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Everything posted by vancleef

  1. Nowhere near the level you folks mod to but here's my Barbarian Bimbo, Sonya of Skyrim:
  2. Eventually Sonya ends up in the dungeon at Castle Dour...and Sybille Stentor is hungry!
  3. This time it'll be Skyrim-themed. Introducing Sonya, the Barbarian Bimbo! A naive Nord Maiden ventures out into the world to seek her fortune. Unfortunately, the land of Skyrim has other plans for her...
  4. The Lock Vest Monster! (see what I did there?)
  5. vancleef

    Sacrificial offering

    Jarl Balgruff has to give the giants something to distract them from raiding the land.
  6. vancleef

    Sacrificial offering

    Uh-oh! Sonya's in yet another bind!
  7. Dark gods require gifts...
  8. Nope. We've had an interstate bridge collapse just one county over and they finally replaced the "bridge under a bridge" the built to prevent debris falling onto the highway. But instead, the Administration sends taxpayer dollars to Pakistan for Gender Studies. 4 Administrations from now they'll finally address this situation. It'll take two more administrations to get it going, the first one will likely only see the new "department" finally getting desks and computers. When it IS finally up and running, the costs will be at least 300% over what a competent private company would charge. Oh, and they'll build it with foreign steel, bolts and tools, all purchased at 300+% over retail. But no more mean Tweets, amiright?
  9. So DC Comics made its latest Superman a bisexual climate warrior and it turns out people aren't really interested in reading that sort of thing! | Not the Bee
  10. The...ahem..."President" is in my town today to discuss infrastructure. We also had a bridge collapse today. Coincidence?
  11. "My favorite Tik Tok videos are the ones where the person is doing nothing. I mean, at least squat on a cactus so we can laugh at you."
  12. Flatworms can literally make you their bitch!
  13. Golden Globes, Academy Awards, Grammies, etc. They're fucking Trade Shows. Put them in a convention center where they belong and let the people who care (the celebs and their echo chambers) attend. Keep it off TV. Unless, of course, you wany to start showing Trade Shows for plumbers and accountants too. 'Cuz that shit is just as boring. The one good thing to come out of the lockdown was celebrities losing their shit because no one was paying attention to them. And all their hackneyed and feeble attempts to get back in the public eye imploded. I remember everyone from my neighbors to professional comedians making fun of that Gal Gadot-led "Imagine" video. Even the dumb-ass sheep with no lives are mocking them. Hit your mark, say your lines and then go the fuck home and shut up. THAT'S your job!
  14. "Hey! Where do you live? Are you in Oregon?" That's my new catchphrase.
  15. Season's Greeting, you loveable Jerks!
  16. We have a bakery in our county owned and operated by a Lesbian couple. You'd think they would be toeing the Liberal line. Believe it or not, they were one of the first to implement a "No vax, No problem" policy. They have been one of the most vocal "business first" voices in our area. My brother is a member of the local Stagehand's Union and after the latest decision in NYC to close Broadway again, the Union officers are screaming for politicians' heads. Gives me hope.
  17. Pretty sure that if my ancestor, who came over to Jamestown in 1611, was alive today, he'd say, "Are you fucking kidding me? I HAD to spend 6 weeks on a boat! YOU have a choice!"
  18. My brother was ranting the other day about how he thought this whole "shortage and transportation problem" was a scam by Big Business. I thought he was a Conspiracy Nut. Today, I may owe him an apology...
  19. Sonya in trouble! Again!
  20. Okay. I have seen some shit in my time. Seriously. I watched a kid in my neighborhood get run over by a car and another time my brother get mauled by an attack dog. This...was way fucking worse!
  21. I really like and respect Sandmann. I thought he handled his entire ordeal with class and dignity. Kid is a good example for other young adults. Not that the media will ever say that, though...
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