was expecting to see at least some interesting feature, a small innovation in terms of role-playing. I've not seen a single one. Everything they showed and talked about afterwards can be found in any other game nowadays. There was nothing specific to role-playing, because they don't have anything to show.

    You're going to be the errand boy again, asking for jobs to make money, in order to buy better stuff, XP in order to advance in the story, in other words it's the same old same old.


    It's a huge MEH of a game.


  17. Just finished watching the 15 min game play demo. It looked just like a classic errand boy game (i.e. do errands to progress in the game) with literally bullet sponge enemies, lackluster character creation, starting with character background selection (3 options), body selection (with indeed no gender selection, just 2 body types), very basic appearance customization with no size or position sliders, only a bunch of presets for eyes, ears, mouth etc. There are only 5 attributes, plus various perks. That's it. This is what some people have been so excited about, the whole thing was an absolute MEH for me. 6 year old MMO's offer far superior customization than this.

    Weren't the PC supposed to be naked in CC screen? Didn't they tell us that they blurred certain parts just for E3 back in 2018? On top of a MEH game, now we have multiple types of regression...


    CDPR's "deep customization"... enjoy... 12 year old Mass Effect is deeper than this turd.








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