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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. Frolicking? You misspelled a syllable there, I think...
  2. vancleef

    Bandit Pet

    Don't blame yourself. She's irresistible.
  3. vancleef

    Witchy Magic

    Hurt Brain is my default setting.
  4. vancleef

    Witchy Magic

    What's the spell effect? Did you add it in with and illustrator program or is it in-game graphics?
  5. This is me summed up in one meme. It's why I will never finish a comic series:
  6. Someone, please, for the love of Gawd, tear down this flag!
  7. What's interesting to me is the Deadpool article states they already introduced a Lesbian couple in the second film. So leave it there. You've made your point. Some people don't fuck the opposite sex. Why do they feel the need to keep spewing it again and again and again?
  8. Would never happen in this day and age but can you imagine? That would be, like, the most ironically hilarious project ever!
  9. LadySmoks, you just gained a convert. That's exactly it. My personal rant: A few years back the re-did the classic Western, The Magnificent Seven with a racially diverse cast and a Black actor (Denzel Washington) in the lead. Now, first things first: this Western, more than most, lends itself to this formula since the "7" are a gang of interesting and individual characters. There is not really a problem with casting a Black actor in a role that originally featured a White actor. None of this is what annoys me. What annoys me is, it's like Hollywood is just taking the same old shit and churning it out because "if it sold once, it'll sell again". And in the process they piss off everyone. Whites are, like, "Goddamn it! This was my movie you redid!" And Minorities are, like, "What? You won't make an original movie but just re-hash a movie originally starring Whites because that's safe?" There was a legendary US Marshal operating in Arkansas and the Indian Territory (present day state of Oklahoma) named Bass Reeves. He was a Black lawman, working alongside dozens of other Marshals White, Black and Native American. Reeves's story reads like an adventure novel. And so do plenty of his fellow Marshal's stories, too. The screenwriters will barely have to redo much of his story and it'll be a great tale. But is anyone filming this story? No. Instead, they'll just film the Man With No Name trilogy with a Black cast or something stupid like that instead of producing something that not only is cool history but ACTUALLY features a real-life, Minority badass! Going back to the Gay Superman. Why? Create a new Gay character. Marvel created all sorts of Black Superheroes and their movies have been successful. Blade, Black Panther, Falcon...the list goes on. Why isn't anyone else doing this instead of, *cough cough* Culturally Appropriating classic material?
  10. From a Quora post. This guy nails it:
  11. His girlfriend said he's really into necking.
  12. He may lend the bandits a hand. Not like he could lend them a head...
  13. He's a Wanderer. He is not headed in any direction.
  14. He's lost...um...face...
  15. Don't dig up old graves...
  16. Yup. I know several artists who handle all their own distribution, marketing, tours, the whole deal. They only clear about 50K a year or so, but it's amazing how much they'd be ripped off if they fall under the spell of the entertainment industry. There was a band who audited their management company and found out the guy, in addition to many other equally heinous "expenses", was charging them 2K A MONTH for photocopies! Fucker was paying his mortgage printing out a few sheets of paper!
  17. I hope this is a spoof site because if you drill into a gas tank and there's a spark...
  18. Seriously. My IQ dropped listening to this. Strip away the propaganda from the other side and what you're still left with are two of the dumbest people occupying the numbers 1 and 2 seat in the US. My Grandfather was vaporized by an artillery shell in World War 2. THIS is what he sacrificed his life for?
  19. This is where I live! Traditionally a bastion of Democrats. Even this town is turning against Biden!
  20. I was at lunch with my Mom today (who was a teenager during the Cuban Missile Crisis) and she said, "I lived through nuclear panics in the 60s, 70s and 80s! I'm not falling for this one! It'll pass!"
  21. These morons are just upset because all the media attention they've enjoyed for the last two years is over! Putin pushed them off the front page!
  22. Say what you will about any of the past 4 administrations. Even Clinton wouldn't have let this happen. Biden is a disgrace. This country is on the ropes now. If he is re-elected, we'll be knocked out for good.
  23. Those Bobbed haircuts, wide eyes and pert noses are very reminiscent of the Mad Master of Modding his own self, Kendo! You're influenced by the best!
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